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St Jimi *Multi-Strain Grow Show*


Take A Deep Breath
Well........I think you is at that stage of the game....I recycle all my soil now, so I just cut the nutes rather than a traditional flush.

But.....my thoughts are that this lack of drainage you mentioned is where all your ills are at. My experiences in my own garden tell me that drainage is way up there in the importance stakes.....poor drainage leads to roots not getting enough O2, and with poor roots, you're facing a Sisyphan struggle.

I see what the coco people get off their plants, and that's all about drainage (in my mind anyway).

But, that observation aside....and on the flush, I'm just a little hesitant at recommending your pour large volumes of water in your pot when it's just going to sit there and possibly slow things down even more....I think it's more important for her to finish well, in top gear, rather than risk giving her a whole new headache of sodden roots to deal with .....I'd be more tempted to wait for her to start complaining about being dry and then just add enough water (with perhaps a drop of washing-up liquid as a wetting agent) to get a bit of run-off.

That's my gut feeling on this.....hopefully one of the more experienced heads will pop in and contribute their opinion.


Active member
Your rite about the drainage issue in coco blimey, its so easy to water&feed plants in coco, i`v recieved some young plants in soil a week ago been watered once since and the surface is like concrete, they will get repotted soon, i potted up some coco plants in 1ltr pots a week ago into 6.5ltr, and the roots are out of the bottom now.
I do love coco.




Hey all the other drain perfect, they were all potted in the same soil in the same type of pots, so I have no idea as to why the drainage is off on the wappa. Also have some type of problem with the plants right now. It maybe a calcium problem. I am gonna go post in the infirmary so if I can get an answer.

I'll also post them up here


Sensi Star


Take A Deep Breath

Looks textbook Ca def (pic from the infirmary thread).

According to same thread, Ca starts getting locked out in soil at pH of 6.4 or lower.....which seems easy to achieve.

How's your tapwater? Mine's got loads of chalk in it, so I never get Ca defs. Plus my Ph is usually on the higher side.....


Just bought some canna calcium. Not too sure what ph i'm at. Will probably be able to buy a meter after my next grow. I mught get some ph strips so I know where i'm at.

Gonna go give em' a dose of calcium now. Cheers Blimey

St Jimi


Just thought I would update today as the plants have visibly got bigger since the last update. Gave them a watering of calcium yesterday and flores. I have realised that my water is soft.

Anyways here are the lovely pics.

Have checked the trichs on the crazy wappa and they are about 80% cloudy, because there is going to be so little of it I may let it go to about 50% amber so it's more narcotic.

St Jimi

Flowering Day 38

Warlock (aka Charlie Sheen)


Sensi Star


Sour Kush

genuine lol @ charlie sheen playing cod black ops. Cant stop myself donning the headset and taunting the online community in a charlie sheen stylee.

those plants are coming on good st jimi how many you growing in your dr60? what size pots?


Hey swamp dog rob, I have only 4 in there at the moment but there is room for 9 6.5ltr pots. I'm thinking of going Cocco next and using Air pots maybe 4 10ltr air pots. I just don't know.

Things are getting fatter everyday in the tent starting to get excited for my harvest.

In a bit

St Jimi


Active member
You wont regret going over to coco jimi, and i`v just done a side by side, and the airpot comes out the winner.
Good news that you got on top of the problem fella.



e4ian she smells fine too, like a kind of tangy orange kids sweet. I hope that smell/taste comes out in the drying/cure. I actually burnt the top growing tip of her aswell the other day. See that's what happens when I'm not there too look after the babies. But I have played 2 killer gigs over this weekend so I'm pretty happy.

r1rider I do hope I'm on top of It

St Jimi
hy there jimi , my flowers are in the 4 day of flowering , I left them 4 weeks to grow , the are healty , but they need a little N than usualy, at the moment they are looking great , but are growing taler then I imagine



They are looking nice indeed frun, yours turned out way better than mine. I'd say there is probably about another week on her then the chop. She's got some nice little purple tips on her also. So beging of week 7 she should be chopped. Tbh I took a wee branch of two for a quick test smoke, it's nice but needs a little longer.

I'l try and rock some pics of tomorow as things are really picking up!!

St Jimi
Hey St Jimi Its lookin pretty spec! would love to have a draw on the charlie sheen just hope it's not as crazy! Hope that calcium has sorted the problem...

Was hoping 4 sum advice while i was here I've got some Kings Kush from GHS and its really stunted compared 2 my other plants can anyone recognise whats going on?

Oh sorry BTW, their in coco an using canna a&b at mo all the others seem to be really benefitting from the coco (Its my first time wit it!?) except KK always seems to be wet not taking all the water is it some kind of lock out?!

Sorry bout the quality of pics


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Hey Filth_E, I'm sure you will get a taste of the funky charlie sheen in a few weeks. I'm glad ya made it over to our little UK section, there is some top folks to be found in here. Collectively the knowledge here is great!!
I don't know if i'm on top of the calcium issue or not, because the damage was so wide spread it's hard to tell if it's getting any worse or staying the same/improving.
I checked our ph after having a chat about it the other week, it's high around 8-9. Not sure what the ph should be for coco tho. As we have the same water source it's something we are going to have to think about!!

As to your little Kings Kush problem, how do the roots look, are they big and fat like the rest or stunted and very thin?? Off hand I don't know but someone will have a better Idea. How often are you watering them and with what strength nutes/brand.

Good luck dude in getting her back to a picture of health!!

St Jimi
thanks 4 hitting back... St Jimi, The roots look all right not too thin, however, they are not going crazy like the rest Ive started a thread in the infirmary if u could click on this: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=206979

It would be most appreciated got some pics on there so u can compare what the other strains are lookin like. There are few suggestions now that it could be overwatering lockout cheers Shafty I hope its not too late 2 save here can't wait to have me Kush


id say repot into bigger pots water with some root booster or very mild vitamin feed superthive etc should help her out


I have heard that superthrive is good for recovering plants from shock and stress, but not to be used as a regular supplement. I believe it can distort growth in some crazy way. So yeah mild is the way to go, and i'm sure it's pretty cheap to buy.

St Jimi

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