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Stealth Locked Doors

I've figured out the best place to grow. Behind an upstairs closet door, inside that closet a door to the AC/Heater area. Small attic, power, ventilation, can even tap into the AC easily to regulate the heat in the summer (although I suspect I will just do a couple grows a year during the winter).

Right now, there is just a regular round doorknob on it. Any ideas on an "invisible" lock system of sorts? A lock on that particular door would really seem odd. I'm not thinking of an electric lock, but some doorknob where the key lock area is hidden/covered, or some other clever way to lock a door in an unconventional manner.

Odd request I know, but wonder if anybody knows of such a thing.

Old Soul

Active member
You could look into some sort of magentic locking system. Look up Tot Loks for example. I am not sure if they will work for that kind of door but for cabinets they work great.



Active member
how aboute something like this
Nice but

Nice but

Way beyond my carpentry ability! Looks cool though.

I am partly trying to get one quick, fast grow through without my wife noticing. The room in question is on the second floor of our guest house, inside a closet, and she practically never goes there.

But she does occasionally go into the closet and she would notice a book shelf! If she does try to get into the attic area and can't then I will be busted by her, but oh well. She knows I want to grow, knew I smoked weed when we married, she said if I grow make it not traceable to her -- which is practically impossible but I figure if I can do a fast grow without her knowing and then fess up she will see the risk is low. The area is dark, has good air flow and I will add odor control, plus with the AC and Heater ducts in the room I have ability to control the temp. I just want to grow a few plants to give me a year or so worth of bud, and just do a fast grow once a year. So I need a lock just in case some curious person wants to see what is behind the door that is behind the door -- including my wife. I may show her once I get the grow started, but a lock on this particular door would draw attention to anyone curious. A door that just seems jammed would be better I think. A minor issue though in the big scheme of things.


for real?
growing is more important to you than you marriage?
that's kinda dissapointing IMHO.

When she said not traceable to her, i can imagine she probably meant not traceable in the sense of 'she can't get in trouble for it if you're busted and be forced to suffer the consequences of your actions.'

It seems that you've decided to interpret her words as meaning 'something wifey can't find.'

While i may very well be wrong on both counts there, if i'm right, you're seriously risking your relationship with her and definitely violating her trust.

If the grow is in the house she resides in, whether it is hidden for not, it IS possible, to the best of my knowledge, that she can go down with you if you are ever busted. Are you really willing to risk your wife's freedom without her knowledge?

You reeeeaaaallly don't think she's gonna notice you spending an unusual amount of time in the attic or whereever?

If my wife risked my freedom without me even knowing about it, i know i'd be pretty upset.

It just seems wrong to me, thats all.


i agree with irish. this risk is low with proper security measures, but its always possible to get busted from things beyond your control... from experience dealing with only 3-5 plants in one go around, a fair amount of time was spent tending to them. i would make sure your wife is OK with it and understands the consequences
I hear you

I hear you

In the end, I really don't expect to nor want to hide this from my wife. In life, everything is negotiable, and I am sure we can work something out. We have discussed the topic. She says I can guerrilla grow somewhere off our property, so that is one option I am also looking at, but in reality, the risk to me is less for a small indoor grow. But I absolutely need to deal with risks to her, and I love my sweety even though she prefers me not to toke! (but tolerates it). She says I can buy on the street, grow outside off property, but its not really a rational look at the overall risks when compared to growing a few plants in an attic. Even more irrational when her biggest concern is me getting busted and loosing our main source of income (mine). I am much more likely to get busted growing outside or buying weed on the street. Once we retire she says I can grow, so ultimately its about cash, which I can somewhat appreciate!

But in any event, I'd still like to get answers to this question as a part of my case to make my wife is to show how invisible a grow room I could make. I am also thinking of getting the grow room all setup, and starting a tomato grow just to show her how unobtrusive it all is.
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didn't mean to rant so much, sorry to diverge from your question so much.

have you thought about just getting a locking doorknob? It would look less obvious than a deadbolt, but still get the job done.


Well-known member
My advise on the wife is to let her know. For years and a couple of moves ( different homes) I tried hiding indoor grows from my wife. She caught me every time and I would always rationalize that MJ growing is right for all the reason you see on sites like this and I would say the exact same thing as you to her, “You knew I smoked and wanted to grow when we met”. In the end I realized that she was more important and although the discussion (ha ha ha) never lead to divorce possibilities I finally learned that growing is not my decision to make it has to be a family decision because it effects the whole family.

Want some real advise do the guerilla grow as your wife suggested. Build a small cold frame/green house 3x2x3.5 out of a storage bin and that corrugated roofing material they make green houses out of. Start you seedlings inside it and transplant outdoors. You are happy and so is your wife.

What about the sprouting and veging?

What about the sprouting and veging?

Yeah, I'll negotiate with her one more time, but it should be easy enough to do it outdoor, especially with something fast like lowryder 2.

But with most strains, I still need to veg, outdoor grows are best with known female clones, so I still have to sprout and veg somewhere don't I? The wife may still not be cool with even sprouts at the houts :)

I'll try a few outdoor options this summer if I can't convince her. Our little attic area though is still pretty ideal, so I am still thinking of doing a Tomato grow just to show her its no big deal. At least start getting equipment while I continue to negotiate with her, but for my short term shortage I figure some lowryder fems in little pots inside little trees off our property would be fairly safe.


Well-known member
Everyone’s situation is unique. If you think she will see where you are coming from go for it. My wife has a zero tolerance rule in effect.

I am in no way an expert at any level of growing but if you can harvest end of Sept beginning of Oct. there are many strains you can grow.

If you need something that you can finish early I would suggest looking on unleashthegreen. They have a lot of fast finishing strains that wont break the bank. Soak them in water for 24hrs carry them out to the cold frame put them in (may1st-15th) and watch them grow. Need to check and care for them weekly. Transplant at 12inches or more. Cull the males and you know the rest.


hamstring said:
Everyone’s situation is unique. If you think she will see where you are coming from go for it. My wife has a zero tolerance rule in effect.

I am in no way an expert at any level of growing but if you can harvest end of Sept beginning of Oct. there are many strains you can grow.

If you need something that you can finish early I would suggest looking on unleashthegreen. They have a lot of fast finishing strains that wont break the bank. Soak them in water for 24hrs carry them out to the cold frame put them in (may1st-15th) and watch them grow. Need to check and care for them weekly. Transplant at 12inches or more. Cull the males and you know the rest.

I found unleashthegreen, but it just seems to be a forum, didn't see any seeds for sale. What am I missing? I live in the south, its very hot in the summer. On the positive, the area isn't particularly full of outdoor grow busts, because on the negative it doesn't grow so well due to the heat. That is why I wanted to try something fast and early, like Lowryder. But open to other strain ideas. Pretty much no veg, seeds to flower.
God what a drag you guys have such uptight wives....

God what a drag you guys have such uptight wives....

.....I bet they hate you going to bachelor parties, strip clubs, out nights with the boys and would never be interested in a 3-some with another woman, huh? Damn...thank God I'm not the typical American woman.
Now to just meet the atypical American (or from whereever) American man.....yeah! As if!!!!!!!!!!


Your FIRST concern MUST be odor control before ANYTHING else...get your odor control system in place FIRST...you WONT be sorry..
Whipped, and mostly loving it

Whipped, and mostly loving it

view2athrill said:
.....I bet they hate you going to bachelor parties, strip clubs, out nights with the boys and would never be interested in a 3-some with another woman, huh? Damn...thank God I'm not the typical American woman.
Now to just meet the atypical American (or from whereever) American man.....yeah! As if!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear a feminine voice of reason. But if we do stand up to our woman, most of us suffer in many ways. In general, when I do draw the line and make it clear something is important to me, my wife does listen, but I have some sympathy in this case given when I am talking about is illegal and there is a chance (very remote, but real) that it would impact her. And her biggest "impact" is her not having access to the large quantities of cash I earn should I end up in jail/loose my job over this (which is a ridiculously small probability given I am white, not hippie looking, and have the bucks to hire the best lawyer in the state).

What is frustrating though, is my woman gets more uptight with age. Getting older is reason to get wilder in my opinion. And, I am blessed with a very hot, but very strong willed woman, so what is a guy to do????

So hey, be constructive. Tell me how to loosen her up! I'm listening :)


ICMag Donor
Here is my opinion. If you get caught, your wife is correct that her life, your life and the lives of your children, if you have any, will be greatly impacted. If she's not comfortable with it, why not wait and do an outside grow? She wouldn't even have to know you are doing it either.

I think I read where you said you only smoke a couple ounces a year? For 4 or 5 hundred dollars I wouldn't put the stress on her. Some people are worry warts and god forbid something did happen, she might leave. I'm all for you growing, but she isn't, and she's your wife. If she's been good to you it might be best not to worry her. Pick yourself up a couple packs of seeds and do a half dozen plants outside and you'll have all the weed you can smoke and no one is stressed.....


Well-known member

With your climate there is no need to try a super early strain take a look at the Stickys at the top of outdoor forum here at IC mag. You should be able to find what you are looking for. You can also gain important outdoor growing knowledge that can help you pull off that outdoor harvest.

Or if you must----- I do not want to step on any toes because I like it here at IC mag but you have too few posts to PM.

Become a member at unleashthegreen and talk to Mr. clone. Ask about GG2,GG3,GG5 or many others. They have some early strains for you.
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hamstring said:

With your climate there is no need to try a super early strain take a look at the Stickys at the top of outdoor forum here at IC mag. You should be able to find what you are looking for. You can also gain important outdoor growing knowledge that can help you pull off that outdoor harvest.

Or if you must----- I do not want to step on any toes because I like it here at IC mag but you have too few posts to PM.

Become a member at unleashthegreen and talk to Mr. clone. Ask about GG2,GG3,GG5 or many others. They have some early strains for you.

I'll join unleashthegreen. Given my wife is cool with outdoor growing I suspect that is the route I will go. There is lots of open space around me. I am a bit more worried about risk to me.


ICMag Donor
Or another suggestion might be to go to seedbay.com and look around. They are the folks that sponsor this site and all the growing information......


Take the guest place, tell the wife it's going to be your office with a lockable door and one key- that you keep. She now deny knowing what's going on out there. She can tell whoever she doesn't have access. She will eventually want to see at which point you will have the chance to show her that if you both don't say anything the chances are pretty good for you to enjoy our hobby. The guerilla grows have too much out of your control. Safety is what I bet she is looking for. You got more control growing in your guest place. My 2 cents and you're still 98 cents short for a cup of coffee.

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