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Step by step instructions


Can someone here please give me step by step instructions on how to grow it myself indoors? I've heard so many differing opinions. I'm not sure which is the best to follow.


that is one question that requires quite a lot of other questions before you can get good answers....

what medium do you intend to use? what kind of space do you have? in what kind of situation (stealth, no stealth, indoors, outdoors, greenhouse, etc.)? do you have unlimited funds or you need to do it on a budget? do you have time to dedicate to the care of the plants or do you require a low-maintenance situation? do you have specific worries (odor control, temperature issues, pest issues etc.) and the list goes on and on. If you could give more basic information people here may be able to help you out without having to write a manual in the thread.:D
hey buddy

hey buddy

Helloo there Its good to see another person wanting to grow for themselves :)

Im no expert and have only been gowing for a few years but my step by step advice would be this:

1: Read everything you can get your hands on that may relate to the style in which you would like to grow.

For example, do you just want a simple indoor soil grow? or a hydro grow? or a soil-less grow? etc etc

Think about what expectations you have or what the desired outcome you wish to have is, then read about other people who have been successful with producing those reults, and use them as a role model. Read the forums and /or threads etc

It will never hurt to try and learn as much as possible via your own ability to read.

The pictorials and threads around here and overgrow are priceless and will give you many ideas to think about.

You may even want to write things down in a little grow journal of sorts to collect your thoughts and ideas in short hand form to come back to later without the worry of forgetting some things?

Just be aware that physicall evidence needs to be handled securly and not fall into the wrong hands, so dont go leaving it lying around your house if there are others about that do not know what you are doing.

2: Do not tell anyone about your ventures unless you can 110% absolutly trust them.

Make sure that if you are in an area with high persecution rates that you be as safe as possible and do not go doing things like potting them outdoors in full view of nieghbours etc Also make sure you dispose of your evidence wisely.

3: Try to avoid leaving any paper or money trails from buying products if you live in an area that persecutes strongly against mj cultivation.

Any trails leading to you can be possible evidence against you if anything should happen. In my opinion its best to buy everything in cash with no evidence what so ever on your credit cards or accounts.

This however, can not always be done, and if you feel safe enough to use credit cards, sometimes is the only means to buy things like seeds or products online, If you feel ok about it, that is the main thing i guess. I myself have used my credit card twice in unavoidable situiations and it seems to have worked out ok.
I would still prefer not to though.

4: Dont forget to enjoy your new challenge and let the plant teach you just as much as the books or articles that you read.
MJ has alot to say if you pay close attention.

For plant troubles and problems there are many forums and threads and people willing to help, all i would advise on this is to read the faq's first, then if that fails, try and explain in great detail what the exact problem you are having is and try and include pictures aswell.

Being very detailed can often mean getting better help in terms of the right diagnosis for your plant from the pro's who take the time to help you.

Also i guess it doesnt hurt to remember the fact that most first and foremost mistakes a newbie tends to make is overwatering and overfertilising in the first grow.

Thats about all i can think of right now.
Take it easy, hope to see you up and growing soon! :)


It is so complicated! I've been to a lot of sites and I had no idea there was so much involved!!! :eek:
I will go into depth later on sometime when I have time here, but I just wanted to ask....

I'm going to be away for about 5 days. I probably will have already planted and taken care of the plant for about a month and a half. My question is, would the plant be ok, left by itself for 5 days? I wouldn't be able to keep the light on it at this time cause I'm afraid it might start a fire.
Will it be ok?


some answers

some answers

without even knowing you just gave us some more information ;).

Your plant cannot be left without light or in just daylight for 5 days...or rather, it won't die, but you should do everything you can to avoid this situation. At one and a half months she should be into flower already, and besides causing her much stress, thus risking hermaphroditism, she'll not only be getting insufficient light but also no water in a somewhat crucial stage of her development. Here is your first piece of official advice, to which I'm sure my cultivating colleagues in this forum will subscribe:

wait until you return before planting!

oh, and also, I understand your feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the masses of often contradictory information regarding marijuana cultivation. Don't get discouraged! Figure out what is the best method for you to get started taking into account your budget, space, time, knowledge, equipment etc. read up as much as you can, then plant your seed and just grow with it, day by day. You'll find that everything will just fall into place naturally, and if something doesn't, come to the forum, someone will always be here to help you out. As your experience grows along with your plants you will find out what are the best methods to fit your particular situation. :wave:
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
seriously hunter, click on the link a few posts above for bogs tutorial, he calls it K I S S, which stans for keep it simple stupid. it is proven method, just check his mofo giant out,


Active member
I PM ed a Grow Guide I have been working on to him!
when I finish I plan on getting these out to every newbie I come arcoss! it is still in progress but the info is there!



Active member
Hunter733 said:
It is so complicated! I've been to a lot of sites and I had no idea there was so much involved!!! :eek:
I will go into depth later on sometime when I have time here, but I just wanted to ask....

I'm going to be away for about 5 days. I probably will have already planted and taken care of the plant for about a month and a half. My question is, would the plant be ok, left by itself for 5 days? I wouldn't be able to keep the light on it at this time cause I'm afraid it might start a fire.
Will it be ok?
that is better than no light for a week!!



Active member
Re: hey buddy

Re: hey buddy

LeeroyJackson said:
Helloo there Its good to see another person wanting to grow for themselves :)

Im no expert and have only been gowing for a few years but my step by step advice would be this:

1: Read everything you can get your hands on that may relate to the style in which you would like to grow.

For example, do you just want a simple indoor soil grow? or a hydro grow? or a soil-less grow? etc etc

Think about what expectations you have or what the desired outcome you wish to have is, then read about other people who have been successful with producing those reults, and use them as a role model. Read the forums and /or threads etc

It will never hurt to try and learn as much as possible via your own ability to read.

The pictorials and threads around here and overgrow are priceless and will give you many ideas to think about.

You may even want to write things down in a little grow journal of sorts to collect your thoughts and ideas in short hand form to come back to later without the worry of forgetting some things?

Just be aware that physicall evidence needs to be handled securly and not fall into the wrong hands, so dont go leaving it lying around your house if there are others about that do not know what you are doing.

2: Do not tell anyone about your ventures unless you can 110% absolutly trust them.

Make sure that if you are in an area with high persecution rates that you be as safe as possible and do not go doing things like potting them outdoors in full view of nieghbours etc Also make sure you dispose of your evidence wisely.

3: Try to avoid leaving any paper or money trails from buying products if you live in an area that persecutes strongly against mj cultivation.

Any trails leading to you can be possible evidence against you if anything should happen. In my opinion its best to buy everything in cash with no evidence what so ever on your credit cards or accounts.

This however, can not always be done, and if you feel safe enough to use credit cards, sometimes is the only means to buy things like seeds or products online, If you feel ok about it, that is the main thing i guess. I myself have used my credit card twice in unavoidable situiations and it seems to have worked out ok.
I would still prefer not to though.

4: Dont forget to enjoy your new challenge and let the plant teach you just as much as the books or articles that you read.
MJ has alot to say if you pay close attention.

For plant troubles and problems there are many forums and threads and people willing to help, all i would advise on this is to read the faq's first, then if that fails, try and explain in great detail what the exact problem you are having is and try and include pictures aswell.

Being very detailed can often mean getting better help in terms of the right diagnosis for your plant from the pro's who take the time to help you.

Also i guess it doesnt hurt to remember the fact that most first and foremost mistakes a newbie tends to make is overwatering and overfertilising in the first grow.

Thats about all i can think of right now.
Take it easy, hope to see you up and growing soon! :)

SEE ABOVE POST plus BOGS tutorial and you will be well under way..........Leroy laid out some good direct info on how to get started........I suggest you read his post thouroughly and follow his suggestions as well as the others and youll be fine.........READ read read the info is here on basically anything you want to know, then if you cannot find it or are at your wits end then post a detailed post outlaying your specific problems and people will help alot.