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Stealth Dresser-GLH 300 LED- Need Help! PICS


New member
Hi all, over the past few weeks I've been building this cab and its been crazy fun and exciting. I have ran across a few problems, with the useless 6 inch booster fan trying to pull through the filter temps are at just under 100. I'm not going to lie, even though it's LED it puts out a considerable amount heat in the small space.

To hopefully fix the heat problems I think i'm going to buy a S&P "mix vent" fan. I was just thinking of getting the td-100x but then i saw they have a new TD Silent Series any opinions on either? Will those even pull enough air though a filter? I guess I could use a td-150 with a speed controller. Anyone use a speed controller on an S&P?

Anyway, once this thing gets up and running you guys think I should go auto flowers or 12/12 with training techniques? Can't wait for the cab to be running! Thanks for any help in advance.


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livin my way the high way
i run S&P inlines on a speed controller. works great. granted i never turn down past full. cause they dont pull much but i can if needed.


no autoflowers, go 12/12 with training

btw looks sick I so want to build a stealth armoire led cab! I'm jelly


New member

Just looking for some help.

Will a TD series fan do anything or did I over power my cab with the 300 watt led?


I just did auto's but it sucked because I did not have enough light. Air buds and poor yield in general. I would say you can't overdo the light, but heat is an issue for both of us. I am packing between about 340-480 watts at a given time. so I can relate considering my space is not too much larger.

Anyway, I am now doing photo-periods in the same space (2' x 2' x 3.5') with more light. I would have already about finished with auto's, but I will get more and better yield methinks the old fashioned way. I am also not done vegging the plants though, so I am 2 months out best case. It just depends on whether speed is important; we already know your space is limited, so will regular plants be worth it considering you have to let them get yay big before they're worth the time in the first place? For me...this time, I need to get some yield because I get pissed every time I have to buy some smoke nowadays. It's just not right I tell ya!


New member
Whats the size of your box L x W x H?

The 4" S&P or any other 4" inline fan should be adequate but it's hard to say until you post the size of your box.

Also you might want to check out the "Ventilation" thread on here:


Box is 28in x 16in x 34in

I really am hoping it will be enough. I am just concerned because of the triple digit temps.

I've check the ventilation thread out before. Helped me a lot when i started my journey. Thanks Bubbles


New member
Sorry, still haven't figured out how to edit.

I'm going to order a S&P hopefully by mid week and get things figured out once and for all. But until then anyone else got anything to say?
Get the 100x i bought a td 150 for my GLH 150 watt box and it was way to much overkill.... ended up just going with the stanley blower mod, wich is a little louder then i wanted but not that bad... going to just build a muffler...

PS : watch out for bleaching with yer GLH... my 150 bleach's around 11 inch... just a heads up... have a feeling it will be your largest enemy


New member
Get the 100x i bought a td 150 for my GLH 150 watt box and it was way to much overkill.... ended up just going with the stanley blower mod, wich is a little louder then i wanted but not that bad... going to just build a muffler...

PS : watch out for bleaching with yer GLH... my 150 bleach's around 11 inch... just a heads up... have a feeling it will be your largest enemy

Just bought a td-100x online. Should be here 4 or 5 days.

I am some what concerned about bleaching the tips so I was going to scrog and put then screen low. but if your 150 is bleaching at 11in the 300 will probably need over a foot.

Anyways, cant wait to get the fan and see whats up.
Box is 28in x 16in x 34in

I really am hoping it will be enough. I am just concerned because of the triple digit temps.

Do you have enough air coming into your box? I can't totally make it out on your pics, but it looks like you have 5 or 6 two-inch pvc intakes, which I would suspect is NOT enough air coming it to keep temps where you need them, and you have such a small space, you can't use up your entire floor space on intakes. I would suggest looking at one or two 8 inch darkroom louvers. They allow plenty of fresh air coming in, yet don't allow light (as it is as bad for developing pictures as it is for flowering ladies). I would place them low on the rear wall of your box, and if possible have your scrubber towards the top of the front wall of the box, so air flows in from low in the back, over the plants and up towards the scrubber (which you could exhaust high on the rear wall). I'm assuming you're running: carbon scrubber>fan>exhaust.

I'm exactly where you were in my new cab; looking for the quietest of fans that will pull enough air. I looked long and hard at the S & Ps, but not sure about the pressure being OK through the scrubber. Also, those fuckers are pretty big, like 22 inches long by 9 inches by 10 inches, which would have been tough stuffing into my dresser (which I think might be larger than your space). If you're mounting externally or in a compartment above your flower room then you're fine. But if not, I don't see an easy way of fitting that sucker in.


weed fiend
An easy way to estimate cab (passive) intake is two holes of equal size for every exhaust hole.

You can also calculate the area of a circle - radius squared x 3.14 = sq inches. I think a 4" hole is roughly 12.56 sq in. Double that for passive intake (like Vern says, the hole configuration doesn't really matter.) A 9" x 3" rectangle hole would work fine.

Your 2" elbows are roughly 1 x 1 x 3.14 or 3.14 square inches. If you go with the 2x rule of thumb, 8 holes will give you 25.12 and that'll work.

You might want to consider a scrog screen to keep the canopy low. Otherwise LST works well and might be easier than making a screen.
Personally, I think you have a tough road to hoe cooling 300 watts in that small space, and I would scrap the LEDs, but I guess I'm old school.

Instead, I would do a circular scrog, with a chicken-wire tube (or rectangle) approximately 20" x 15" x 28" and drop a single 150 watt HPS bulb vertically right down the center. Two plants, FIM'd and scrogged around the screens with flowers growing towards the center bare vertical bulb. I have some experience with this, and it is a beautiful thing to behold! Utilizing this method, you would have @ 14 square feet of scrog screen (maybe a little more if you moved exhaust fan and scrubber to the top of the cab). Added benefits are cutting power consumption almost in half, and having to deal with half the heat!

These pics aren't mine, but they are what inspired me to do my big cab several years ago. Two Czechs, G-Man and Prenda, were the first I saw use this technique, and they were pulling 140 grams in a space around your size...fucking incredible!

There are a few other design changes you'd have to implement, but nothing major; you'd want to put a door on the other side of the cab so you could easily access both sides of the tube (rectangle), and also you'd probably want to put the thing on wheels to easily access both doors. After that, you just train and pull big fan leaves through the screen behind the flowers...that's it.

Again just throwing my two cents in here, but it would give you better yield, less heat, and cheaper electric bills: win, win, win.

All these pics are from the Czechs, except the cab design, which I modeled after their grows. My one run in that cab kept me in C99 for @ 9 months.



First off I think you are fighting a losing battle with that LED in that box. LED's bleach like crazy if the plants get too close, so they tend no to work with as little headroom as you have.

You will need 14"-20" if vertical space for the plants going 12/12 from seed or clone, depending on the strain. Your best bet would be to set it up with PLLs. That said, these small boxes don't really require you to move the light, so You are best off sealing the lights off from the flower chamber so you can ventilate them separately. You won't need to filter the air for the lights, which means you can get 70 cfm, liquid dynamic bearing 120 mm cpu fan for 10 bucks off newegg. You will need 24 sq" of intake to match this fan. This will adequately cool the lights. the fan you have now should be fine to pull through a filter and vent the flower chamber. I don't think you will be able to cool the box without sealing the lights off from the flower chamber. At 2 sq' 14000-18000 lumens will be PLENTY to get nice nugs. 50 watt PLL bulbs are 22" long ($10 bucks a piece) and 3 of them will put out ~12000 lumens, with a penetration of about 15"-18". 2 can all be driven off of one ballast ($35), and should work perfectly for your application. Keep in mind that the lumens on the box are at 1" from the light, so 3 would actually be perfect for your application. these will be far cooler than that 300 watt LED and would draw less juice.

You could probably just run 2 vertically in there and train one doughnut around each one. A makeshift cooltube around each one and you are in business.

This is all just my opinion FWIW. These small cabs are tight, so you need to be as efficeient as possible with your use of space. I would take the whole bottom out. I would make a light trap out of the entire bottom like this one.

Use this aluminum angle to make it, 1/20 the thick for the fins and use the 1/8" thick stuff for the spacers.
Make it the same size as the floor of your cabinet and you wont have to worry about intake anymore. If you want me to I will sketch something up in sketchup it you can't visualize my ideas.
Just measure the interior dimensions for me.

Hope I can be of help, and good luck to ya

I just finished my cab that is about 3 sq' and has 420 watts of spiral cfls in it. It runs at 75-80 degrees and is ventilated by 2 cpu fans, one for the lights and one for the flowers.
