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SS AK-47 and THS Kushage Log


hey man ...really nice and big budsand lovely plants.!!! also i had kushage from mellowyellow in amsterdam a while back. when it really was kushage,in adam sometimes you dont know....,or lets say the weed labeled kushage was the best weed i ever bought!!! it was really my herb ...so exclusive flavour i never had before...i t tasted like the best asian and african foods you can imagine ...really my kind,,,hmmmmoh yeah the effect was nice ...first sativaup with thickness behind the eyes ,transformed into a warm indicabubble feeling ...have fun with your ladies and keep it green l:wave:


Thanks Gert! :D:D Taste tested a couple more Kushage buds that were trimmed right at 6 weeks. Not much flavor as expected, but I got a nice buzz. I'm going to have a LOT of seeds...lol. Some of the buds are busting at the seems.

Been trimming 6 cheese plants I pulled out a few days ago. Still my easiest, best yielding strain by far. The 6 plants fit in a 4x2 area and they are yielding 2.5-3.0 zips each. I could just do 12 cheese per light and pull 2+ elbows per light without even trying hard. I have a monter in between two bulbs right now that may hit 10oz's. We shall see. It will be interesting to see if the AK can outdo her. The 2 non PM AK's are swelling like crazy right now! I'll get some new pics up soon.


Who needs sleep... :D


AK 47 #10

AK 47 #3

AK 47 #3 1024 crop


nice fotos man!!! as i said ,,love the kushage.....we were in adam to buy seeds ,,,my goal was the kushage ...but we ended up buying mk ultra and sage and some other stuff not from th seed...an advise on the seedseller... the mk is nice potent stuff and the sage is not ready yet,,,when ilook at your fotos ... ithink it shold have been the kaushage hmm i love all plants but this one is special....also the ak´´s loook nice,nice to hear you had good results with greenhouse...we had the alaskan ice ,,,,very nice taste of one pheno ....but surely no keeper ...have nice day and go to sleep ...or you will get some serious paranoias hrhrhr


Thanks again gert! :D:D

Some pics from tonight. I grabbed a few early nugs for sampling next week.


Ak47 Bud 1

Ak47 Bud 2

Kushage Bud

Kushage Bud 2


Microscope shows some clouding on the AK but all trichs are still mostly clear. The pistils on that last kushage bud went red about 1 week ago. Strange. Trichs are still clear though. Seeds are definitely plentiful in some of the Kushage. Don't see any in the AK. Again, strange. They have been together throughout flowering...


Nuthin new tonight. I was lucky enough to score a pack of the Rez/Zep DSDv2's today! Bought them on a whim...think I'm gonna throw some BOG Sweet Cindy's in with the order.

Couple pics of a Kushage I have been training/playing with in veg. Even defoliation and heavy lst wont keep this plant short for long. :D
EDIT: This plant DOES NOT like defoliation. I strip everything on my AK's and Cheese plants, they love it. Not this one. Stunts the heck out of it and doesn't tighten up the internodes like it does with the others.

Kushage Pheno 2 Veg (straight cocogro w/ Jacks pro @ 1.6EC


As you can see, Coco+Jack's is a winning combination! I mix 55 gallons of nutes in about 15 minutes. Weigh out each of the two components, dissolve, drip clean, good to go! No pH anything needed using 50/50 RO and well water @ .09EC:D


Wanted to share this as well.
$10 DIY dry sift shaker, 2oz cured cheese trim and about 5 minutes of shaking. I put the trim outside for 10 mins in 19f weather so got the benefit of cold sifting as well.




Pic bomb!! :D:D

AK47 Day 50





AK47 Day 50 Crop

Kushage Day 50




Trainwreck Day 50

Cheese Day 20



New Kushage and AK 7 days in





Thanks Dugg!


Everything is coming along well. I'll try to get some updated garden pics soon.

Took some AK samples. Trich density looks good and they're clouding up. A few ambers here and there. I like the plant, but it seems to have too much autoflower tendency. I have 4 in veg now and 2 started flowering about a week ago. Disappointing as I need to grow trees and can't have the dam things starting to flower when they feel like it.

Couple microscope shots:



I'll be chopping those AK's this weekend - I want them out. Need the space for a couple bigger plants. They may go to hash making as I don't really need the smoke. I'll post some pics of the finished plants before I hack them up. :D:D


Active member
that last pic there mate there mostly milky and amber for me thats about perfect for AK47 maybe slightly earlyier .... if you pull it now youll get a nice balenced high .... starts off fast and cerebral in the head and works through to finish in a nice warm body glow!

funny none of my AK47 have ever had autoflower tendancys some preflower but not auto
Looking real good DW! Sorry to hear about the Aks wanting to flower on ya. Ive had photoperiod sensitive plants before, and I know what ya mean by wanting to grow some big trees :D Ive actually been hearing about a lot of ppl having issues with SS AK47 autoflowering, and many are saying its not upto par with the older versions Simon has released. Im really disappointed to hear this as Simon is one of the breeders Ive grown to trust and look up to. But what can ya do? All in all, your Kushage and AK is looking bomb. They both seemed to yeild really well for ya. The Kushage looks bomb, and the AK47 seems to be piling on the trichs.
Best of luck through the cycle


Smile Vs Cry
the ak's look so big, sure gonna be a huge harvest man, just crazy full nuggets up this bitch , i remember my auto's ak's have nice smell taste and high , the kushage promise good like ak's or more maybe , big size Lol can't wait till see how they turn in fattening phase ,i'll be watching closely don't worry!!!


:D:D Thanks for stopping in guys!

Been crazy busy with life stuff lately. Quick update - 2 kushage started throwing nanners...ugh. I need to triple check for light leaks but a White Widow and three cheese didn't have this issue. All Kushage is in the process of coming down. It was mostly cloudy but still had some clears. Pistils are orange and red. It was close but at least a week or two early. I've been smoking on some I plucked a few days ago and it definitely keeps you going. Nice buzzy high with some energy.

Blumat observation - watching a single Blumat on a 2gal coco pot watering a 6ft monster I noticed it was dripping almost 2 drops/second! Thought I may have another runaway. Checked again an hour later and it's still crankin...pot it just staying moist, not wet at all. I think it's REALLY cool to watch exactly how much a plant is drinking at a given moment.


I think this thread is just about complete. All AK (2) and Kushage (5) have been harvested.

AK - Out of 11 seeds, 10 popped and 3 turned out female. 1 of those developed PM early on. It was pulled early and all clones culled. Looked to be a poor yielder. The other 2 are similar in appearance but one had significantly better smell and density. Don't notice a diff in potency. Pulled at 58 days with quite a bit of amber and moderate leaf yellowing. Clones really easy. Smoke is thick and rich with a fruity aftertaste. I do notice hints if cherry whenever I open a jar. :) Stoney in both mind and body, doesn't make me too tired. It also vapes like a champ, giving me 4 or 5 good thick volcano bags at 365f with a small pack.

Kushage - Out of 5 seeds, 5 popped, 5 female (feminized). Plants are extremely stretchy, and will double to triple in height during flower! 2 phenos produced solid buds, 2 produced medium density and 1 produced very small airy buds. One of the heavy yielders also foxtailed extensively and that along with decent trich coverage makes it a pretty flower. The other heavy girl has the potential to produce some monster baseball bat colas. Clones as easily as the AK. Smoke is where this plant falls VERY short for me. I find it one dimensional with just a bit of piney flavor. High is very up but short lived. I expected this to some degree as I pulled them early but it's evident there just isn't much there. I will be culling most (or all) of what I currently have going.

I'll get some finished nug pics up when I get a chance.

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