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Starting Original OBBT. Supplies for teas, etc?


Active member
I'm very excited to start 3 plants in the OBBT system. I'll be doing Purple Diesel.

Each plant will have a 5 gallon pail, as per the original design posted by DrunkenMessiah and LadyL.

Here's the consolidated list for anyone interested:

The Original Mulch Block Coir (coarse) from Element6 Products
Sunleaves Piece Coir (medium)
Soil Sponge Coir (fine) from PlantBest
Fox Farms Big & Chunky Perlite
Vermiculite chunks (horticultural, brown bag)
Bagged Organic Soil

Blood Meal
Bio Tone Starter Plus from Epsoma
Kelp Meal Fertilizer from Algamin
(ascophylum nodosum
Pennington's Fast Acting Lime
Epsom Salts (80% Sulfur, 20% Magnesium)

Fish Emulsion
Bat Guano
Corn Cob Ash
Worm Castings
Expert Gardeners Bloom Burst
Myco Madness

Fox Farm Bone Meal (from Peace of Mind Series)

Red Lava Rock
Large Rock Grade
Gravel Grade

Air Stones
Air Hose
Air pump


Active member
Hello OM. Thanks for that.

I hear you, but the OBBT is based on a specific pre-loading of organic sources, and only requires a very occasional addition / supplementation. Not much. I'm thinking a brew pail for a supplementation (maybe a month into the veg) and another for the veg or foliar feeding.
2 gallons is a little small but you could swing that. I really prefered 3 as a minimum, but whatevs. I've got some good nute recopies in the origional thread, they should be on the first couple of pages. Then check out the thread "FOLIAR FEEDING FRENZY" here in the organic hydro forums. I've posted my ultimate hormone-boosted foliar spray regime in there. Good luck and happy gardening!



Active member
I'll use three gallon black pails then. No biggie, I'm just wanting to order black pails of all sizes at once.

I've read your posts in the foliar thread. I'm down with it.

Thanks. Getting close now.


Active member
Regarding Fish Emulsion and Bat Guano, any particular brands? There are different Guanos available.


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