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Still continuing with deficiencies on all of my plants after a week in recovery **pic


What I truly would love to know if u guys think it would be a good idea to foliar feed with magic green or not.
Ya magic greens alright, in have used it to nurse back some plants that where locked out. I'd be suprised if it did what you where looking for though, I just nursed those back long enough to get cuts and save his genetics.

How many do you have stacked up behind? Root those bastards out in 1.5's (takes 7-10 days) and flip them 12 per, with a perfect environment they will blow the fuck up. If you do that hook yourself up and get some ib3 (rapid, excelarator, and more that I'm not thinking of). That will definitely give you a head start.

Fwiw it's almost impossible to guess from those pictures whether you should flower them or not. If I had to make the decision I would look at all parts of the plant, do the roots look good, are the stems beefy and healthy, are the nodes tight. How does the turgidity look 30 minutes after the lights come on, one hour later, and then 2 hours later. You can learn a lot about the health of a veg room from watching that turgidity throughout the cycle. As a weird aside, that only works in veg, I never see any kind of identifiable backing off of turgidity in healthy plants in a bloom room. Sad plants will sag but not healthy ones. In veg rooms even healthy ones can sag a bit more or less and give you an idea of where they are at.

The impression I got from the picture was that they looked like plants that had gotten real stretchy and where floppy

Your right about the environment being most important and understanding all the other peramiters. but we covered what was wrong in the first thread. Now hes to the point of deciding weather to use these or another batch that's a couple weeks behind but healthy.

aloe russ, Ill let someone else chime in on foliars as I don't use them, so no advice here. Except under normal healthy growing circumstances I wouldn't ever spray anything.
I just have such a hard time imagining that it is a nute/root issue. I've flowered those giant cubes before in dutch trays and there alright, even fed cocos ab it's hard to imagine, I feel like a lot of the cogr European guys veg the big rw cubes and put them on the cogr boards so they have to be to some extent healthy.

I don't deny for a minute that the big ass cubes are a contributing factor, I just feel like many if not most times in a garden it is a series of small mistakes that have catastrophic implications. It would almost seem that attributing this to the stupid cubes would be a missed opportunity to find another underlying problem in the garden.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Ya magic greens alright, in have used it to nurse back some plants that where locked out. I'd be suprised if it did what you where looking for though, I just nursed those back long enough to get cuts and save his genetics.

How many do you have stacked up behind? Root those bastards out in 1.5's (takes 7-10 days) and flip them 12 per, with a perfect environment they will blow the fuck up. If you do that hook yourself up and get some ib3 (rapid, excelarator, and more that I'm not thinking of). That will definitely give you a head start.

Fwiw it's almost impossible to guess from those pictures whether you should flower them or not. If I had to make the decision I would look at all parts of the plant, do the roots look good, are the stems beefy and healthy, are the nodes tight. How does the turgidity look 30 minutes after the lights come on, one hour later, and then 2 hours later. You can learn a lot about the health of a veg room from watching that turgidity throughout the cycle. As a weird aside, that only works in veg, I never see any kind of identifiable backing off of turgidity in healthy plants in a bloom room. Sad plants will sag but not healthy ones. In veg rooms even healthy ones can sag a bit more or less and give you an idea of where they are at.

The impression I got from the picture was that they looked like plants that had gotten real stretchy and where floppy

I just have such a hard time imagining that it is a nute/root issue. I've flowered those giant cubes before in dutch trays and there alright, even fed cocos ab it's hard to imagine, I feel like a lot of the cogr European guys veg the big rw cubes and put them on the cogr boards so they have to be to some extent healthy.

I don't deny for a minute that the big ass cubes are a contributing factor, I just feel like many if not most times in a garden it is a series of small mistakes that have catastrophic implications. It would almost seem that attributing this to the stupid cubes would be a missed opportunity to find another underlying problem in the garden.

You are correct again sir. Ive done this same thing before. I believe it stems from the rockwool being the center of the pot and coco on the outside of the pot and they don't dry at the same rate, causing root probs and all deficiencies to show up.


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i grow plants awesome [/FONT]

You're the only one who thinks so.

People don't tell you how bad your plants look because they don't want to offend you. That's their better nature talking. But, like you did in the bud shots thread, you test it by talking to them like they don't know, when it's obvious it's you who needs to follow their advice and not the other way around.

You talk to people as though you've got no concept whatsoever of how your plants look, and how theirs do. It's clear you need to improve your methods, and it's clear you still need guidance, it's clear to everyone except you. Argue however much you want, nothing will change that fact.

You're not in a position to tell me I'm wrong because you don't know your subject well, and if you do, it doesn't show through your shoddy methods.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i do a lot of listening, i listen to my plants not guys like you who never look at their plants and focus only on mixing bottles of snake oil together [/FONT]

My advice has always been to keep things simple and understand the basics of growing, about reading your plant and using basic plant food. Nothing's changed.

You don't get plants like this without reading them

But every one was grown on the same 1-2 bottle basic feeds.

Every single strain in every single picture was started the same way.

Every single time the results are the same.

Listen, don't listen.. up to you. But not everyone's as ignorant as you are mate, and a lot of people do follow what I'm saying and are having fantastic results.

Try it before you knock it mate.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]No. It's fucking not (copy and paste) or else this cannabis infirmary wouldn't be here full of threads just like this one with guys copying and pasting grow formulas AND STILL NEEDING HELP[/FONT]

And there's your logic. That this forum is full because everyone's using 1.0ec of base veg feed and still having problems...

It's precisely because they're NOT doing the basics right that they're having problems. Not because weed is complicated, but because they make it so.

And the rest of your stuff about using miracle crap to grow tomatoes and the green dots by your name.... says it all really.


Im deffinatley not in this convo but hey I dont have many green marks by my name .. but that doesnt mean my answers didnt help anyone...jus sayin
Lets just help eachother cause its cool and fun and not for dots


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
Stih / Papaduc - WTF is wrong with both of you. If you understand this business and help people on this site with your opinion you both obviously have experience and knowledge.
You both told me things that were right on or got me going in the right direction in the past.
You both are good in my eyes and can just feed yourselves from growing, so why the duck this hate for each other that does not help anyone if you can just keep helping me and others instead.

There used to be a guy named Coconutz here on this site. Probably the biggest dick but knows his shit so well.
If I would be offended everytime he spoke to me I wouldn't know half of what I know now. All from him and I am forever greatfull.

I know that you both are very good. So please do us all a favor and share some of your wisdom instead of going for the jugular on one another. Please.


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
Tribalseeds wasnt banned my friend.
Coconutz closed the tribalseeds account due to security concerns with old roommates and then started the coconutz account when he moved.
Lyryc snitched on coconutz as tribalseeds in a growshow even though lyryc knew that he closed the account due to security concerns with his old roommates.
Then they banned coconutz account because of his sig.


Tribalseeds wasnt banned my friend.
Coconutz closed the tribalseeds account due to security concerns with old roommates and then started the coconutz account when he moved.
Lyryc snitched on coconutz as tribalseeds in a growshow even though lyryc knew that he closed the account due to security concerns with his old roommates.
Then they banned coconutz account because of his sig.

Didn't know the roommate thing, but everything else there is a fact.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
By your descriptions of the guy I think ive got a good guess who it is but I wont say out of respect for the situation. He obviously has some knowledge, but is too quick to judge other peoples experiences. there is a million different variables for why someone would do something differently to fit their own needs. And to tell them that they aren't doing it right, is a opinion without all the information. It would go a long way if he would ask why people do things differently instead of judging them based on what works for him.

When someone gets critical of another they lose the ability to communicate with them and learn from eachother. Cause I know when someone tells me what I say cant work, what should my response be when I have done it and know it works. They basically have made up their mind and just want to defend their position now, instead of learning why, and improving from there.

That's the end of my little rant on people that like to help, have great knowledge and experience, but it falls on deaf ears cause they cant let others share their experiences without being judged.

good day gents,

I said GOOD DAY!


Ripped since 1965
Who cares, Cnutz was harmless compared to all the slimeball, dickheads that pass thru the doors to this place.


Active member
When someone gets critical of another they lose the ability to communicate with them and learn from eachother. Cause I know when someone tells me what I say cant work, what should my response be when I have done it and know it works. They basically have made up their mind and just want to defend their position now, instead of learning why, and improving from there.

That's the end of my little rant on people that like to help, have great knowledge and experience, but it falls on deaf ears cause they cant let others share their experiences without being judged.

Having a camera helps with that ;)