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mr cheese

Don't know what do you know is that a trick question :D

Yeah 8 weeks is way OTT but the method Is I'm not going to get 3zips off of a plant in this system unless it's got the best head start and then I probably still won't achieve it

It will only be 6 weeks veg 2 in half L pots under T5's then into 3.5L where they will be topped and bent into shape, defoliated and cut back again and again so buy the time this run is done 120 will be ready to go into 10L Air pots straight into flower who knows In all fairness I should get 4+ but that's unthinkable in reality......

Won't be long before I flip these....

safe mate... wasnt having a dig, far frm it, your doing a sterling job! i was merely trying to say that over veg can be counter productive as youl get over crowding as DHF mentioned..

way id do it, clones straight in 6 1/2 ltr square pots, veg with 4 light for 3 days then wack the rest of the lights on for 2 weeks then flip 12 12..

i knw what ur saying about trimming n cutting bk to manage the canopy but why bother veggin that long only to cut bk the plant, just seem like a waste of time n money, unless u needed loads of clones that is..

again not having a dig, jst cnt see why some one would veg only to cut back the plant, afterall the only reason to veg is to get the plants to the required size...

all the best mate, stay safe... c

mr cheese

jst missed your last post as i was posting mine, lol..

looking great mate! when u thinking of wacking the other lights on?? that will get the little uns moveing..

again sorry if you thought i was having a dig mate.. im not that type of guy, was jst giving some advice is all.. not that you need it, everything looks top notch!


Ok.....didn`t see pics till after the PM , so now I understand about how much slower the army`s are growing......but......

That`s the trials and tribulations of not monocroppin.........No 2 plants grow exactly the same height or width wise , so it`s rollin the dice on fillin in the canopy for optimum lumen absorption with no gaps and overlaps......

Bro.....It is what it is at this point , so there`s no way I`d cut back the other plants justa wait for the army`s ta catch up ...

Just note the difference in veg times it takes ta get the army`s to a certain height veg wise ta fill in canopy next run......if she`s a keeper that is.....

Rule # 1 for yields.....Monocrop.......that way it`s easier ta know how longta veg before the flip ta see how big they`ll get by end of stretch when they stop growin , back up and swell till end of cycle....

With your skills LL , you`ll get there.......and say hey to da pup fer me from Uncle Freds......got a soft spot in me heart fer bulldawgs.....



jst missed your last post as i was posting mine, lol..

looking great mate! when u thinking of wacking the other lights on?? that will get the little uns moveing..

again sorry if you thought i was having a dig mate.. im not that type of guy, was jst giving some advice is all.. not that you need it, everything looks top notch!

Didn't take it as a dig at all dude was just jesting with you and wasn't sure if you knew something I don't :tiphat:

Thinking of flipping them this week either Wednesday that will be a week in the air pots or latest was Friday as that will be 3 weeks veg total

The reason for all the cutting back and training is to get a good strong root system going, you ever seen someone flower a mother plant and get stupid high yield that they never normally get ;) alot like you 7 oz yielder big roots, also this gives me enough time to tie down manipulate what stems I want what I don't and also gives me time to weed out any runts also, all being well the plants should be so strong and healthy like I said they should yield 4 oz a plant lol.....


Ok.....didn`t see pics till after the PM , so now I understand about how much slower the army`s are growing......but......

That`s the trials and tribulations of not monocroppin.........No 2 plants grow exactly the same height or width wise , so it`s rollin the dice on fillin in the canopy for optimum lumen absorption with no gaps and overlaps......

Bro.....It is what it is at this point , so there`s no way I`d cut back the other plants justa wait for the army`s ta catch up ...

Just note the difference in veg times it takes ta get the army`s to a certain height veg wise ta fill in canopy next run......if she`s a keeper that is.....

Rule # 1 for yields.....Monocrop.......that way it`s easier ta know how longta veg before the flip ta see how big they`ll get by end of stretch when they stop growin , back up and swell till end of cycle....

With your skills LL , you`ll get there.......and say hey to da pup fer me from Uncle Freds......got a soft spot in me heart fer bulldawgs.....


The army is a keeper she normally grows and yields well can't understand why they are so far behind.....

At least with this run I will see how much the C4 stretch as I'm running a straight C4 stadium next time and the cuts will be vegged to perfection size and root mass then transplanted into 10L

He's coming up 4 years now freds soft as mush round kids and women :D had my bro's father inlaw on the floor few weeks back as he went to shake my pops hand just to say hello and think he thought he was a threat :laughing: got a new edition coming in may a pup bitch lill girl friend for him :comfort: ahahaha........


Active member
LL id let them go for a few more days... its better to slightly over do it and trim them back than to under do it cause ya cant create more plants to fill gaps...


Active member
FYI, this is what I picked up for the new place... This one is $160 plus you need to get a humidifying controller.
It holds 2 gallons, and has room inside for a float valve to be installed....


LL id let them go for a few more days... its better to slightly over do it and trim them back than to under do it cause ya cant create more plants to fill gaps...

Yeah I've moved the army's to the top shelf now so even if the rest get a bit out of shape and start stretching like mad I should be ok, getting some netting sorted this week 2inch squares to hold them bitches up :)

FYI, this is what I picked up for the new place... This one is $160 plus you need to get a humidifying controller.
It holds 2 gallons, and has room inside for a float valve to be installed....

Nice I have used a commercial flogger before be warned they do saturate everything even more so than a humidifier, what you doing putting that in the lung room with a humidistat in your flip-pod room...


Active member
yeah I'm gonna stick in right outside the intake of the flip rooms weeks 1-4, humidistat in the room. You nailed it. I had to talk to DHF about where I was gonna put it so that it didn't spray water at my light column. It's so powerful!


Thanks mindful and agent smith :)

Bob.H if your going to have it in front of your inlet would have it a few meters away as it could get quite wet and soak you fan, would it not be better to let it mix a bit in your lung room before being extracted into the main room? I'm sure you will get it dialled just be careful water and electrics is a funny ole mix lol ;)


Good point LL......In your pic with your humidifier`s mist gettin sucked into your "inlet" as ya`ll call em cross da pond , how far away was the humidifier from the inline fan .....?.....

The ideal situation would be as I`ve explained ta Bobble to condition and dial the lung room`s environment so the perfect air supply is pumped into and out of the grow areas , reconditioned and pumped back constantly FTW........

With humidifiers instead of ultrasonic "dry foggers" with waaaay smaller micron droplets , there is the chance of everything gettin moist if air extraction`s not sufficient enough to prevent shit from settling on plants and equipment , which is not a good thingy........

Anyways......Carry on.......DHF......:ying:......


my humidifiers about 2ft from the inlet but its so weak you can barely feel it and i cant see it being a problem but them commercial foggers like the one bob's got are in another world even compared to the big humidifiers the hydro shops sell, them foggers soak everything get in every little nook and cranny good for plants again not so good for ya equipment.....

good advice about having a lung room just know if i had more room i would have more lights and plants lol

just got in from night time misting session humidity's 70% untill the lights burn it off,only another 10 hours and they get another misting and so on.......

Come on friday!!...... :dance013:


Active member
I've put a lot of thought into where I'm going to position that atomizer... This is the solution I came up with: The intake is going to run 24/7. The extraction fan will be on a cooling controller. No scrubber inside the room, so negative pressure isn't a big deal. With the intake running full blast and the atomizer set to the finest mist possible, I should be in the green zone. That's weeks 1-4. Weeks 5-finish, both intake and exhaust will run full blast. The lung room air will be conditioned to around 50% RH. That way I just add 20% to the room that's stretching. after reading DHF's post again, I might need to keep the extraction going full blast the whole time...

The reason i got that monster was b/c I wanted to be able to achieve 100% saturation, and dial it down... I didn't realize this thing could totally saturate a warehouse grow. lol... DHF didn't tell me to get this specific model, I overdid it on my own. :D

I may make a box to contain the atomizer, with ducting to suck the finest mist up into the intake. The larger droplets will accumulate in duct and fall back down to the box.
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lol have you had a play with it yet bob? :biglaugh: go and plug it in and have a blast they are pretty powerful bits of kit!!!

bit to much for me but excellent for plant treatment as in getting your foliar feeding done with a quarter of what you would use in a normal spray bottle and if you get Spidermite or any other nasty bugs this does the job and you dont even have to point it at the plants :wahey:


This is the closest thing to what you have over here

Foliar Fogger is a powerful grow room tool that increases the efficiency of your foliar applications to near 100% coverage when used correctly. By converting your foliar feed or pest control spray into miniscule particles, the Nebuliser effectively creates a fog that completely envelopes your plants in your chosen foliar application without missing a single nook or cranny. Due to the intense powered atomization of your spraying solution, every surface of your plant and grow room will be covered – meaning that for foliar feeds, pest control sprays or even grow room cleaners, there is no better way of ensuring complete coverage. Use in conjunction with any quality foliar feed or pest control spray.

Warning! The Nebuliser is extremely powerful! Do not point it directly at your plants, point it up and above your plants for best results. Suitable for large grow rooms only.

and this is what im looking at the larger one....

Humidity is a severely underrated factor when it comes to optimising plant performance and final yield. Too often indoor growers opt for the safe approach of very low humidity to avoid any potential rot or moisture related problems during flowering or fruiting. The truth about humidity though is that most plants actually thrive in more humid conditions, especially during the vegetative growth stage where ideally you need to maintain 50-70% relative humidity.

These two high quality centrifugal humidifiers are extremely powerful and both come supplied with an integral humidistat to ensure that optimum humidity is maintained. The HR-15 humidifier should be used in grow rooms with 4-6 lights and the larger HR-50 for grow rooms with 10-15 lights. Require a separate reservoir or alternatively you can purchase one of our complete kits which include a 100 Litre Space Sava reservoir and the necessary pipework to create a fully operational humidity system.


Love da new avi Bro........What`s da pup pup`s name damnit.....

Bout pissed myself when he "might`ve" perceived Bro`s Father-in-law as a threat.......put him on da floor.......LMAO.....

My dawgs`re big pussy`s , but nobody`ll get near em cept me and my son.....Guess I kinda like it that way though.....

There`s a fogger out there that produces "Dry Fog" where the micron droplets are so small , that there`s no way for total saturation to occur with major extraction/air exchange goin on......but ....raises RH accordingly as needed.....

In favorites category at my farm , and I`ll find it this weekend when I go home ta check on cows , pigs , chickens , dawgs.......and # 1 son...not necessarily in that order.....lol.....and Hell No.....

I didn`t have anything ta do with Bobble`s overkill equipment purchases , but I like his style........Overkill`s underrated.......Reminds me of me....

It`s easy ta dial heavy duty shit down with the proper controllers , but kinda hard when yas need more of anything and your at max capacity of your equipment....



Active member
lol have you had a play with it yet bob? :biglaugh: go and plug it in and have a blast they are pretty powerful bits of kit!!!

bit to much for me but excellent for plant treatment as in getting your foliar feeding done with a quarter of what you would use in a normal spray bottle and if you get Spidermite or any other nasty bugs this does the job and you dont even have to point it at the plants :wahey:

omg yes! I plugged it in, and didn't expect it to sound like a shop-vac! lol... I tried it on a closet grow, about blew the plants over... The good news is that it takes the RH from 50% to 70% really really fast.

I did a google search for ultrasonic foggers...

If this is what we're looking at, I just have to know how big? I'll use the atomizer in my veg tent and get an ultrasonic fogger when I have a couple extra bucks.