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stadium show, im ready to grow!!


Active member
sup folks im one of those dumb noobs that goes too big their first time;). i got million dollar dreams and federal nightmares what can i say.:dance013:

got 4k bare in a stadium setup room is 7.5x13x7.5.


no ac as its freezing here.

picked up clones from the guy who grows the shit ive been smoking for 2 years so i can assure the genetics are legit. i literally took the clones my self of his vegging plants. though due to me not having a way to label (dohhh) i have no idea right now whats what. it should be mostly trainwreck and g-13 maybe some grapefruit? got 5 seedlings as well couple freebies from a previous order. the one im excited about is the sensi-star its the biggest one. hard to tell but its the one closest to the coors can lol.

heres a group

nicer clone. gotta work on that:thinking:

they are in coco being fed maxi and ces micro in veg, ph 5.8.
they are under a 400 mh until they can use a 1k then 2k before they flip. veg will be 4 weeks or until they are about 18''-24'' with a little training. room is pretty steady at 76f 45rh.

i can only have 24 plants to stay legal so id be happy with 4# off this unorganized run but id like to see 6# or better in future dialed runs.

any ways thanks for looking folks, any and all input is more than welcome as i dont get offended easily im just trying to be the best grower i can. learn and then spread the seed is what i say.

peace out all


Active member
pic drop. uped the ph to 6.1 gave some humic acid, and performed some bondage on the trainwrecks as they are real tall and lanky.





so far everything is booming, lets hope it stays like that.



Active member
little update

little update

so here they are 4 days after the last group shot

ive been doing a little lst on the tallest plants

this trainwreck fought his restraints so hard he broke himself

favorite clone so far, love the structure. i got a few more that are very similar.

thanks for stopping through later:wave:


i love the tiny Air pots!

wish i could find some around here

thsi is gonna be great... make sure you veg em and train em and flowering should be a breeze

are you gonna put up nets


Active member
i love the tiny Air pots!

wish i could find some around here

thsi is gonna be great... make sure you veg em and train em and flowering should be a breeze

are you gonna put up nets
they have been pretty awesome so far i dont think ill use anything else for dirt or coco.
since your a resident vert master, due you think 4 weeks veg is gunna be enough. i due know that they stretch about 2-3x especially the trainwreck. plant count is gunna end up at like 19-22 i think unless i can get big pre-rooted clones. i just ordered some of mosca's c99bx1 and DGS white lightning. looking for two mothers
no net, just stakes and strings if they really need serious support ill grab one

I think those pots can unwrap off the rootball so you can xplant easily, maybe im wrong.

Nice stadium whodare.

they sure due, its pretty nice. zero transplant shock. ive got 24 3.4 gallon airpots on the way

thanks for looking and commenting


Active member
How ya gonna feedem Whodare? I meen are ya gonna hand water or automate it somehow?

feeding by hand right now but i got a dozen blumats im going to be trying out. i suspect ill end up getting a dozen more.

thanks for stopping though guys updates soon, trying to work out a nute problem. im trying out cns17 for coco as im having some calmag issues with maxibloom.
How would raisin your ph effect the cal mag issue? I cant remember where on the ph scale cal and mag are available. Il tryan find out.