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Starting a weed smoking break.. who's with me?


love machine
ICMag Donor
:wave: EG,

wish i could do what you're doing, i need weed to wake up early, i need weeds to go to work, i need weed to be more creative, without weed im lazy like a cat on caturday.

yo good luck my brotha as someone else who just started a break... all the best it's the worst thing in the world!

what are your plans for it? any "vacations?"
haha gotta take em... I asked my friends to save me a girl of each strain they grow/pick up (depending on person) until my babies are finished curing... then taking one looong saturday out and rolling each of em up for a 24 hour nonstop session
Hey there. Had to make some choices myself lately. Got some little ones (4 kids) at home who need and want their old man in their life. Less than a week to go and it will be 7 months for me not toking. Tired of living two lives of smoker and non partaker. I still love the Cannabis and believe in the saying smoke them if you got them as it don't bother me none. Me I will grow it for those who need it but I am wanting to make a life where I can keep my family together and it is no longer is possible if I am gonna choose to smoke up. Maybe if my marriage does not come back online I may again partake again one day but for now I am seeing this matromony thing throught to the end be it death or divorce. Be nice to see a day where the herb was kosher and not villified as being a evil vice a scourge to society but as a precious gift from mother earth and the creator. Good luck to you. Kind regards.

Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
hey guys,keep at it.
a problem shared,is a problem halved,as they say,right!?

i´m at the end of day seven without smoking.still
a few weeks to go,i think.


Active member
I,m just stopping my break now : ) 3 week,s without

so Wish you luck EG-i shall smoked some damn good weed and hashih-homemade Yaa


I'm at 2 months got a court case on April 13th and they will be testing my blood levels so I'm trying to decide if I smoke a blunt now will it still be in my system by then or fucking wait with the possibility of jail time looming anyway.


Active member
Thats true dman16-havent smoked yet and just wake up from a not crazy dream,but they feel strong and real--someone would steal my weed and beans : ) i get angry at him,and waked Up-my weed and beens and so on-stille here-now im happy again..


Active member
Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
(Like "Drill" used to yelled at us...)

Life's too short.

But nevertheless I wish you luck in your choice.

Many ways like many rivers...


i'd like to redo his post

life too short, fuck the world lets get high!

hope to see you have a come back tour soon sir, always sucks when one of our own has to quit to be part of the system. Best luck and graces to you and your future.


Life is one big grow........
good luck bro, i smoked 7years nonstop AAA+ max 1 day without a toke!! now iam 6month without weed !! ok smoked 3 times!! I have the ass full weed!! Still growing with 1000w!!
for 7 month i though i never will stop smoking!! And know, jep i am crazy!!


pure dynamite
Thanks all for your support!

UPDATE: 113 hours 51 minutes and counting...
(minimum break time span: 336 hours)

so 1/3 of the initial time has passed. today is the first day I could say it was good and I felt normal. so maybe after months and months of smoking the body needs some time to clear itself. :)


My mom warned me about people like you.Take your bad habits somewhere else please


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Sorry. I'm calling BS here. Nothing personal. I've been in the spot and usually come across some leaf that I had stashed. I've seen too many rehab and intervention shows and the suspect always takes the door off the liquor cabinet the 1st time they are left alone.

I'm with you. I've been on a break for almost three months. Yes, I've smoked my leaf stash, bummed a joint from my sister, with a promise to replenish when my next harvest is done later this month. Scraped the resin from my pipe. It's all good. The only reason I'm on this break is because i gave away two plants leaving myself with nothing back in November.

Keep it up!

EDIT: I guess I can go clean out my seeds and smoke all the immature greenies. White Widow seeds got me pretty high that one time...
Last edited:


pure dynamite
If I start something, I'll do it to the end. Sometimes I have problems when I try to motivate me to start something. But once started... it goes as planned or even better.

I don't have a reason to lie anyway. If I would want to smoke, I'd smoke, but I really have some important decisions to take and important meeting planned this period.



I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
shiit mang ive been on a smoke break for the last hour. time to roll up again


I think taking a break is a super awesome idea if you can muscle through it. Personally, I find myself being really anxious and irritable for a couple weeks after quitting. Anxiety and depression run very strong in my family though, I think I am really self-medicating more than anything. Last year I had a good 2 month break and this year I have had maybe a total of a month without smoking broken up over several weeks here and there.

Do a lot of you guys really feel fucked and lost and way out of your routine when you quit? I don't get crazy junkie cravings, I just really miss that element of my day to day. It's so weird, I dont feel like I have an unhealthy relationship with marijuana; I get good grades, go to my job, pay my bills, am an otherwise law-abiding citizen- but I really just wanna be able to smoke a little throught the day.

Nevertheless, all things in moderation indeed. It's always nice to get that super-buzz after a break. Once I have my seedlings in flower, I think I am going to take a break to have the freshest palate possible.

Cheers and good luck to abstainers and the currently-stoned. =)


I never feel guilty or bad about daily smoking.

But every so often it becomes apparent that I might be spending too much time stoned on the couch. I use it a lot to escape shit i don't want to deal with. when those things pile up too high, it's usually time to take a break and get all that shit squared away.

I do miss the ritual while i'm taking a break. Usually every evening my wife and I settle down around the same time, heat up the volcano, grind up some herbs, and toke away until bed time. If we are taking a break, it's like "so, what do you want to do now?"

Sometimes it seems like everything i do revolves around weed, when i take that element out...everything i do is missing something. I find it necessary to be a whole person without weed, otherwise people will just know me as the dude who is all about weed. I'm not ashamed of that, it's just not one of my ambitions.
