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Stealth PC-case 100W & growreport

Day 54

Day 54

it's day 54 in this lil private garden & a few pics captured on a mobile.
Looking after Jacky, watering, feeding and trimming leafs. The LST looks like a scrog at the top-view )). If I remember right there are 11 colas and the main one. A lot of colas but they do not look too frosty yet. Should I go harder on nutes? It doesn’t show deficiency, however. The plant is eating up its old fan-leafs. Now I give her extra water and will dry the soil on the weekends when I’ll have access 24/7 for a few days. With this hot weather and such a small pot it’s easy to miss the right moment for watering… Good that there is a lot of vermiculite in the mix. And I'm happy with the soil itself too - I pour 1l of water in this 1,5l pot (0.4 gal) and there is less than 0.1l runout.
Still using vinegar to correct the pH to 6-6.5 according to the liquid color test.



What do you guys think about switching from 19/5 schedule to smth like 21/3 or even 24/0 in the last few weeks? I'm just thinking what would the plant do and could it have any positive effect? And what if to keep the plant in the darkness for a few days before the harvest? Would be happy to hear your thoughts.

Wish you all good luck!


ICMag Donor
I would stop feeding her at this point and I would just keep the light schedule at 12/12 if it were me. IMO there is no benefit to total darkness for the last day or two.
Hi everybody!

Long time no news? Here’s an update.

Blynx, I’ve fed her one last time the day you wrote and since then will keep her on plain water. It’s an auto strain and on 19/5 schedule since week 2. Should I still flip lights?

BrutalNoodle, hey man, thnx for stopping by!

Have not much to write about – everything is going as it should be. The Fall is approaching and Jacky need less water than before. The day temps on the top of the canopy are 27-29*C /80-84F/ and 25-26*C on the soil.

Trimmed her well – you can see that on the photos. Have cut away a lot of leafs in the middle to provide some more light to the buds. Not mush LST since it has stopped its growth. Quite happy with the structure I have trained her to. There’s even some extra space but that makes it easier to pull her out and put her back into the growbox.

Leafs on the top of some buds are a bit strange – they are shorter and wider than others and the green color is not as dark. Wonder why?

Not very satisfied with the amount of tar but we’ll count the chickens by harvest ))) – there’s at least two weeks more to go.
Okay, fewer words, more photos.

Here you can see how the plant is trained down.

An old photo, day 52.
Seems like I have been posting too many pictures – ran out of space :thinking: since I have less than 50 posts. I’ll post a few more from these days as I get some extra space. Stay tuned! :)
Day 65

Day 65

Hello to everyone who’s watching!
Day 65.

It’s week 9 since sprouting and harvest time is soon. A week more, maybe two weeks.

The main news is that I managed to crack the glass when I took it out for maintenance. *fcplm*

Decided to leave it as is, I don’t care much about the odor now and hope I’ll be able to keep temps normal. Going to upgrade the box and the glass screen should become an inch longer. Can anybody tell is the 2mm glass considerably less obstacle for light comparing to 4mm thick glass? I can choose from 2, 3 and 4mm.

Ambient temps nowadays reach as high as 28*C /82.5F/ and not having a glass means that the temps inside the cabin easily hit mid-thirties even with 75w instead of 96w. Now I have to be sure that the soil is always moist and switch off one of the lamps leaving 50w during the hot days. Nevertheless it can’t change the whole thing.
There are a few necrotic spots on leafs here and there and some got a light-burn.


Here you can see a necrotic spot to the right and below center.

Here too on one of the leafs of the left bud. Wonder what is the reason?


Chopped the main cola. It was hidden between the others and wasn’t receiving enough light so decided to try what the smoke will be. Not bad, though another week won’t harm + curing should do the job. The breeder says it takes 10 weeks from seed to harvest. The wet weight of flowers on that bud was 5g (0.18oz).
BTW, on a macro photo there are some clear trichs, most are milky and a handful of amber. I guess another week should be good?

Thinking about using coco instead of soil. Is it obligatory to have a pH-meter and ppm-meter for this? What else is required? The next seed is going into soil these days, so I have another couple of months to get ready for growing on coco.

Best wishes to everybody!

P.S. I’m away from my computer and can’t post the pics promised – sorry for that. Nothing extraordinary on those pics, however.


ICMag Donor
Canopy is nice and full. The necrotic spots might just be burns from the light, ie hot spots.

Is the next round the same strain?

Have you tried regular strains? If you are running lights at 19/5, it seems you could lower your electricity use and length of heat by going to a regular strain that flowers under 12/12.
Day 71(week 10)

Day 71(week 10)

Hello ppl!
Excuses for a lot of text below, there are some issues that need to be covered. In a few days there will be a post about the progress of the grow with budshots and everything.

Hi, blynx! Thanks on your interest and advises!
Canopy is nice and full. The necrotic spots might just be burns from the light, ie hot spots.

Is the next round the same strain?

Thanks on the kind words! It’s pleasure to hear – a lot of effort and resources were thrown to gain this, yet it’s only the first steps. I feel sooo unexperienced and happy that have somebody have a look and say a "word of help" and just lucky that it’s going more or less well.

As for the next strain – it is “Fast&Furious Auto” (Sour Diesel x Lowryder x Ruderalis) if I remember it right – I ordered 4 auto seeds: one was lost (Grapefruit ((( ), this is the least one. Blueberry Auto was the first one and only the memories remain; Fruity Jack Auto is the actual plant.
Have you tried regular strains? If you are running lights at 19/5, it seems you could lower your electricity use and length of heat by going to a regular strain that flowers under 12/12.

Have you tried regular strains? If you are running lights at 19/5, it seems you could lower your electricity use and length of heat by going to a regular strain that flowers under 12/12.
I’ve got another set of seeds and there are two photoperiodic (Big Dutch Bud and Amnesia Haze), one “Ak47 Auto” (my friend is gonnahave it for his first grow )) ) + one unknown bonus seed (probably I’ll keep it until I’ll have a large NGB-style box). I'm looking forward to grow them this Fall.
You call it “regular” in English? Where I live a regular is a non-feminized seed and the strain that starts to flower after flipping lights 18/6 -> 12/12 is called photoperiodic). Isn't it the same in English?
Sorry if I sound rude or something, I don't mean it at all - just curious and willing to learn.

Well, let’s get to our plants.

I don’t really know what is the nature of these “burned” spots. They are on the leafs that aren’t the closest to the lights. I also do not sprinkle the plant and do not leave water on it. The burned parts look something like strong deficiency on Mn and P, though other parts of the affected leaf are OK as well as a lot of other leafs. The burning is spreading a few mm/day ((.
It’s late to do anything about it, harvest is in a few days, but I want to figure out what’s wrong to be ready next time. Can I provide any other info that could be helpful? Here are some pics on these spots.
The compilation of some of the stricken areas.

A leaf that got a light/thermal burn being too close to the bulb – the damage looks quite different.

There is another alarming thing I found on the plant. There were very thin threads of smth on the plant here and there for a month or so. I thought it was the cat’s fur – there’s a long-furred cat at the place. But when I was scrutinizing photos taken a few days ago I saw this:


They are veeery small, no longer than 1mm. I found two of these, but there might be more. I couldn’t find them on the plant only on the macro photos, though the web is easily visible. It looks like acarids. Can it be a “red spider”? What else could it be?? Could this bugs cause those “burned spots” on leafs? What should I do to get rid of them? There’s a three days teen in the other box that has to be moved in this one soon (I can keep it there for two or three weeks, but that box isn’t stealth and I’d like not to use it on a regular base). How can I sterilize the current growbox? A UV CFL for a few days? To spray 96% spirit over all the surfaces in the box? Anything else? I’ll be using the same pot for the next grow. This pot will be washed and cleaned, than I’m going to “bake” it in the microwave with a glass of water and clean it with spirit to make sure it is sterile. Should I do anything else? Should I sterilize the soil in the microwave?
Damn it - now I feel creepy and crawly around my own body...
On the weekends I take the plant to the balcony to let it have some natural sunlight for a few hours. I guess it’s no harm in means of insects getting to the plant as I have no air-filter on the intake of the grow-box?

Hope you gays can spread light on this – I value and appreciate your advises a lot.
Thanks in advance and have healthy grows!

P.S. The young one:


ICMag Donor
Leaves transpire. You can get water drops on the leaves from transpiration, especially from leafier plants that are growing in higher temps. Inadequate air movement can make the problem worse.


Hello guys and gals!
Final posts on this grow eventually. Have been a bit busy last weeks…

The plant has been chopped on the day 75 (10 weeks). By now the crop has been dried and the outcome is 17g (0.6 oz) of buds + a bunch of dried leafs. I’m not very satisfied with the outcome, though the plant suffered so many problems that I’m surprised it has done it to harvest at recommended time at all. Though, it might be the lights. CFL’s behind a 4mm thick glass might not be the best option. I’m starting to be disappointed by the cfl’s. The outcome with a 70w hps behind a 4mm glass in a much smaller growbox was 28g… Anyway, I’ll have another grow in this growbox and see what we’ll get. The harvest should be in mid-August. By that time a new larger pc-growbox with CMH light has to be assembled. It would be interesting to compare all the grow-boxes available )).






The Mark1 has done very well, no problems at all with the growbox itself. It is going to be modernized and at the current stage is disassembled. A new, much better ventilation system will be introduced along with some other improvements.
The cropshots are following.
Thanks everybody for watching and supporting!
The crop.
First I chopped off small lower buds and then decided to take pictures...



Two 25w incandescent lamps help to dry the stuff. It's about 40C (104F) inside. Two days and the job is done.

The smoke is very soft and gentle (yes, there are no leaves, just buds). The effect isn't strong and more on the stoners side. Lasts for 2-2,5h. Might cause a headache afterwards, not sure yet. Maybe curing will make it different.


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