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Starting a 12/12 seed SOG box

Slight yellowing dissapeared in a day, apparantly these girls aren't very thirsty. Everythings looking nice and green, short of a few of the unknown bagseed having problems loosing their shell (almost 3" and the shells STILL havent broke off). Anything I could do to speed that up a bit? Never seen anything like it.

But short of those few, and a couple that didnt ever break ground, everything looks very healthy, very uniform. I've been slacking on documentation and need to catch up my notes so I'm a little more on track and can showcase a little bit better. Paycheck comes on Friday, and considering borrowing a camera hasn't been successful I think I'll just go ahead and purchase one. Update coming soon.
Having a slight issue.

Having a slight issue.

Ok, sorry for lack of update but things have been hectic otherwise in my life. Plants are on their second set, about 2 weeks old today. Having slight problems with select females.

head count is around 35 females at the moment, more seeds to be sprouted soon (Gotta hurry up and fill her so I can go 12/12 before their sisters get too big). Everything is fairly uniform, stout plants with serrated leaves, some with very tight spacing, others a little more wide, but all very short plants, the tallest being maybe 3.5" off the dirt.

I am using bottled water at room temperature for watering at this point, looking to switch to distilled here shortly. Having a slight yellowing problem with select girls.

No feeding has been done yet, all are in straight Light Warrior/Perlite 70/30 mix. Some plants were having a yellowing problem earliar, which I think I ruled as overwatering (due to the newer growth being bold and green after a pot dry and re-water), but whole sets are slowly starting to yellow and wither. I didn't expect this soil to run out of juice just yet.

Does anyone agree that they might need food? I need a quick and easy fert to perk things up, they've been going downhill the past 2 days. Working on pics..Thanks.
Picked up some Alaskan Fish Emulsion, 5-1-1, split a tablespoon (recommended 2) into a gallon and watered last night. Also picked up a dry mix organic fert, cant remember the brand but the hydro store is miles and these things needed a feeding, so I have that on standby if they dont take well to the liquid fert. Took some shitty c.f. pics just before the feeding so you can get an idea of how they look, I'll get those up later. Any tips would really be appreciated, I'm trying to be tedious and keep from overreacting but its been a while. Thanks.
yes i know still no pics. new details for those who are interested though.

My soil became a bit waterlogged from an overwatering, but slowly dried out and just before it was crispy I pulled them for transplant.

The fish emulsion and the all purpose fert (used 1/3 dose recommended) worked very well, most of the yellowing leaves have slowly started to get their green back. Some of the browning spots on select females have been deemed as a ph balance (bought an electronic tester, these things are great), apparently my water was horrible and my soil was around 6.4-6.5 in some cases :noway:

So now that I have a bunch of distilled, and they were all repotted in 24 oz Dr. Pepper bottles of Fox Farm Ocean Forest (roots trimmed), I'm giving them a day to let their old soil completely dry out before I give them any water. Gonna grab some GrowBig and Tiger Bloom this weekend to keep on standby, these things seem to love food.

Oh yeah, today is day 1 of 12/12. 25 females total, seeds in the mail waiting to catch up. And yes, pics soon. I promise haha.


Some of the browning spots on select females have been deemed as a ph balance (bought an electronic tester, these things are great), apparently my water was horrible and my soil was around 6.4-6.5 in some cases :noway:

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that generally you want a ph between 6.3-6.8 in soil whilst growing.
sorry i needed correct myself, my water tested at 6.3-6.5 in some cases, resulting in much more acidic that needed water. switched to distilled and the problem has slowly been resolving itself.

Things are looking alright, it seems the transplant right before flower has been successful so far, the roots seem to be grabbing to the new dirt and although their is some slight yellowing happened (shock i figure, hopefully it doesn't need ferts yet because im unable to get to the store for a few days), but they are starting to resume growth. Probably should have added some perlite to the OF before transfer but didnt so I'll have to be a little careful with the waterings. Any tips would be appreciated.


Good to hear that they are doing alright.

You gonna show us some pics!?
Images speak louder than words in some cases.
watering around the outer edge of the container's supposed to help induce root growth to the sides. i basically make my first watering into a two-part thing after transplanting. first day i water around the edge, then the next day i fill in the rest with a regular watering. after that its back to the regular watering cycle
hmm interesting. i usually always keep it away from the stem (but theres not MUCH room to be too far away in a 24oz soda bottle haha)

Day 5, 12/12 - PROGRESS PEOPLE! seems that most of them have snapped out of shock by now, a few that were transplanted a little moister in the dirt than others look like they have some catching up to do, but for the most part they are taking very well too the ocean forest. Deficiencies seem to be clearing up on most all of them, one is having a wacky issue and has been problematic since sprout (coteylons came out pure yellow from the casing, maybe it had something about the bud it came from being unflushed?) Shes got browning on her lower sets and a crinkle/red spot affect going on everywhere, will be posting pics soon so I can diagnose, but still waiting to see if it just hasnt taken to the new food completely yet.

Definetely 2 distinct variations, a more hybrid looking group, fat leaves and slightly stretchy, but still mostly on the indica side. A few select individuals are short, wide and FAT leaved plants, with a much tighter structure. I'll be watching them close.

Oh yeah, and theres some small pistil action going on. We got girls over here. Pics soon, as promised.
Uploading some (really horrible) pics as we speak, so you guys can atleast get an idea of whats going on haha. We are now on Day 18 of 12/12, and everything (as anticipated) has turned out to be true female. Not sure where I left off with detail but I'll fill in as much as I can between the time gap.

I have 26 total S1 females of the supposed "White Widow x Crimson Haze", which I NOW am being told might have been "Blueberry x The Church" which was being run by the same guy at the same time, but either way, my heady S1 bag seeds are all Day 18 12/12 and looking GORGEOUS.

Everything got its transplant from light warrior into ocean forest (with the exception of 2 select females who I left in their old dirt as an experiment) a day before the lights were changed (i know...RISKY BUSINESS! haha), but seemed to weather the storm fine. They all got their first feeding of Tiger Bloom & Big Bloom (1 1/2 tsp Tiger, 3 tsp Big Bloom per gallon) on Day 7ish, and have been fed every other watering (gonna dilute the mix a weee bit more for the next feeding, see how they like it (these things feed like hogs, something I'm not use too, so I'm gonna see if I'm just spoiling them or not).

3 seedlings started under 12/12 about a week ago, on their second set.
1 seed from a bag of Northern Lights x White Rhino (one herm'd and seeded the other, both from Nirvana selection), 1 from some particularly rediculous brickweed, and 1 from a bag of some outdoor that came in from California.
All were transplanted directly into FF Ocean Forest, and have been fed Fish Emulsion at half dose every other watering (they seem to love that stuff, great for N.

Pictures below are a couple group shots, my biggest (projected) fatty plant, top angle and side angle (Kelly Kapowski, as she was named haha), and my most mature (Amber).

As soon as I can get a digi I'll get better pics up, best I can do for now though. Hope you enjoy!
yeah man, this whole Dr. Bud hype is kind of necessary, it seems to have proven itself. I'm not following it to the T (Fox Farm Liquid Nutes, Nearly all organics, slightly larger pots, ect), the science behind it makes sense and is working well with these genes. Mass wise so far I wanna say I'll end up with roughly 7 g dry on average, per lady. Kind of an estimate I can't accurately make so far, but I think they have the potential to do it no problem.
Hopefully there'll be some gems in here, already got my eye on a couple..
God damnit, apparantely last night when I gave them water I must have pushed all the pins on my timer down accidentally. So last night, they ran 17 hours on and 7 hours off (only 7 left in the dark period when I noticed), and since my on/off times are needed to remain the same, I just let them ride out the 7 hours and then come back on, so they'll go off after 12 hours again as per usual. I'm not fucking anything up big time with that one am I? It doesn't seem like a night would be enough to trick em into veg again, or anything outrageous like that. I think I'm just paranoid. :yoinks: Need to ease off the haze nuggets haha.

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