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Stealth Grow Nightstand



yeah just a regular 13w CFL, one of the ones thats equiv to a 60w regular bulb.


Active member
its growing so fast because you did what we advised you to do. BETTER SOIL IN A BIGGER POT. space for roots = better growth on top.

next up, you should LST it. that is gently tie some string to it near the top and tie it down(about 90 degrees, dont push it to the point where it snaps!), it will slow down growing upwards, but it will bush out instead and that is very good for you with height limitations. trust me again, it will pay off!! :)


Thanks for the tip about LST smokey, ill get on that right away.

Here are the latest OMG soil is important pictures =p





Sorcerer's Apprentice
ok i have carbon filters in my box... but why some people suggest to don't use incense?

I like incense too. In moderation. But how do you keep incense burning 24/7? What do you do when you decide to go out for the evening? Or go to work? If you have neighbors, that smell is going to creep up on them. At best, you're combining incense to the smell of the herb... if the strain is potent enough, it will eventually start to overpower that incense smell once it starts to flower.

I'm not saying never burn incense. I'm saying that you can build a carbon scrubber for under $20 (the two containers I used were $3.50 for both. The carbon itself was about $10 for a half gallon. The screen that I used for the carbon bed was about $5 and I've got several meters of it left!!!!!)

The scrubber means that with NO incense and NO candles (and dear god, no pine sol! don't you wanna live to see 60?)... my cab is currently flowering 13 females and you can't smell... ANYTHING.

How long is it going to take before you've spent $20 on incense and scented candles? One grow? less? Get that carbon scrubber built and you can just change out the carbon ($10) anytime you start to catch a whiff.


hehe well the candles were free.. we have tons laying around the house. The incense was also free, because we had it laying around. But yeah when i get more experience, and probably on my next grow ill beef up the system a bit. I just didnt want to spend a fortune and have it die on me. which is exactly what its NOT doing lol.. its flourishing


New pictures. havent LST'd yet but going to here in the next day or two.

Look how vibrant green it is =D

growing with a bulb like that is much like an egg. have to turn the plant every day =p added tinfoil on the opposite side of the light. slowed down the bending a bit

Dr 4 four

Nice grow ya got going on Jester. You might think of taking out the tinfoil and using an Emergency Blanket instead to reflect the light. Tinfoil can cause hot spots amongst other not so good things like fire. Target, Wal-Mart, KMart, any outdoor sporting store, hardware store, etc... sell them, really cheap too. Duct tape or double sided tape and an Emergency Blanket and your all set. Also maybe time to LST?


Yeah im going to LST it today or tomorrow. ALso picking up a timer for the light so i can force 12/12 in another few weeks


New member
does that towel need to be there?

im always afraid of cotton-y material-like things in my case.
afraid something might catch on fire...


Well its there for 1. blocking the light coming out the back ( the shelf doesnt extend all the way back ) and two. any water that leaks out of the pot gets soaked up which hasnt happened yet. i might take it out

Dr 4 four

Take a black trash bag, fold it, cut it to size, layer it and line the bottom and sides with it, use duct tape, nails, tacks, or staples to attach it to the side. That should solve your light leak and trap the water from leaking as well. Just gotta watch for rips or tears.


Latest pics, added a PC fan for airflow, and LST'd the baby as to get more bushiness =D



and the LST



Sorcerer's Apprentice
another option if you don't have the cash for the reflective blanket would be some flat white paint. (You could just get one of those really small cans for that space. Probably $5 or less.) You could also, alternately, get some of that shiny wrapping paper. The backside of it is basically mylar and it will reflect up to 90-95% of your light.... which makes your light work more efficiently. Aluminum foil is much less reflective than either of those two, plus, as previously mentioned, can cause hotspots.


i wouldnt lst your plant like that, the top will just start growing up again and you will have an 'S' shaped plant unless you can slowly bring it almost all the way down and keep it down. the idea is to stop the chemical from going to the top of the plant and have other branches have the chemical sent to them saying to grow upwards(cannot remember the name of the chemical). try SCROG it will maximize your light, look it up works great and you can make it outa stuff laying around.


New member
hello Jester, I just wanned to say hello from spain and that this is one of my favourite topics, reminds me my first grow whem I was a student.

as we say in spain

" eres un maquina, dale caña a esa planti "




thats more of an lst bend mate, but then again the cheese goes mental with lst it seems. realy outgrowing my cab now...



curious if i can trim off the big leaf up front. . a friend wanted a leaf for like putting into a paperweight, plus it just kinda seems useless hanging there

Also i noticed this purple or brown spots on the tips of the leaves, looks like right where the vein ends at the edge of the leaf.. only a few spots