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Stem rot?



Hi folks!

ill again, but with something familiar this time.
Gave my little( 7 ft tall) girl the first aid treatment, hope I've done the right thing, but my real concern is what from now on.
I don't mind using chems, so pls any suggestions?

P.S. She's been throwing out long airy thin buds for weeks now, but no sign of trichomes whatsoever so far and I wonder why...


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Hi folks!

ill again, but with something familiar this time.
Gave my little( 7 ft tall) girl the first aid treatment, hope I've done the right thing, but my real concern is what from now on.
I don't mind using chems, so pls any suggestions?

P.S. She's been throwing out long airy thin buds for weeks now, but no sign of trichomes whatsoever so far and I wonder why...

What made you think it was stem rot? It looks more like something has been gnawing on it...

Doesn't rot have to be associated with dank/damp conditions? Your soil ontop looks relatively dry...

Tell us: What is that red stuff you have applied? Something used for trees?

Sending you good grow karma!


Thanks for chiming in, Citizens Aux PD!

saw the gnawing and the damage done something like a month ago.
Measures taken, treated the responsible rodent with some bonbons(which were greedily consumed) and applied that paste at the base of the stem. Fine with that!

A week ago, I spotted the discoloration 10-15 cm above the base of the stem seen in 1st picture. I scraped off a couple of milimitres deep and 10 cm long all the infected stem seen in picture 2. And in picture 3 the application of pruning paste for trees.
Picture 4 shows the buds with no trichomes.
That's just about it!

Thanks for the vibes!
She looks relatively healthy, Orfeas.

Obviously I don't know where in the world you are, but hopefully you'll have at least 8 more weeks of decent weather. Don't worry about lack of trichomes. It's too early still. She looks like she might be sativa-dominant and those damn sativas take a mighty long time outdoors to fatten up and show trichomes.

How often does she get water? What kind of nutes are you using?

The thing about some nutes---especially organic ones---is that they are sweet smelling and attract critters when the plants are outdoors. That may be why someone had a little gnaw on your stem.

Well done with the pruning paste!


Nutes? Not much, if at all! A couple of times a bit of molasses. She's been thriving in a 30 lt pot filled with DIY soil. So far no nutrition probs! Soon I will start feeding her with PK though.
I worry not about them bloody critters, as long as a bit of xylem remains on the stem...

The lady looks fine alright, but not being the tyro of the game I know what is imminent and it is no good news!
As for trichomes developent, I only hope you're right! The girl is very sat dom...
Nutes? Not much, if at all! A couple of times a bit of molasses. She's been thriving in a 30 lt pot filled with DIY soil. So far no nutrition probs! Soon I will start feeding her with PK though.
I worry not about them bloody critters, as long as a bit of xylem remains on the stem...

The lady looks fine alright, but not being the tyro of the game I know what is imminent and it is no good news!
As for trichomes developent, I only hope you're right! The girl is very sat dom...

Well there you go: Molasses. Mighty sweet stuff.

Keep us updated, eh? At the very least show us what she looks like just before you chop her.

Great grow karma to ya!


New member
molasses is a sweetener, it will draw the rats to the plant like moths to a bulb...ease up on it...also if you're using bone meal, be sure not to use too much, that stuff really really draws the rodents in...i'm not sure what the paste is exactly, but if you piss around the pot where the plant is, it'll keep other animals away, it's a good preventative measure for other larger herbivores...she's lookin good, no worries


Lads oh lads!

The problem is NOT rodents! I thought the pictures were quite explicit but they aren't, are they?
Today I had to "operate" on her again and drove the "scalpel" almost to the heart of the bast.
Now, whether she can survive the "operation" or not, time will tell.
In a week I'll be uploading a new photo that will depict either a dead plant or an alive one.

Wish me luck!


Well-known member
I'm at 47 N and have already lost one plant to grey mold stem rot another has it. A two inch segment of stem 5 inches off ground was spraying mold spores everywhere. I poured peroxide all over the spores than smeared hand sanitizer all over it a couple times. Now it's a black ring around the stem with the skin peeled off above and below it. Treatment appears to be working but more damp weather in forecast. Sucks. Hate grey mold.


Being at ~ 40 N no mold issues yet, but still to come along when shitty weather settles in with autumn rains.
Your treatment sounds fine, but shouldn't you dissect and remove all infected/dead tissue?


Well-known member
Wish I could. It's in the main stem. I'd kill the plant if I did. It's a 7 foot female in the early white hair stage. Already killed a small female that showed it first. Killed and buried it immediately. Now I'm trying to prevent spores from spreading without killing a beautiful plant. I know if I hadn't treated the mold would of spread through the heart of the stem and it would of fallen over.


Wish I could. It's in the main stem. I'd kill the plant if I did...

I reckon you wouldn't since I have applied the dissect a few times on both stem and branches at quite a depth. Resilient is what our ladies are, aren't they? Take a closer look at mine!


Well-known member
No I saw what you did. You've got balls. It is amazing what a plant can survive. I've seen plants bounce back from abuse that makes me blush. I figure in flowering plants are less likely to regenerate that kind of damage. Especially when their skin has been removed. A fast growing young plant in veg, I'd do exactly what you did. If I didn't just hack it to remove the spores. The main thing is what you took off was already necrotic. I started working at mine, and skin started peeling off then I was getting into some serious deep fiber. So I just slathered that hand sanitizer into the wound. Seems to be working.


Never mind the peeling skin, it's just a minor offence as long as you don't skin the whole plant:biggrin:

What is of major concern though is the expance of the infection under the skin and this kind of infuriates me for I cannot see the damage and act accordingly!

Bottom line, as you said, they can put up with a great deal of abuse/torture and come round alright, and that's why I operate hard on them without second thoughts. Beware though of the amazing advance pace of the infection...

Wish you luck, anyway!


Here we go ten days after the operation and no worsening post operation signs yet(touch wood!).

The slight slanting shows her being a bit thirsty.
At last a faint fragrance hits me nose alright!


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Well-known member
Mine's recovering nicely too. Throwing out the white hairs like crazy. Hitting it with special pollen carefully collected from the male tank. Carefully labeled with tape on a couple lower branches. Mold isn't spreading to other plants. The mold plant should be done third week of Sept. Some rain forcast later this week. Had a feeling all along this year would be a race with the devil. Last year I lost literally a gram to mold. This year I've already lost a whole plant.


Well-known member
Been rain and shine all week. Last night it pounded rain. Sunny and humid today. Perfect mold weather. Noticed a stem in the middle of my purple old time moonshine was dying. Followed the stem to the main stem and godamn it!! a patch of grey mold. Hand sanitizer, paper towel and clippers.
Once the sanitizer hits the mold it turns black looks like the plant was burnt. Since the mold had just started there was just a light coating of spores on part of it. The sanitizer killed em, paper towel wiped it right off the plant.
The plant in a different spot I treated earlier, I've been removing the bad tissue and applying more and more sanitizer. Is recovering but I fear it's gonna be a battle all season. Last year I grew more strains that were done earlier had mold resistance but weren't as potent. No rain for August, September and first 2 weeks of October. This year I didn't use my mold resistant strains and it rains June and August. We'll see how September/October go.


Damn right it's gonna be a battle to the end. Problem is them farking spores are invisible till the damage becomes visible! Yesterday morning I had to scrape off another couple of cm of xylem upwards-not that deep this time and give it a coat of that paste.
Yesterday we had the first summer downpour, but today dry weather and crystal visibility is back again.
As for your old time moonshine, you should move your way beneath the skin and check for internal damage/infection...


Well-known member
Yesterday was a big storm, biblical downpours off and on all day with thunder and lightning. Earlier this summer a lightning strike blew up a tree which glanced off the house, nailed the shed and did quite a bit of damage. Yesterday my room lit up like it was a day, I was not happy.
Surveying the damage this morning, the hand sanitizer killed the initial Moonshine infection but there were a couple moldy spots where it was trying to take hold. Slathered those down right away. Figuring out this hand sanitizer deal has been a lifesaver without it I'd have to remove a lot of the stem. As it is I've kept stress and damage to a minimum. Sanitizer and paper towel wipes off the damage as long as I see it right away.

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