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Stealth Microgrow



welcome guys and girls, to my first grow:) I made my box with stuff around the house,spending next to nothing:) this grow is a complete experiment, and im relying on you guys to pass on any help and advice:)
genetics: C99 and Psychocindy (from clones)
growing box: 1 sqft
light: 4x 20w cfl 2700k

some pics of the box photo.JPG

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good to see you get the box up m8 .....

nice genetics u got there ;)


Big Eggy

Active member
Hey Micronewb,

I'm a former Micro grower myself.. Used to run a 70hps over 1sqft. Flowered 4 clones at a time in 3litre cider bottles (sainsburys basics) only 50p ish.. can be tipped away or drank.

My C99 was really nice to work with under those conditions and some of the best bud i grew.. I wont clog your thread up with my pics but check them out.

If you flower clones once they are established you'll get nice "bud on a stick type plants".

I also used to keep bosai mums in another box with 2 x 10w strip floros' (the ones that can be linked together (argos i think?)

I'll keep an eye on this thread and will help if i can.

Good Luck



thanks BIG EGGY for stopping by, will take a look at your pics ;)

Here's a couple of pics of the girsls today:)

photo (6).JPG photo (5).JPG

Big Eggy

Active member
Do you have drainage holes in those pots? Might be worth adding some perlite also, wilko is the cheapest place to get it that I know of.


Do you have drainage holes in those pots? Might be worth adding some perlite also, wilko is the cheapest place to get it that I know of.

Yeah spent about half hour drilling a million holes into the pots,pay day is coming so will be getting some perlite and some other bits and pieces for the box:)

Big Eggy

Active member

Just a bit concerned about the twisted leafs.. what temps are you running in there?

pay day is coming

Yeah i was paid today for the month and pretty much spent it all.. having to use Focus Payless Multi Purp and Top Soil mix for my grow mixed with a bit of kids play sand from argos (£2.99 for 15kgs less than half the price of washed Hort grade sand). Once they are on the 2nd set of 5 fingered leafs i'll add some Fish/Blood/Bone in to the mix which i know they will thank me for.




Just a bit concerned about the twisted leafs.. what temps are you running in there?


on day one i put them super close to the lights, i quickly changed that once i saw the leaves starting to curl;)

temps lights on 78 lights off 68

Big Eggy

Active member
arr thats ok then.
I just recycled some old pics of my bonsai mums you might find intresting, i kept 5 under 20w with ample room for cloans. They used to throw out more material i could ever use so always had cloans ready when flowering had finished.
Any how i.m waffling. Have a good weekend


the pc clones seem light sensitive until they get a good root system going , mine have did the same for the first couple of days .

have a look in my test thread MC , dawgsbollox did a test grow and put some pics up , all i an say is i hope mine turn out like that :) :)


have ur clones sorted themselves out yet ?

yeah man C99 is flying now, the pc is a little slower but all is looking good now man :)

will get some some pics up at some point today man:)

Big Eggy

Active member
There looking alot happier.. Keep up the good work.
Edit: is the PC the one with broader leaves?
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looking alot better MN and once those are finished i'm sure the clone fairy will have another treat lined up for you :)
