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Stealth Dresser.

Bush Grower


Blueberry Fem'd Seeds (all named with love)
3 CFLs for Seedlings
250 Aircooled MH/HPS for Vegetative/Flowerin'
The most quiet bathroom extractor Home Depot had for exhaust.
3 2" PVC intakes spray painted black, with two elbows per intake to kill light
GH Flora Nutes (all 3)

Fish Tank to cover up fan noise. No one knows this is a grow cab.

The Dresser:

The Grow Chamber:

Raspberry Day 4:



They will recieve their first dose of nutes tomm. at 1/4 strength.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Very nice. The aquarium should make an excellent fall guy for fan noise.


Nice, love the dresser. I think its stealthier than my cab, I just didn't find a dresser when I was looking for cabs in the size I needed.

Only thing I'd recommend is increasing the number of intakes. You want about twice as much area for your intake as your exhaust otherwise the fan strains more thus creating more noise.


Very nice.. I'm interested to see how that 250 Watt HPS reacts in such a small vertical space... How many CFM does that fan move?

you say different lights for seedling, etc.. are you doing NGB style or just using the whole thing as one cab which you will switch to flowering later?

Bush Grower

Quazi... Thanks for checkin' it out man, stick around as I will probably need some help. This is my first soil grow in a couple years... I have been doin' hydro.

FreezerBoy... Yeah for sure... I already have the aquarium there, the first picture was right after I put together the cab and painted it. My mom came over to check out my new house and was standing a foot from it checking out the aquarium lol. She had no clue. Stick around bro... I know you have exp. with growin in small spaces.

Barnt... That was the most important thing to me with this grow, stealth. This is definately the most stealth setup I've had minus a closet grow in a hallway people walked right by and no one knew existed... we even threw a rager with something like 100 people in my house lol. I knew when I was building it I wasn't putting in enough intakes, I was just lazy... I would have to go buy 4 more elbows and spray paint them, drill the holes with a hole saw... lol. I bought the biggest air pump I could get to cover up noise and it does a great job. Thanks for stoppin' by!

jdog12... Man! I'm worried about the 250 watt in such a small space. We will see. I built a quasi cool tube for it with air running right over the bulb and out the cab, so I'm hoping this gets the job done. Otherwise I don't know what I'll do. Annd I had planned on doing a multiple chamber grow, because there's another chamber the same size on the other side. But, I gave that up trying to get everything to fit was a biatch. I would of had to use computer fans and not been able to use HID lights. Oh well, I'll settle for what I have for now. I have a 1000w recirculating homebox that I can't setup right now because I have too much family over (I just moved in). Stick around bro.


save money and buy a 250 CMH bulb. i have a dresser smaller then yours and my temps are perfect. however i do have my bulb in a hurricane tube exhausted to a 50cfm comp fan. all they way around the CMH will save money because you can use it flower and veg running off a HPS ballast.


Eugene Oregon
Rad looking cabinet, could you post some pictures of the overall cabinet?
Or how about a picture of the flowering chamber mate, thanks.

Bush Grower

Mumbumper... Yeah, good idea. I already bought a HPS bulb but I will surely go the CMH route after the HPS/floros burn out.

Able Mind Thank man.. I still have some things to do for it, it's a work in progress. I wanted to go ahead and start some seeds though... I haven't had my own grow in four months so I was really gettin' that urge.

Herb Glaze There is no flowering chamber. The other chamber is for cloning, ventilation, the 250watt ballast, carbon scrubber, and nutrient storage. Down the road I might change that, but for now it is what it is. I'll get some pictures up soon, I am not done with that side yet.. I've been lazy.


Active member
Sweet dresser you got going there BG. Did you mount the drawers together and put them on hinges or something? I'd love to see some pictures of what you came up with if you ever get around to it.

Bush Grower

Well I used the boards that came with the dresser. There was one for each drawer, it is the part that folds into a U shape to form the drawer that the hinges are connected to. I put the Front Plates on the middle of the U and after that it fit right in.

I made the door in the back because it was really easy to do with the cardboard back. I just added nails and velcro to close the door with.

This cabinent can be ordered online or bought at target. It's pretty well recommended, and fairly easy to convert. If anyone needs any help let me know... I would of done some things differently.

And a little error made me have to paint the whole thing... I put all the nails through the front of the faceplate so it wasn't stealth. I found this textured spray paint that was perfect to cover thos up. You can't tell anymore.

Sorry for the stoned ramblings haha!


this is awesome, great job BG.......i need to get off my ass and do something like this. ill be pulling up a chair for this.


Plants are looking good and happy for sure!

Can you give us some more info about your growing medium and nutes you plan to use?

I'd like to see what a hydro-gone-soil folks decide upon.

-Q :rasta:

Bush Grower

keeko... Hey man, thanks for stoppin' by. Stick around... I'm interested to see what phenos I get. So far so good... it's just the whole waiting and being patient part that's the hardest.

Quazi... Of course...

I am using soil from home depot. I couldn't find a soil with no fertilizers in it, so I found the one that had the least fertilizer. It is used for germinating grass seed I think the brand was Scott's. I mixed in 1/3 perlite.

For nutrients I am using GH Flora series because I already have gallons of it and didn't want to go buy anything else. With Earth Juice organic PH up/down (I know, it doesn't make since since I'm not using organic ferts, but I had it laying around from previous organic soil grows so I figured what the hell).

Umm I guess that's about it. I plan on taking clones in rockwool when I flip them over to 12/12. I should be putting in the HID light in a week or so!! I hope the temps will be alright. I need to make a cool tube like you have. I made something like it... I'll show you soon.

Peace, love, and afro grease


Active member
hey bushgrower, can we get some pics of the front with the doors off? I'd like to see how you got it setup, Im in a similar sittuation


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I think he said the front is sealed. It's the back that opens up. Note the furniture movers under the cab.

Bush Grower

Yeah... freeze has got it. It would of been a pain in the ass to make the front doors open, so I used the carboard-like backing the dresser came with as a door. I just used nails and velcro.