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Stealth Grow Nightstand


Active member
i beleive it is female.. There are white pistils near the stem base on the 2nd node
What a happy looking plant :D Congratulations!
It'll be a while before you can sex her. Those aren't pistils they're just part of the plant. You'll be able to see the difference in a month or so :D


Grow like nobody is watching
Looks like you made a good move with the soil! I once had a seedling sex at that size outdoors, it was very strange. Still grew big enough.


Yeah the pot was like $1.25 i beleive and the potting soil which is 21-7-14 was like $5 at walmart for a little bag.


well i dont know what i did.. but this plant is really growing like a weed ( pun definitely intended )




What a happy looking plant :D Congratulations!
It'll be a while before you can sex her. Those aren't pistils they're just part of the plant. You'll be able to see the difference in a month or so :D

yeah they turned out to be new leaves shooting out. Had me excited lol. Being my first ever attempt, its going rather well.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
As previously suggested by several people, please don't use incense or pine sol or whatever else to cover up the scent of your grow!

You can easily (EASILY!!!!!) build yourself a DIY carbon scrubber for under $20 that will ELIMINATE any odors from your grow. Then you can hook up a PC fan to it for $5-10 and be set.

I recently built one for my cab and it was simple and very effective. It's on page 11 or 12 of my thread in my sig.

I built my entire cab from scratch for under $500. That includes soil, lights, paint, materials, carbon scrubber, fans, nutes, even the tools to build it (jigsaw, drill) -- literally everything -- for under $500 and all from items that can be found at places like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.

There's no need for you to go out and buy a light fixture that has 4 lights. You can make your own for $10.

Go buy 4 ceramic light sockets for $1.50 each. Then buy a regular old household 6 or 10ft extension cord for $2 and cut it up to use for the wiring. Looks like this:



do you have a timer for your lights? and what light schedule are they on now. when do you plan on putting them at 12/12 for flowering bc if you have limited room you might want to do that and think about going sgrog. one they are 12/12 youll see them show sex with two white pistils coming out of a sac looking deal. good luck!


Yeah i was waiting to get a bit of growth before i forced it 12/12

Right now its on 24/7 has been for about 2 weeks.


depending on the size of the nightstand you should look at 12/12 soon as the plant will at least double in size depending on strain in flower. are you gonna do scrog? works good for small spaces it opitmizes the light with the tops.


Most likely. I have to figure out a cheap solution for the netting. literally have pennies to my name right now


i am in the same boat at you brother it sucks being broke and trying to grow. i have only been using still around the house including my cfls, replaced everything around the house w/ regular incandecents lol. my fans are from old computers and the box is lined with tinfoil which i recommend you do to maximize your light. i was thinking of using a rack from an over or something of that sort. if not some string and thumbtacks or nails will work perfect and also be easier to deal with when harvest comes. i am growing in a cab that is just like your nightstand cept its not actually a nightstand, but still wood. ill subscribe and help out when i can since we are doing pretty much the same thing. i have 9 afghan mazar plants going now two are staying inside the rest are going out tonight with the rest of my babies. nycd X c99 will be germ as soon as they arive and get a few of them going for a micro and a few outside. check out cc i got free nycd x c99 and free afghan mazar beans from a couple people there lucky me.


yeah my plant is starting to stink to high heaven lol. been having to light scented candles while im home. and yeah string and thumbtacks... never thought of that.. i have that laying around


As previously suggested by several people, please don't use incense or pine sol or whatever else to cover up the scent of your grow!

ok i have carbon filters in my box... but why some people suggest to don't use incense?


*shrug* i like incense, and the incense sits higher than the plant so dont see a problem with that.


You have yourself a pretty nice little grow setup. Hows your ventilation/temps? I noticed you are using a meat thermometer for checking your temps. Just to let you know(i know your broke) that they SUCK at getting ambient temperatures, the tip needs to be submerged into something(meat) to work properly.

I mean yea it will give you an idea about where your sitting at but I'm guessing the temps are actually higher than the therm reads...

my 2 cents

keep growing for the right reasons and it will pay off in the end.


yeah i had the meat therm sitting down next to the pot for awhile, and it hovered around 75. There actually isnt much heat coming out of there when I pop it open from time to time.. though the stench hits you like a brick wall. Here are some new pictures

