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Starting my first micro grow (first grow ever)


New member
Ok so I'm planning on starting my own micro grow here within the next couple weeks, but I decided to start my grow diary a little early. Anyway, I'm going to be growing in a Rubbermaid tub that is approximately 18" tall, 12" wide, and 24" deep. I already have the lights that I will be using, (6 23w CFLs) but I still need to buy everything else, which includes the tubs, the bases for the lights, the wiring, fans, activated carbon, ventilation tubing, water pump, timers, and a few more ins and outs needed to get started. I just got off the phone with a few friends, and with a little luck, I'll have between 10 and 30 seeds to begin a test grow in a few days. Most of them will probably just be bagseed, but I know for a fact that I've got some chronic seeds on the way, along with a couple trainwreck, and possibly even some night train. The only nutrients that I'm going to use are Miracle Gro's tomato food and some super bloom additive I picked up a few weeks back. I still need to buy fans and construct an exhaust box that will filter out the smell, as I will get in DEEP shit if my aunt or uncle finds it, but they NEVER come in my room, so I guess that's a plus. I just don't want to draw attention to the closet with undesirable scents. Well I guess that's it for now, so until next time, just keep tokin'! :)


Active member
Don't grow in a house that isn't yours unless you have permission.

Never a good idea.

Even if they never go in there it will affect your entire lifestyle.

Resist the urge and be more mature than your age. You'll thank yourself.


growing in a place that you don't own:

to be honest, I'd say it would be straight if you were the ONLY person that knew you were growing. Like, your friends had no idea. no IDEA. but you gave up the privilege of secrecy and I'm siding with hydro-soil that it's irresponsible at this point. I'm not lecturing you but in stealth grows and micro grows the point is not getting in trouble, especially with such a low output, and its too risky to let anything slide if you are really being concerned enough to grow stealth in the first place.


Active member
i have to agree with the others. wait until you have a place of your own. it may seem like you are missing out on all the fun, but there are just too many downsides to growing in someone else's place . sounds like you have a good relationship with aunt and uncle; why not keep it that way ?


Emoticon-Heavy Response

Emoticon-Heavy Response


Totally. Forget about your Aunt & Unc finding out and busting you: now imagine your Aunt & Uncle having guns pointed to their heads by scary, hyped up jocks with dogs and a lot of yelling & barking.

:yoinks: :yoinks: :badday:
Aunt...Uncle... You.

:angrymod: :spank: :angrymod:
(this will be your ass being paddled...)

That's your worst case -- and not so impossible -- scenario. Are you prepared to do hard time for this and risk your family's house, etc. being taken away? It sounds crazy, right? Ask any of the dudes in lockup now for growing/possession if they expected to get caught too.

(I am, though, assuming you're in America or one of the other countries with retarded drug laws. If you live somewhere where it's legal, ignore all of this! :laughing: )

Think about it - it becomes more likely given the fact that you haven't learned how to do it yet... a first-timer's homemade carbon filter is a thin fuggin' line to have between you and what I describe above. Get your own place if you're serious about it. End of story.

We're all saying this in your best interests too dude.


I just put the monkey in here 'cause I haven't used him before.
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Agreed its not fair to put your aunt at risk. I believe that everyone is responsible for there own actions. Problem here is 2 people could get nailed for something they had no idea of....just my 2 cents


You've got your whole life ahead of you to grow some plant.

Who knows? By the time you have your own place, it may be completely legal for you.

It's not worth it to put other people at risk, especially if it means putting yourself at risk. Trust me, when you're packing up all your stuff and frantically dialing all your friends on your cell phone to see if they'll let you stay with them for a while, you'll be wishing you would have just waited.


-Q :rasta:


And just like that, he's disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Hopefully it's ganj and not his Aunt's place burning down.

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