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sTaTiC's First Grow: Help my babies are dying!!!!



So here goes.. i have a thread in another forum i realize now i posted that in the wrong forum so I'm gonna post over here.

So lets start at the beginning.. my germ solition.. consisted of 1 liter of distilled water ( PH comes in at 6.something ), mixed with 3 drops of h202, and a drop of superthrive ( first mistake )
I soaked my paper towels with the germ solition, then with the rest of it i poured onto my cubes...

so 24 hours later i have 14 out 15 seeds cracked, I put the seeds into the cubes.

I had the seeds in a tray with a dome for a week, seedlings started to stretch so i took the dome off..
Day 7

Then on day 8 i make a big big mistake...

i feed my seedlings 1 liter of distilled water.. with a drop of super thrive...
the next day my seedings went

I then figured out where i went wrong with the help of Digital Happy.. Thanks man for your help..

Day 10

I flushed the cubes out on day 10 with 2 liters of distilled water

Day 11

Taking advise from digital happy I feed my seedlings a mixture of 10 drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 drop each of Micro-grow-Bloom ( GH flora Series) I ph tested this the water turned pink.. i have a cheap ph tester pink means 4.0 or lower.. i msged digital happy concerned about this, I didn't get a replay right away ( my bad i should have waited longer ) and i went ahead and watered my plants with this ( mistake i think.... )
i then got a msg and he recommended i give each cube another 200ml of ro water and not sweat it... I don't have ro water... so i used tap ( Tap water comes in at 7.something )

Here are some pictures from today...

My babies are not looking good guys..... tell me how to save them... please!!!!! Like really its only 200 bucks but damn I can't let them die my roommate will never let me forget i killed them!!! lol


Well your roomate shouldnt know! ;) lol but anyways you shouldnt be giving them anything but water for the first couple weeks at least....

Looks like your already feeding them and burning them though, Id just scrap the whole thing, since theyve already had problems this young, and start over.... If you want to keep these and think they can make it, Id suggest you just keep giving em good old water, nothing else, till they get bigger and tell you their hungry for some food.


Well since he's a fellow pot head and my partner in crime I don't think I gotta worry about him :)

Yah its a lesson learned for sure.. i was following something i read .. that says to feed your seedlings a drop of super thrive every 3rd feeding..
and i made a big fuck up by adding a drop to a liter and not a gallon, really big mistake... guess I'll have to wait to grow skywalker.. i got some blue cheese fems on the way.. it'll be take 2 lol... and I'm seriously debating going soil... like fuck i made one mistake, 1 drop of stuff and my plants suffered bad...

Oh well you live you learn... eat 200 bucks.. lose a month.. but life will go on :rasta:


My experience with superthrive, or anything with HUGE MARKETING LABELS - WORLDS SOLUTION TO GROWING ISSUES.... is that they are total shit.

As stated earlier, seedlings need nothing but water, sun and a good environment (medium/high humidity) and they are fine. Nature built in feeding leaves so that seedlings have enough nutrients to grow without anything else. Begin feeding them this early, ANYTHING other than water, and you're bound to run into burn issues.

I'd say it's your call... since they are seedlings you havent invested as much time in them as a 2month old plant...however, none of us like the thought of having to start over.

If you are going to keep these... just water them with plain tap water... and ONLY when they show signs of needing it. Typically when I use rockwool blocks like you have I only need to water them once every 4-5 days, sometimes even longer if humidity is at a good level. So make sure ya dont over do it - as most of us end up killing our plants cause we just can't let them work their own magic by leaving them alone.... :)



seriously every 4 - 5 days... see this is the problem with growing weed.. everyone says something differernt.. Someone else told me to dip the cubes about half way down in a glass of water for 3 seconds every 24 hours..

And like after 24 hours my cubes feel pretty dry.. they are very light.. seriously 4-5 days??
Purple/redish stems are a sign of hunger. For your seedlings first feed use 50-75 ppm nitrogen. This is very weak.

53 ppm n would be 3.75ml grow + 2.5ml micro + 1.25 ml bloom per gallon of water

Calcium in the fertilizer will relieve toxicity.

Be sure to adjust the fert water ph to around 6 after adding the nutrients

Happy growing! :wave:


ok...well theres no right or wrong way, just the way you do it. I mean its only a plant, no need to overcomplicate things, just dont worry and let it do its thang.

In terms of feeding etc, go with what you think not what others tell you, do you think your 2 day old seedlings need to be fed? do they look like it? And like Buzz said once they are hungry give a very low dose just to be safe, I believe some plants have purple/redish stems as part of their genetics, every mandala plant Ive grown seems to have purple stems but perfectly healthy plants, so I guess it comes down to the plant


These are like 10 days old and were fed 2ml's of canna A+B but fur a first time grower I agree with dont feed yet



stop using distilled water and start over, its bad news if you have to try and revive seedlings, you might just end up with alll male


Yah thats the plan... i have some bb blue cheese fems on the way :)
THanks for the help guys


Active member
If you are growing in r/w cubes, you are growing hydro. If you are growing hydro (or any other method for that matter) the very first thing you need to learn is the importance of pH. If your pH is not within the proper range, your plants simply won't grow right. I grow in coco, which is quasi-dro, and keep my pH in the range of 5.4-5.5. I don't remember off the top of my head what the suggested pH parameters are for dro - 5.3-5.7 or something like that. You need to check and properly adjust the pH of every drop of liquid you give to your plants. If you don't, you might as well not bother growing!



Thanks for the advice PharmaCan.. ph is one of the area's i fudged up, the tester kit i bought but doesn't cut it.. i am going to invest in digital one before i germ my new seeds
Check out LC's soilless mix in the organic soil section "Organics for beginners"

Use his mix and one of the nute programs he listed...bubble some tea...and throw away your pH meter.

Someone will want to hang me for saying that "but I don't give a fuck"

Peace Rcky.
but I don' give a fuck"


Static - sorry if you misunderstood my post... I did NOT tell you to wait 4-5 days. I told you what 'I' wait, due to MY experience with MY environment and MY plants.

Bottom line - learn how to read your plants and when they need water. That's why you will ALWAYS get different info from people...cause each of our environments are diff.

And yes - fuck Rckymtn's advice... keep your pH pen (just had to Rcky... :) )


haha yah well my plants were pretty much toast I watered them Saturday night... Havn't checked on them since... Well I just checked them and they are like dead dead... Like as in shriveled up and all dead LOL and that was like less then 48 hours.. So yeah 5 days isn't going to work 4 me LOL

I made alot of stupid n00b mistakes this grow... Mostly to do with ph and super thrive..
Also I left the dome on for 6 or 7 days... Which is why I had major stretching..
So I'm that much wiser... Read up on ph, hopefully when my blue cheese gets here in a few weeks things go much much better.. Hopefully I get some freebies this time in case I do mess up again.. Here's hoping :)


i know man i know... and yah I'm debating going soil... I have a few weeks till my seeds get here.. but i spent money on a ebb and flow table and hydro gear.. and i know i can do it.. i just made a few stupid n00b mistakes... and like i have plenty of time on my hands, this is my new hobby i don't mind spending a hour or two in there a night if i have to.. what are you growin in? I assume u live in the same region as me, for RW cubes, how offten do you water your seedlings? Unless you grow in soil.. then nm lol