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stiltokin74 say's hello

Hello IC Mag family. Just wanted to take the plunge and join the 21st century. Been lurking on the net since the early days of OG, but never actually made a move to join before now. As the handle alludes to, I started tokin the sacred herb as a junior in high school way back in '74 and have taken only one 7 month voluntary sabbatical from it in that time. When you look up pothead in the dictionary that is my picture used for illustration. For years and years I smoked what I now know as schwagg, and even convinced myself that my connections were the best, then I discovered the internet. WOW!!! Not even close. By chance an individual who went by the handle Rev pointed me to the old OG sight and an entirely new world opened up. People were doing the thang! Regular everyday people like me.the only difference was they didnt allow the man to bluff and bully them into obedience to their draconian edicts. I realized I too could do this. That was in '04. I ordered some seed from Heavens Stairway and it was on, though I never managed to harvest anything from that first attempt that was the beginning. Since then I have managed a half dozen grows with varying but always satisfying results thanks to Red Greenery and Lifeless in the microgrow section. My genetics are C99, C99XDeepChunk ,Pommello ,NLxBlueberry,and Sam's OTHxSK1. Looking forward to getting something new soon. Anyway, as you can see I have a tendency to run on, I am happy to be here and look forward to making new friends. stiltokin out.
Thank You very much. I spend enough time here it kinda seems like home in a way. I rarely meet people out here in the world as passionate about the herb as I am. It is nice to be with like minded souls. Thanks again for the welcome.

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