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Starting seeds for Aero.


Active member
We must still be separated by a common language then cuz I don't quite understand your pics.

Whats the white stuff, and the neoprene collars are left on what? I see seedlings in the white stuff, but not the collars. Are you saying you start the seeds in the collars then move them to the white stuff?


The "whte stuff" is a Sure to Grow cube.

You start in the STG cube and grow to seedling. When the seedling is large enough - you put a neoprene collar around the main stalk and carry on. The plant never leaves the STG cube once it starts there.


Active member
Sorted, glad you got fixed up in the end man

Try this for a change:
Soak the seeds in 24hr water for 24-48hrs
After having soaked the seeds, hopefully some will have began to split?, soak your rockwool starter cubes and place the seed into it no deeper than the length of itself
place the cubes into the aero system and watch for them sprouting

I saw one thread where the germinated seed was placed into the neoprene collar and straight into the cloner which looked healthy enough but I can't say I've tried it.