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Steve Jobs and Hash Oil


What's the term for the medical version of "Monday morning quarterbacking" ?

We're all gonna die when it's our time, no matter how much cannabis is consumed!
I have been treating my English Bulldog who was diagnosed with advanced Lymphoma cancer with hash oil for the last 9 months.

She had two tumors the size of half-dollars come to the surface of her stomach and ruptured. She needed surgery to remove them and the vet found small tumors all over her body. She told me Chemo might work but would cause her misery and she might still die.

The Vet told me she had 6 weeks to live.

She already wasn't eating or sleeping right. I immediately put together 8 ounces of my highest grade trim and shredded popcorn buds to simmer in vegetable oil for 4 hours and strained.

I put a 1/2 tsp on her vegetarian dry good every morning and night. She started sleeping soundly within two days of me figuring out the right dose to give her. She also immediately got her appetite back.

Many of the small tumors in her Lymphnodes disappeared within a month and over the past 9 months, if nothing else, her tumors have been stopped from growing quickly and down to a snail pace. Her spirit, energy, appetite, and overall health is great.

The Vet is blown away how well she is doing... she can't believe it.

Hash oil is a miracle... it's keeping my beloved bulldogs quality of life at peak levels while her body fights to destroy the cancer within.



New member
Cheddar Thats great that its working for your pooch!! I made the oil for my Aunt but never got a chance to use it for her. I used it on a mole i have, and it almost got rid of it before I quit using it. I did not expect a yes he did or no he didnt use the oil or not. Just a thought I had. Thanks for all your posts
I wondered, too.
It is said he was disappointed he didn't take Chemo soon enough since he spent so much time on "alternative medicine" --

it's totally possible the alt.medicine was herb.
One of my friends was diagnosed with testicular cancer and he did traditional medicine as well as many hash oil candies as I could get him to eat, and he's cancer free now. A little off topic, but similar enough? IDK I'm smoking bho.


New member
Steve Jobs considered using cannabis oil, but decided against it.

Steve Jobs considered using cannabis oil, but decided against it.

CelebStoner.com is reporting that Steve Jobs considered using medical marijuana to treat his cancer after reading studies of its effectiveness in killing cancer cells and tumors. He decided not to, solely because then he would have been denied a life-saving liver transplant, just like Timothy Garon.


Active member
The Doctors found his cancer early enough that he would have had a much higher probability of survival if he had followed their advice.

The death rates for oncology haven't changed much in all the decades they've been spending money and 'treating' people. That's multiple decades and literally TRILLIONS of dollars. Barely a smidgen of a change and only in some areas.

I'm gonna say "Bullshit" and that the guy could have lived much longer with proper diet and cannabis treatment. The LAST thing you want, when you have cancer, is to have oncologists destroying the very immune system your body is attempting to fix itself with. :tiphat:

The right information passes freely in Colorado and a few other states now. Things are beginning to change for the better. :dance013:


Active member
Actually, that is exactly what he did and why he is now deader than hell and most likely just worm food and said he regretted doing that and not going the conventional route early on.


Well-known member
Do you think people who smoke many times a day, everyday, have a better chance of avoiding cancer to begin with? I like to think so but don't know.

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