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Stick with cannabis, don't try kanna

Based upon positive trip reports over on erowid, and the general consensus that kanna enhances the marijuana high, I purchased 50 grams from South Africa. There are very few negative reports of kanna on erowid, and the glowing experiences gave me the impression that kanna was safe and fun. A rough draft of this report is not showing up there either after two months. Was it censored? I don't know or care. I revised and improved the story and am now posting the final draft on ICMAG for the first and last time. It is of interest to cannabis consumers because kanna is a common "combination" drug used with cannabis and is also an inexpensive and unregulated substance. Some people use kanna with pot thinking it will reduce the amount of pot they need to smoke to get high.

The afternoon of my adventure, I was lying down on a sofa in a dimly lit room alone. I hadn't eaten anything nor smoked pot yet. I water-bonged about a third of a gram of kanna. Kanna is a harsh smoke. In retrospect, the lung irritation may make subsequent THC absorption easier. But what a lousy way to get higher--you're damaging your lungs.

Little effect ensued from the smoked kanna. I'd paid $30 for the kanna, and didn't want to give up easily. I brewed a tea using 5 grams of kanna. The recommended dosage is 200 milligrams. I did not drink the entire brew, but only took a short sip out of the cup, maybe a tenth of the total. I was expecting a foul substance, but the tea was actually not bad-tasting, but rather similar to green tea.

I didn't feel anything right away. Next, I took three bong hits of pot, good kush that always makes me feel nice and high. Probably about .1 or .2 of a gram of kush. Yes sir, that's all it takes. :muahaha: After about ten minutes, I took another two sips of the kanna tea. I'm not sure how much I ingested in total. Probably the equivalent of two grams of kanna.

While I was buzzing off the pot, I stared at a painting of nude women in the dim light. I admired the painting and the technique, and began to sympathize with the artist and see things from his perspective, and understand why he painted the way he did. The painting seemed brilliant and magnificent in its own way. Art becomes majestic under the influence of cannabis.

After about thirty minutes, the kanna started to kick in big time. It is a legal herb so you would think it is mild. Kanna is anything but mild. Please do not try this at home.

My first reaction was to suspect that the kush had been laced with salvia divinorum, because it was a new and untested batch given to me by a friend of a friend, and I wasn't totally sure whether or not it had been adulterated, or whether it was indeed pot. Typical cannabis-induced paranoia? Maybe. But this had an edge to it, and I've never felt so paranoid before. I became so worried that I was embarking on an unplanned hallucinogenic trip that I called up my friend to tell him my fears. I just needed somebody to talk to, a familiar voice. Reminds me of the cop that dialed 911 because he thought he was dying. Control is important to me, and I don't like the idea of losing control of my thoughts and feelings, which is why I don't mess with stuff like LSD, shrooms or most of all, salvia.

My heart was pounding loud and fast enough for me to hear it. I felt a supernatural dread of imminent death, just like the cop did. Do you remember those old-fashioned silent films where there is only one frame for every three seconds and everything seems to skip around rather than flow smoothly? That was how I experienced reality. Colors seemed less intense, and the world almost looked black and white to me.

There seemed to be other forces, evil or alien entities around that I could not see or hear, but they were in the vicinity nonetheless. Being aware of their presence was not a good feeling. I was not sure whether they were aware of me or not. But I felt them nearby, could almost smell them, and I felt fear. Normally I am not bothered by supernatural dread, because I tell the spirits: "you have no power over me in this world" and it's true.

I wanted to just calm down and depart from the roller coaster ride. I kept praying that the effects would diminish, but instead they intensified. Since I was on an empty stomach, it occurred to me that eating food would slow the digestion process, and retard the absorption of kanna. That's actually not true, because I had already consumed the kanna in liquid form and it was probably fully absorbed. But I also thought that food would give me the energy to deal with the experience in a calmer manner. Unfortunately the refrigerator was barren of almost all food except a loaf of white bread, so I just took two slices out of the loaf and started eating that. I also drank plenty of water thinking it might help flush my system out.

Finally I decided my best bet was to lie in bed motionless. At least then my heartbeat might slow down. In this way, eventually after another half hour or so, I drifted off to sleep, which was very beneficial. No dreams, and I woke up feeling groggy but otherwise okay.

I disposed of the remaining kanna in my house. It is not a substance I would recommend fooling around with. The smoke is very harsh. Drinking as opposed to smoking is dangerous because very high quantities can be consumed without realizing. Just a small sip was enough to cause my bad trip.

I will stick to good old, tried and true marijuana from now on. Who really knows what kanna can do to the human body? I for one do not want to find out. They say it can be a sedative, but for me it created paranoia and anxiety. Valerian root works better as a sedative.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
lol misuse anything and of course its not pleasant
what you want to do is chew about .5g
that is
no more
no less
just chew it up in the morn and enjoy the mild mood lift
if you want a quicker buzz you can smoke it, or you can insufflate a bit of it. you only need to insuifflate ~100mg max for effects. personally i like to insufflate it everyknow and then when i have good material but otherwise 500mg in a gel cap even is great. you just have to know what the fuck you are doin not just go eating random amounts of whatever herbs you read about and think you can get high from


whoa, ive never heard of kanna before. its funny about your "dying" experience......reminds me of when I gave my friend g/f a hit of some decent sativa influenced strain and she left for an hour to lay down because she thought she was dying lol.


Registered Med User
I want some Kanna, how much does it cost? where do you get it? I always tried to smoke myself to 'death' when I was younger, now I almost drunk myself to death and thats not cool, but I like the fealing of thinking ima die sometimes, reminds me of my dreams, sort of a feal of relief and closure...


cannabis enthusiast
shouldn't have did it ALONE, have had many bad acid/shroom trips when alone....thats why you called up a "familiar voice"


Orangecrush said:
What exactly is Kanna? I've never heard of it, from the way you describe it though it sounds like salvia.


Sceletium tortuosum is a succulent herb commonly found in South Africa, which is also known as Kanna, Channa, Kougoed (Kauwgoed) - which literally means, 'chew(able) things/goodies' or 'something to chew'. The plant has been used by South African pastoralists and hunter-gatherers as a mood-altering substance from prehistoric times. The first known written account of the plant's use was in 1662 by van Riebeeck. The traditionally prepared dried sceletium was often chewed and the saliva swallowed, but it has also been made into gel caps, teas and tinctures. It has also been used as a snuff and smoked.

Sceletium is known to elevate mood and decrease anxiety, stress and tension. It has also been used as an appetite suppressant by shepherds walking long distances in arid areas. In intoxicating doses it can cause euphoria, initially with stimulation and later with sedation. Users also report increased personal insight, interpersonal ease and a meditative, grounded feeling without any perceptual dulling. Others have noted enhanced tactile and sexual response. High doses produce distinct inebriation and stimulation often followed by sedation. The plant is not hallucinogenic, contrary to some literature on the subject, and no adverse effects have been documented.

S. tortuosum can cause significant mood-elevation and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) action. In doses as low as 50 mg users have reported improvements in mood, decreased anxiety, relaxation and a sense of well-being. At higher dosages near 100 mg, kanna acts as a calming euphoriant and empathogen.

The alkaloids contained in S. tortuosum believed to possess psychoactivity include: mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembrenol and tortuosamine. Mesembrine is a major alkaloid present in Sceletium tortuosum, which has been shown to be a potent serotonin reuptake inhibitor (more so than imipramine), and a PDE4-inhibitor (less so than rolipram).

Sceletium tortuosum contains about 1-1.5% total alkaloids. There is about 0.3% mesembrine in the leaves and 0.86% in the stems of the plant.


My little pony.. my little pony
In my experience strange herbs results in questionable fashion.



Registered Cannabis User
aww man, you shouldnt have thrown it away...just used it in regulation the next time
glad to hear you're okay though
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ToKEN said:
aww man, you shouldnt have thrown it away...just used it in regulation the next time
glad to hear you're okay though

Thanks for all the feedback guys. Before my o.d., I did try low dosages of kanna. I'd smoke a tiny pinch, and I did feel a little different but believe me it was nothing to write home about. The reason I overdosed was dissatisfaction with the low dosages, which were probably in the 50 mg - 500 mg range. I was pissed off that kanna seemed so mild and weak, and was like, "Come on you mother f***er, show me what you got."

Sceletium... yeah, that's exactly what it is. And to the guy who wants to feel like he's dying, I suggest improving your self-esteem. It's not impossible to improve your life. Sometimes misery is just life's way of telling you to make a big change that you've been scared to do, like divorce your spouse, move to a different town, quit your job or quit trying to be something that you're not (like if you're gay and feel like you have to pretend to be straight).

Seriously I really hope my message doesn't encourage anyone to overdose on kanna like I did. I thought I had made it clear that I didn't like it....after all I tossed 45 g's in the wastebasket without a second thought! As to the guy who said I should have kept it, well, once bitten, twice shy as they say. Maybe it works for you, everybody's brain is a little bit different in the way they react to various substances. My favorites are caffeine, chocolate, and cannabis, in that order.

The irony of our drug laws is that the legal substances are often more powerful than the illegal stuff. I really don't understand how cops can rationalize away the illogical and contradictory drug policy in this world. Punishing people for medicating themselves? It doesn't make sense. If somebody is an addict, give them treatment, for chrissakes. What's with this whole punishment mentality? Anyway, rant mode off.


New member
Nice going.

Nice going.

Sounds like you triggered a mild serotonin syndrome by overdosing on an SSRI (which is the primary mechanism of action of Kanna). Any drug will be a bad experience if you use it irresponsibly.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Sounds like you triggered a mild serotonin syndrome by overdosing on an SSRI (which is the primary mechanism of action of Kanna). Any drug will be a bad experience if you use it irresponsibly.

do you realize that the last time zeeba amoeba signed in was over 6.5 years ago? :nono:

intriguing choice for a first post though.......
