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started an organic container

So inspired by the "Living Soil" thread/sticky, I got my own container together.

1/3 Premier peat
1/3 lava rock
1/6 fish compost
1/6 EWC

large handfuls of:
fish bone meal

small handfuls of:
oyster shell
glacial rock dust
kelp meal
alfalfa pellets
local soil from a couple of different sites nearby

Watered with an activated LAB mix, basically 1 part whey from homemade yogurt, 1 part organic unsulfured blackstrap molasses, 6 parts water, left to ferment for about 5 days until it no longer smelled/tasted of molasses and was kicking (bubble when shaken).

I put the mix in the container and watered it with the above two days ago. It got warm right away, within a day. So I believe that to be a good thing... BUT I'm there's a rather unpleasant looking growth on the top now (remember this is just two days) and I don't know whether I should be crying with happiness or with misery.

Have a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.


The pictures are a bit funky, but it looks like fungal growth. It just means your soil is to moist, and or the humidity could be high. I get it when I have a cutting in a cup with a another cup on top for a dome. Not much to worry about in the short term. Long term its hard to grow a plant it that moist of conditions.


Active member
I've had that grey mold before on soil while its cureing, smelled kinda piney and acrid. I think its the crab compost that it likes cause mine had crabmeal in it.

Add some leaf mold, compost tea, ewc something for microbe diversity and let it sit for a while.

the mold is a primary decomposer so just give it time to do its job.


I had that white stuff on mine, also used crab meal, they are looking fuckin fantastic
I think its some mycellial growth, and loooks great

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