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Doing it the way you want will be tricky with these long, tall, skinny, ladies.
My advice to you would be what OJD himself told me.
From Seed:
Top multiple times, like 8 -10 times early on in veg. Make a thick bush with like 20 tops or more, and snap the necks on them during the first 3 weeks of flower, and fit them through the screen as needed. You may want to put them in 10 gallon smart pots. This will help alot in filling the screen and getting them thick and bushy.
From Clone:
Root and veg them for 7 days and flip without topping. Do a SOG in 3's.


I have a pheno of Critical+ feminized that smells absolutely like the old school marijuana I miss so much. (Pics) My Dehumidifier had 2 layers of blue painters tape over the little orange light, but it may have not been enough because the bottoms of the C+ flowers got nanners. Im not sure how much pollin escaped but I dont think it was much.

I pulled off each set... but I did find a mature seed in a calyx on a SSSDH. It was right next to the C+ and the seed was at the bottom of the SSSDH so I think I may get a few beans here and there of feminized SSSDH x C+'s by accident. Not many. Just a few that will be hard to find. Ill have to check over every single bud to find another Im sure.

I can only think that these 2 combined would create a faster flowering hybrid from God himself. We shall see because I have to pop it.:tiphat:


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Shit man, that sucks about the nanners. Hopefully you won't have anymore throughout flower or on the clones you take from her.


Active member
thanks Alone. that was my initial plan, just wanted ur input. I was also thinking get the plant 2.5ft tall, place the grow bag/rootmass at the left corner of the screen, and then tie the top down to the bottom right corner of the screen, then flip. I have a stack of 2 x 600w, so I need the plants to get 5+ft tall.



Shit man, that sucks about the nanners. Hopefully you won't have anymore throughout flower or on the clones you take from her.


Ive not seen 1 nanner or ballsack growing on any of the 20 clones that have been in flower for 20 days now........ so Im good. They all have cottonballs on them.
I sprayed all 20 clones 2x each with DM Reverse and Saturator.

Ive double checked for any light leaks from my computers and equipment and reinforced where needed... so there isnt a chance in hell for any hermi action.
It was my fault on the BST and C+ moms because of my dehumidifier orange light that was still showing through the blue painters tape I had double layered over it. Its duct taped now.

The 9 SSSDH's are doing well and most of the leaves are yellow already at week 10. They get their first flush next watering.
I sure hope I can score a few feminized seeds of SSSDH x C+. I got 8 seeds off the Super Silvers (skunk dominant smell), but Ill wait and see if I can get at least 10 seeds off the 9 plants of SSSDH's. That would be sweet. :tiphat:


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ICMag Donor
Here is a tip for all of you guys that get hermies. First off I never get hermies except when I ran Rez's gear, the Chem SD had a few naners at the end.

I grow big plants, so they are mature when I flower them. In Thailand (sativa's) the longest day of the year is 13.5 hours. In Afghanistan (indicas) the longest day is about 15 hours. When summer ends and fall approaches the days get a few minutes shorter each day.

Now what do most growers do? They have their plants on 18 hours of light, grow them a foot or so tall, then cut the light to 12 hours. So the plants are not mature, and go from 18 hours straight to 12 hours. Can you see how much stress this puts a plant under?

So it is partially genetics and partially stress....


yeah- i always veg mine out til i see preflowers, but like Alone i also always spray twice as recommended with dutchmasters reverse and satuator.


The hermi issue was my fault. Just 2 plants closest to my dehumidifier (C+ and BST) got pre-flower ballsacks under the buds. All my clones from those two test moms are full blown flowering now and not 1 nanner or ballsack.
From seed: I always wait till they show preflowers, develope a strong root system, and at week 5 or 6, About 16" tall, I flip them.
My garden is now all clones from clones so they are nice and old with 3 weeks veg before the flip.
The SSSDH has been stable, nanner free, and a joy to smoke.


Active member
So only 2 of the 6 seeds rooted/grew and I have a feeling that one of those 2 is either a male or a male-dom hermie. How is this possible, they are S1's from Rez? Random Pollen from another room, or some sort of Error? In that case, what sort of error could occur?

Anyways, they are looking good, that's for sure, lol.



If you find a male ballsack at the preflower area dont panick. Pick off every green coconut you find and it will still grow really nice flowers without nanners or seed.
I had this happen to 3 of mine from CSG and they grew fine. Never grew back another one.


Active member
Word, i just feel like the plant is leaning male, and that is kinda strange.

I also hit up the two youngest(5 OG Kush, 2 sssdh) walls with DM reverse. I hit up larger plants in veg as well as flowering plants in stretch w/ DM Reverse/Penetrator every two weeks, no matter what. I usually apply the day after I spray the plants with Azatrol, which I also spray every 2 weeks.



SSSDH - Week 12.1 more week to go. :woohoo:


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Active member
Here is a tip for all of you guys that get hermies. First off I never get hermies except when I ran Rez's gear, the Chem SD had a few naners at the end.

I grow big plants, so they are mature when I flower them. In Thailand (sativa's) the longest day of the year is 13.5 hours. In Afghanistan (indicas) the longest day is about 15 hours. When summer ends and fall approaches the days get a few minutes shorter each day.

Now what do most growers do? They have their plants on 18 hours of light, grow them a foot or so tall, then cut the light to 12 hours. So the plants are not mature, and go from 18 hours straight to 12 hours. Can you see how much stress this puts a plant under?

So it is partially genetics and partially stress....

true words!


Some more pics at week 11.


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ICMag Donor
dam bro looking f ing amazing nice skillz
my mouth drooling just looking at it

try to get it to fully yellow before you chop for extra flavours turns into a kinda sweet lemonade thing and less haze



dam bro looking f ing amazing nice skillz
my mouth drooling just looking at it

try to get it to fully yellow before you chop for extra flavours turns into a kinda sweet lemonade thing and less haze

Thank you very much OJD. Im glad I didnt disappoint you or waiste your time. Very good to hear a compliment from the breeder of such a beautiful strain. :thank you:
All the big fan leaves are yellow like a banana, falling off, and have 1 more week to go. The leaves around the buds havent turned yellow yet though.
Ill have to take a full plant pic to show how yellow the big fan leaves are.
Sweet Lemonade taste...Thats a good description of what Ive been tasting. YUMMY!:tiphat: