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Sterilizing seed shells


Anyone got a good procedure with timing and concentration of remedies to sterilize seed shells for microorganisms/pathogens, preferrably without killing off too many of the seeds?

I just used a 3% chlorine solution for half an hour, followed by a 2% solution of 30% h2o2 for another half an hour, before I soaked them overnight and potted them... Hehe I fear I went at it a little too heavy and killed them, we'll see. For my next time if these are dead, I'm gonna sprout some genetics that are dear to me and of the last supply. And I urgently need to kill off every trace of bugs without killing too many seeds...

Thanks in advance.
It sounds like dirty seeds aren't your issue, it's more likely unsanitary or stagnant germination conditions.

Try germinating using just your diluted peroxide solution.. I use a product called "Zone" by Dutch Master, just dilute to the directions recommended by your brand and germinate away.. you should have near %100 success. I don't do any form of soaking whatsoever, I scarify the seed shell, pop them in paper towel or medium, and have the first set of green leaves showing on 9 out of 10 seeds in only about 18 hours from being dry.


Hehehe I know my issues very well, thank you very much... But thx for replying.

I've had a long fight with fusarium, and this is my last attempt at it before I give it up. The seeds are not infected, but were exposed to an environment with spores in it as I received them in the mail and packaged them for the fridge.

So, I need to know for DAMNED fucking sure that every trace of surface spores is dead and gone before I sprout them, fusarium is straight from hell...

So, again... Any help regarding remedies, concentrations and soaking times for a guaranteed sterilization of the shells would be just great.
using 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, i soak the seeds for 20 minutes then plant them in a rapid rooter on my heating mat. it is amazing watching the little bubbles form on seeds from outdoor plants as the hydrogen peroxide does its work. never have seen the little bubbles on seeds purchased from a seedbank. but i soak them anyway.


Thanks highestground. Yes, I've used h2o2 only in the past, but had recurring problems with the fusarium, so for now I upped it with a chlorine soak too first. I think it killed them, will find out soon enough...


The seeds are sprouting. So they took the treatment described in my first post, I just checked a pot by scraping off some topsoil and the one in there is about to show it's head.

They were just a bit slow after storage since 2006. 15 pcs NYCD. If they're healthy and my fusarium-problem is under control after my latest heavy-duty formalin-fumigation, only time will tell.

I use Physan 20 to sterilize seeds. I will have to dig out my old log book to find the exact dose I used last time, but I recall reading the instruction booklet attached to the bottle of Physan 20 and using a dose between half and full strength of what they recommended for sterilizing seeds...

Hope this helps

BTW- Physan doesn't burn my nose and throat as much as bleach; although I'm pretty sure it is toxic to be huffing the stuff.


Thank you Flying High. I don't have Physan 20 available here, and chlorine=bleach yes, just to clarify.

14 out of 15 NYCD from 2006 sprouted, and it's looking ok so far, so they atleast took the treatment fine.



After the NYCD's sprouted so well, I took off and gave 20pcs Mother's Finest, and 20pcs SSH also from 2006 the EXACT same treatment, potted them on the 7'th.

They're all fucking DEAD.

So do NOT use bleach at that concentration, I suspect the bleach did it...

And, I reason that the thickness, or fat-content or permeability or whatever of the shells are strain dependent, and THAT must be why the NYCD took it with no prob, but it killed both the SSH and MF.

Thankfully, I have 20 more of each, potted them today and used only 1% concentration of both bleach and h2o2 this time.

Just had to warn.

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