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love machine
ICMag Donor
It's took me a while to get my shit dialled in with the flat garden and never used C02 before seemed like a lot of headache I like to move a lot of air round my girls and with the setup I have now I'm confident even in the summer with the new ducting setup blasting fresh air in at 8 dif points I should be able to keep my shit together

With the 7ft Hight issue it's not so bad with the way I have design the room as each girl will get 20+ inches of head room, not that much for sativas but my indic dom plants will love it and even if they stretch a bit more as long as they are not on the top shelf they can grow a bit more

Just have to see how we get on this run I built the other side of the stadium thisarvo and it's so tight in there now and shit loads more work haha i must be mad....

yeah its always a lot of work just to set up the room then you gotta add in the ladies and take care of them the whole shebangs hahaha i know how you feel i have been there many many time...

good luck with this run ;)

ill watch ya from back here



Well.....I guess that`s why they make chocolate and vanilla ice cream Red , cuz everyone has different tastes and personal preferences .....but...I gotta respectfully disagree even though I love your setup.....

You telling us that you`re running 92-100 degree temps with CO2 lights on and the plants love it is spot on for CO2 absorption and accelerated growth as long as humidity levels stay high for proper transpiration and nutrient uptake , but down in the 60`s lights off has GOT ta be costing you bottom line yields , since the rule of thumb for lights on/off temps has always been to stay within 10 degree variables till late flower , and then if yas wanna color em up a lil bit and kill some chlorophyll , the drastic lights on/off swings work , but if swellage isn`t finished by the last 2 weeks of said cycle strain dependent , then you`re compromising yields once again......

Laylow.......Am I correct in seeing 15-600`s in your room ?....Gotta say that`s one helluva setup , and I applaud your decision to reflect back toward the plants instead of blastin light at ductwork and scrubbers....but again...

So you`ve got 9000 watts in 165 sq ft with no reflectivity back toward the plants , but rather lumens blastin right past the plants hittin the outside walls absorbing said lumens and losing the light constantly as it passes the plants......

Please consider covering everything that`s not green in "reflectix" for guaranteed lumen absorption for the plants since light hits that shit and bounces it all over the room ftw IME....

As far as how many plants to put in there ?......As many as you can squeeze side by side , above and below , without em growin into each other and competing for light or environment.....

Plant numbers dictate yields......period......Now.....Hand watering`s all well and good , but there will never be more yield in your room than when you automate the feed setup so each plant gets equal flow and feed amounts constantly every time the timer and pumps kick on , IF you monocrop with 1 strain.... but.....

Blumats work well once dialed , and actually do better with buncha different strains/varieties that uptake juice and grow at different intervals.....IOW.....if 1 plant dries out every day using your small containers , blumats avoid this and keep lockouts and imbalances from happening , but......

If other plants don`t dry out as fast , the blumats only feed as each plantsite dries to the point of needing re-juiced......

Cover your walls behind as well as everything that light`s getting past with reflectix , and then you`ll move toward as many GPW`s that your room will produce once environment`s dialed.....

I agree with Red about all 4 walls in a square producing more yields than 2 in a rectangle , but....Let`s see how much you can pull down from thisun once dialed , and then decide if yas wanna bust the room in half and run flip rooms finishin a month or so behind each other for increased yearly harvey`s and bottom lines ....

Holler if I can help......DHF....:ying:......


Hey DHF I'm sure I know you dude, have been lurkin on here on and off for a couple of years and before that on ***** and OG before that I'm sure it's from OG I remember you, do you have the same handle I don't and wasn't anyone to know back then only small time baby stuff, that's 10 years man how time flys I was a regular on all the freedom krusty threads fosho!!!!! Acry4help, Bandit forget most of the names as it was so long ago......


Yeah running 15,6's the stadium is 13.5ft long and the room is 7ft tall but the bottom pot is 6 inch so it's really 13.5 x 6.5 per side so that's 175.5sqft 51w psqft :D

The stadium has just been built litrly finished the other side today so have not had a chance to cover it in white plastic as of yet, had an idea tonight see if ya can follow haha.... Other than the pot on the floor the next one up is being roasted by the light so if I put a 13.5ft board 6inches tell infront of the pots I can use that to reflect light back at the plant below when it grows tall enough to cover the pot above.... Make sense?

Can't completely cover the stadium as I am watering from behind, from week 2 of flower I don't think I will be able to get in the stadium unless I really have too...

If it's cramming as many plants in as I can that's 18 per shelf 8 shelves that's 144 plants I got about 150 verging up so I can cover it....

Will see how we go providing I get .75 gpw I won't rip this out will just build a collasium at a new location :D

Good to have you on board


Yeah......DedHedFred over here LL....

When I saw the setup pics , I knew it wasn`t your first rodeo...I`m sure we`ve prolly talked before........somewhere.......lol.....

Good luck Bro......Here ta help......



love machine
ICMag Donor
well the man himself is in :yeahthats

I must mention tho bro as most of my set up currently i am not the one whos watching over,,, its my apprentice is doing the job so co2 is only on the weekend when im there to help a bit of productions .... the regulars day temp hoovering 80 lights on and mids 60 lights off... and i do have a few rooms running at the same time to check which result is best,, so far the co2 is killing the rest .... ( production wise lol )

but i do agree with the right grower and right mediums and strains, co2 isnt needed to pump great numbers ...

cheers bro


When my fans are on full chat they change the air 4 times per min so tick over they are at least once, even with current outside temps I'm sure with all the lights on it will be twice a min.....


laylow im tagged on this for sure, looks pretty clean. what kind of ac do you have cooling those 15 lights?
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ICMag Donor


Damn LL
I had to go back and look at those pics again to be sure I saw what I saw. Thats a shitload of light! Really excited to see what happens here. Good luck



Thanks for the comments guys :D

Plants have been in veg for 11 days now and the little half litre pots are busting with roots so tomorrow I'm going to put them up inti there 6L airpots, pic's will follow :)

Just a quick one on temp gauges in stadium grows where do you guy position your gauges?

My old room was so dialled the one I had broke And i never replaced it so for this run as its a total new way of growing for me I went out and bought 3 new ones and have positioned them in different spots and man even with 6 little fans 2 12in pedestal, one 18inch bon air and air coming in all over the place the reading are all over the place.........


Active member
well if your getting crazy different readings your not alone...

obviously heat rises;) so we need god circulation and extraction to keep it homogenous in temp...

harder than it sounds though...

lots of extraction up top and fans blowing fresh cool air up will help even it out...


Need the fans dialled tho Who! can't just havem running full chat constant sounds like a shuttle taking off lol, only in the summer when I was in veg in the daytime when the ambient was hot did they need to be on full chat

At the same time I don't watt to cookem high temps is a yield kill a fosho!



Sorry mate think your getting me wrong, my fan speed controller has the thermostat on the side of it and it sits at one end of the grow room with the fans plugged in

Once I'm happy with the room temps I normall dial it in job done!

Today I fired up all 15 lights, got all the osolating fans running to see what would happen.

Top shelf infront of the plants was at 82, 1st shelf from floor was at 75, ceiling out of direct bulb light 72 this was with the fans on half chat.

I would normally roll with the 72 as it is not in direct radiant heat of the bulb but the one that's reading 82 is a bit worrying


Active member
youll need to add more powerful fans blowing air up then maybe those 6 inchers on the floor aren't gunna cut it.


The little fans are doing ok as the first shelf is 75 it's the upper shelf where the hooded lights are that is the prob

Ok we have pretty much narrowed it down now haha the hooded lights need some strong air blasted at them!!!


I said to myself when I saw the parabolics up high that there was gonna be different levels of temps due to the inherent heat gain that reflectors store from the bulbs LL , but.......

82`s fine as long as there`s constant intake and exhaust replacing the room`s air and you can keep relative humidity high till end of stretch......

My rooms never got below mid 80`s with the bare bulbs , but I had mega humidity as a buffer zone for the heat while the room`s air was always swappin out.....

As long as yas don`t have any fans blowing directly on the plants , the upper shelves won`t dry out too fast and fuck with nutrient uptake and transpiration IME.....

I had 4 levels of plants with 3-600`s on top of each other in a 6 x 6 semi-octagon , and even though heat rises , my top shelves did fine as the exhaust/scrubber combo sucked heat and smell out very efficiently....

With 9000 watts in your room and only 82 degrees at the top shelf level , you should be good ta go.....And I`m not sure there`s any way for yas ta control ambient temps from top of room to the bottom without mega A/C......

In deep summer when A/C`s were runnin regularly , my lung room`s were what saved me by recirculating conditioned air in and out of the rooms continuously with active intakes and exhausts.....

Good luck and lookin forward to yas blowin that room up with dialage.....



Hey Freds... :)

So I went and got some fans today to blast at the top lights, got the smaller version of the big 18inch high vollos one but they are shit lol.....

I think with some messing about and a couple more pedestal fans I can pretty much have the temps below of pretty much bang on 80 if it comes to it I may even switch off the center 3 lights untill after stretch or set them up on a flip flop ala Heath style....

Got all the plants pitted up man' making up 144 air pots is like pulling teeth the things come flat pack so you not only got to put your plants up but you got to make the dam things first.....

Also my made up the heat shield today to stop the pots from getting cooked quite happy with it again few adjustments here and there have covered them in Mylar too it's super shinney in there now :D

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