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still sharing joints? why I don't


Hello my enlightened pals! I think I will enlighten one right now to help me write this! :joint:

I grew up in the 60's and it was pot culture to pass a joint. Holding onto it was frowned upon, and in large groups we passed to people we didn't even know.

Can we stop now? Am I terrible for feeling this way?
I hate sharing joints.
First there is the spit factor-some people just don't know how to smoke, they get it all spitty and collapsed, or they toke hard and run the side down ( and then these same individuals will 'do you the favor' of 'repairing' it by running a blob of spit down the side with their finger) :nono:

and disease factor - how many times have I caught or passed along some crummy virus ?
Then there are "the talkers"
come on, you know them- the people that take the joint and blab. they take a hit and blab it out without even holding onto it. Blab blab blab, and you're sitting there like, come on! give it back!!!! :cuss:

My answer is to cut it in half, or roll them their own.
I hate pipes- that is a whole other thread!
I am curious as to how others experience this and where else could I ask but this fine community ??


the solution would be to roll everyone a personal pinner...but i just share most of the time its a family member...i do smoke my morning joint all by myself nobody gets a hit from the first one...peace
You can also get yourself a crutch, a tube of some sort to stick the end of the joint in, so the tube is in your mouth instead of the joint.

Mr. Nevermind

I share J's with my girl. but she is a talker and a holder of the J at times. When i pass to her , if she starts talking and just holding it i take the J back from her. She gets mad but i tell her im passingit to her to smoke, not hold and look cool. So she either puffs fast or its yanked out of her hand, period.

she is one of the only people i can smoke with. i dont like smoking with groups of people , strangers or peopel i just met. In past 5 years only people ihave smokes with besides my girl are Sun Sim , weedwrapperman , mr tight eyes and 3legdog. I smoke with growers , that way noone acts stupid or says anything stupid. Regualr smokers think they know everything about pot and say the dumbest shit. Like " i was smoking some purple haze i got from my dealer" or " hydro is the best herb you can get"



Well-known member
Personally, I smoke alone. My pipe, my spit, my responsibility to keep it all clean and hygenic. When guests come around, I have guest pipes. Joints; everyone gets their own. I know my friends well enough to know that I don't want to know what their mouths taste like after 6 beers and a curry.



i use bongs a lot of the time, where your mouth doesnt touch anything. and when i do smoke joints/blunts most people know the etiquette that comes with it, however i dont blaze with a tons of different people. Those whom i do burn with know a thing or two about weed themselves, so its all good.
im with you man.. i personally dont know any other growers or ppl that are educated about cannabis.. so i always end up wiping the liquid from the end of the pipe or drying out the jay.. it isnt rocket science i dont understand why ppl cant keep things dry.


so happy to hear I'm not alone in this! mr nevermind cracked me up- and I appreciate the hygenic use of pipes and such....yea, everyone getting their own is ideal for me.

have to say I agree about smoking pot with amateurs- though it can be sometimes amusing.....is there a thread of funny OD stories?

I have not had the chance to smoke with other growers or folks that know what they are talking about- and am looking forward to doing that come April! I promise not to drool.


Non Conformist
Glad ta hear I'm not the only one...lol

Glad ta hear I'm not the only one...lol

l don't have many pet peeves,but slobbering on the joint ranks right up there,so does hittin it like there's no tommarro.I don't know how many folks in their greediness have done this,only ta end up gettin too high and not feelin comfortable,or carpin out on me.LOL At the risk of bein rude,ya have ta remind them ta take it easy,yer gonna get high...aaahh well,whada ya gonna do,they are "friends". hehe Take care...BC


In India the Sadhus believe the herb is holy and sacred and that you should never touch your lips to the pipe or joint.This is why they all carry a chillum which is clutched an the hands in a way that you smoke from a hole formed in your hands and not from the pipe itself pretty smart really considering all the diseases that must be present there with em all rubbing dead peoples ashes on themselves and bathing and drinking from the same river they throw the corpses into.


Aww man do I ever know what you mean! I especially hate the spit part which I call Cocksucking! I am guilty of yappin at the mouth but it's gotta be some really good shit.

The term cocksucking, as I use it, comes from a combination of things. First, it came from a female friend of mine who has this gay friend. This dude is like one of those flamboyant attitude having, pms all day bitches. Sorry if I offend others but that's the best way to describe him. Anyway, the rotation went from me, to her, to him to me. When I got that shit back from him, it was LACED with saliva. It looked like he gave the blunt a fucking blowjob. So, as not to offend, I just put it between my fingers and put my lips to my fingers and smoked that way.

I figure I use the term cocksucking because it looks like cock sucking in the first place and it's a definite reminder for guys who aren't gay. I say it straight out - why are you sucking cock? Of course they get offended but it's when they see how much saliva they leave on the blunt, they understand what they're doing is fucked up! If they have the nerve to say some shit like, that's how I smoke, either I won't touch it again or they won't touch it again, especially if it's MY shit! Fuck that and fuck these cocksuckers.

As for the talkin too much, just tell me. Even if I've taken just one puff, I'll pass that shit. I'll do the same thing. If you're talkin too much, I'll tell you. I think I got at a few people!

One of MY things is the PASS TAX. If you're ass is too lazy to get up to pass or take the blunt or joint from someone else and it comes around my way, the pass tax is one hit! That will cover labor and effort on my part! LOL.

Another thing I hate to see to use of saliva in the first place, especially when it comes to using blunts. Sometimes, you've simply got to use some spit. But, sometimes, I would just run the blunt under some water and I do mean RUN! Quick pass under a running faucet will do the trick and may even need a little drying. But, the surrounding leaf pulls right off. Roll the weed in there, MOISTEN, not wet, your fingertips and you've got yourself a spitless blunt!



you run your blunts under the tap??

i always remove the leaf or buy a bluntwrap (wet cherry is my fav) and all you have to remember when fixing a run is: a little spit goes a long way, but i can understand that when someone doesnt know how to do it properly this can be nasty, dang "cocksuckers" :D


rkrone said:
you run your blunts under the tap??

i always remove the leaf or buy a bluntwrap (wet cherry is my fav) and all you have to remember when fixing a run is: a little spit goes a long way, but i can understand that when someone doesnt know how to do it properly this can be nasty, dang "cocksuckers" :D

i have a friend, who my friends and i do NOT allow to roll blunts when we're around, that will give the blunt a serious blowjob and this is to get the leaf off in the first place. he licks the "base" and up the "shaft" and then in and out his mouth a few times... NO JOKE! :badday:

but yeah i did the water thing because i noticed a lot of women don't like the fact that there's any spit in the first place. i really dont mind unless it's like dude described above lol. but the way i see it, it's always good to get the ladies high especially if they want to smoke but don't because the guy who rolled it has stink breath LOL. i think we should all learn it. just make sure you keep in mind, QUICK PASS. lol.

if there are plastic cups around, all the time in my place, i'd just grab a small cup, fill with water, and proceed. dont even need to run it under tap at all. it's more controlled that way too.


:biglaugh: at the dude giving the blunt "a serious blowjob" and i hear ya about the ladies....so picky sometimes....so you just dip your finger in the water as opposed to spit and fix it that way?


rkrone said:
:biglaugh: at the dude giving the blunt "a serious blowjob" and i hear ya about the ladies....so picky sometimes....so you just dip your finger in the water as opposed to spit and fix it that way?

yeah. when u think about it.. all you need is moisture! water is moist right lol. specifically, just dip your fingers in and get the leaf wet.. you'll see the seams darken.. becareful not to apply too much water or the paper underneath will get wet too. then just pull it off like you would if u used saliva. you know what to do wit the leaf after that lol.

then when you rollin the paper over.. just moisten your fingertips and pull it over. then with the leaf, add a lil more moisture same as you would with saliva - not a lot, just enough. roll it with moistened fingertips so it can stay moist and stick.

keep in mind, water is thinner than saliva. so keep the water to a minimum. that water will slip into those tight seams easy and hit that paper. that's why i say if u run it under the tap, QUICK PASS. lol. but u only need 1 mistake to get it right the next time! my first and only mistake was using too much water. i pull the leaf off and paper came with it lol. ONE BIG USELESS SPIRAL. but i got it now! and don't be afraid to dry it off if it's still wet and those seams are already dark. just rub it over your shirt or something if u dont mind the potential stain.


I agree with people making the end sopping wet. Esp when your with your normal smoking buddies the joints always dry to the end. Someone new is smoking and making it all wet, you call em out and they deny deny deny.


Active member
hey juana2
sharing joints-hmmm...
i was one of those holders.
i didn't bogart it, just take a hit and hold it till someone stopped me and took it back.

i HATE it when people nigger lip the joint. :spank:

germs and all, maybe, or just gross. nasty. yuk.

don't slobber on my pipe either.

i smoke pipes almost exclusively. i like bongs (no lips), but don't have one right now.

remember how joints would float around at concerts back in the day.
who knows what germs we passed around.

for any young guys here that never get to light anything at a concert, or try to keep it low profile so the security muscle slobs don't get you; you could light a joint and send it away to one side and any minute another would come to you from the other side. everyone was getting high.
cops didn't do shit most of the time.


New member
My biggest problem is the 'talker' and i've developped a way to bypass this: i just tell them: 'Smoke man! this is not a microphone!' or like we say in Quebec,

Fume! estie c'est pas un micro!




If with friends I trust them to monitor their bodily expulsions.
If with strangers or newbies I roll everybody a joint or we ante up a common stash and get the gravity bong going.
Being brought up with 70's smoke ethic I never roll anything thinner than a pinky. Now it could get expensive so I grow.

Then there's a few appliances that are for my personal use only. A favorite bowl, A powerhitter I've had for almost 30 years. A bored out one hit that renders three.



ya have ta remind them ta take it easy,yer gonna get high...aaahh well,whada ya gonna do,they are "friends". BC

right on. ya reminded me i was once a spitty newbie myself. :wave:

the mention of passing joints and sharing dope at concerts shook some cob webs loose-
I drank some wine out of a watermelon once at the Sly concert in Grant Park

lived to tell haha!

reality now is, when i run into somebody who wants a smoke, I'm already tuned-up so i let them have at it.

i'm not sure i ever smoked a blunt! back in the day dudes from europe used to roll pot with their tobacco and put a rolled match cover mouth piece into it
they called it a _____ :chin: ?
i hated the tobacco in there- wrecked the pot flavor
do blunts have tobacco in them? or is it just a huge cigar of pot? Pot rolled in pot- thats a cool idea.
peace :rasta:

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