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fresh vegetables, fruit, pulses, beans and spices cost fuck all, organic or not
rice, pasta, cous cous - also not expensive.
certain fish are also inexpensive
bulk buy dried foods
meat might be expensive but i dont eat it

I can eat a fresh meal including vegs and pork or even horse meat for €1-2
Good sidecatch fish costs less than €10 for a kilo
They sell fresh fruit but its been stored for months, unless you get it from a farmer in the right season the word fresh is most likely a lie.
Problem is food has become an industry, from production to the plate. Mass production either needs chemicals or more labor / room, and guess whats more profitable(mostly for the chem companies)
Vegs are fed chemical nutrients, lowering its nutrition value, sprayed with roundup, which is detrimental to the micros protecting our gut, and an array of insecticides and fungicides. Nevermind what toxins they still use in coffee and rice production countries. Lol the bees are starving, its a mistery!
The wheat in pasta, bread and couscous we know today is almost naturally toxic to the body, they bred such a resistant plant our body has trouble breaking it down. Look at the huge increase of coeliaky, and the huge array of vague symptoms it can cause.
Animals are pumped with antibiotics because they constantly get sick from their unhealthy crammed in a box lifestyle, fed with gmo roundup loaded food and shot up with hormones.
Fish is probably the healthiest animal proteines we can get, even if they're swimming in a diluted pool of nuclear waste, heavy metals and corexit.
That and wild animals...

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Dust from the Saharan Desert has traveled thousands of miles across the Atlantic and covered the state of Texas in a cloud of haze.
A number of Texans are reporting an increase in allergy symptoms as a result of the African dust cloud.
The tiny particles can aggravate existing heart and lung conditions, such as asthma, so doctors are advising people to stay indoors until the cloud passes in the next couple days.
Scroll down for video
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration created this animation to illustrate how the dust plume moved across the Atlantic
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration created this animation to illustrate how the dust plume moved across the Atlantic
'This is an example of a large Saharan air dust outbreak,' Texas A&M Atmospheric Sciences Professor Kenneth Bowman said in an interview with KBTX.com.
This isn't the first time Saharan dust has traveled to Texas. The same thing happened last year, as well.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration captured the dust plume, known as Saharan Air Layers when it moves into the Atlantic, in an enhanced satellite image.
Following wind currents, the dust moved across the Caribbean, into the Gulf and then into Texas.
Animation of the Saharan dust cloud traveling across the Atlantic

Following wind currents, the dust moved across the Caribbean, into the Gulf and then into Texas
Following wind currents, the dust moved across the Caribbean, into the Gulf and then into Texas
Allergists have been getting a steady stream of patients since the dust moved in.
'I've been sneezing and having kind of a sore throat lately,' Leslie Janac of Burleson County, Texas told KBTX.com. ***
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Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
That cloud of dust lingers a few days and falls to the ground it doesn't go away. People are breathing this crap for months. Especially, recently, with the above average drought conditions in the state.

I almost forgot where I was going with this post. I had to load another bowl. Anywho, to go along with the conspiracy theory on the dust is the EPA. On the dust days this spikes the EPA monitors around town and of course its usually blamed on excess refinery output. This counts as a pollution day. To many pollution days and the EPA comes down on, you know, oil refineries. Of course, planetary conditions could not have had anything to do with the dust storm.


Active member
either way it helps us to understand that geographic distance is not an isolator.

i don't think changing the food you eat will have as much of an impact as changing how you spend your time. we've been raised to see our contemporary culture as encompassing and enduring.. but do you really think 200 years ago people spent so much time sitting down?

our bodies are energetically synchronised with ambient electrical fields, especially ones we focus our attention on..

turn off the computer or telly and smoke a bowl and do some qi gong.. once you become habituated to being attuned to your energetic body, you'll be able to do a lot more with that better nutrition you invest in.. otherwise it's empty food making large turds for people who don't need that much energy.

all you gotta do is stand up, put your arms in the air and feel. if you don't do this normally, i bet you'll discover all kinds of cramps and strains from supporting a lifestyle attuned to devices..?


Kiss My Ring
either way it helps us to understand that geographic distance is not an isolator.

i don't think changing the food you eat will have as much of an impact as changing how you spend your time. we've been raised to see our contemporary culture as encompassing and enduring.. but do you really think 200 years ago people spent so much time sitting down?

our bodies are energetically synchronised with ambient electrical fields, especially ones we focus our attention on..

turn off the computer or telly and smoke a bowl and do some qi gong.. once you become habituated to being attuned to your energetic body, you'll be able to do a lot more with that better nutrition you invest in.. otherwise it's empty food making large turds for people who don't need that much energy.

all you gotta do is stand up, put your arms in the air and feel. if you don't do this normally, i bet you'll discover all kinds of cramps and strains from supporting a lifestyle attuned to devices..?

I agree that what you eat should fuel what you do and if you aren't active enough you are wasting some.
how many times have you eaten and not really been hungry?
...now how many times have you been hungry and not eaten?
less is more. this body survives off very little nourishment. I've read about yogis who don't eat. fast for a day or more and you'll notice patterns of excess causing your pain.

addressing isolation...we all live in the same atmospheric envelope so isolation is out the window. I believe our bodies handle very well the issue of dust in the air we breathe.
what they spray into our atmosphere is not dust (in the contemporary sense) but particulates much smaller that allow penetration of the alveoli. once in the blood stream they readily pass the blood/brain barrier causing excitotoxicity. dust cannot do this.


Kiss My Ring
Chemtrails: Learn How to Protect Yourself From These Treacherous Poisons

11th November 2013
By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Short of living in a hermetically sealed house and only eating food grown indoors, dodging the dangerous ramifications of chemtrails is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, these poisonous aerial sprays have become a day-to-day reality for most – requiring individuals to fortify themselves with detoxifying food and supplements in order to avoid serious disease. Whether enjoying a humble apple or specifically targeting heavy metals with chlorella, addressing the virulent effects of geoengineering is an exceptionally important daily routine.

Poisoned from above

The toxins found in chemtrails infiltrate every aspect of our lives, from the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we eat. Is it any wonder that physical and mental diseases are increasing at a staggering rate? Astoundingly, these aerial sprays often contain the following bizarre mix of pathogens and poisons:


Pseudomonas fluorescens

Linked with biological warfare, severe blood inflections, coughing fits and vertigo.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Associated with pneumonia, bronchitis, ear and eye infections, meningitis, cystic fibrosis and joint and muscle pain along with gastrointestinal disorders.

Mycoplasma fermetans incognitus

A bioengineered pathogen connected with Gulf War illness and chronic fatigue.


Attacks the skin, leading to eventual death. Morgellons is a “mystery” pathogen, as scientists aren’t sure whether to classify it as a bacteria or virus.


Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

An EPA-banned toxin that damages the liver and respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Heavy Metals


Carcinogenic. Compromises the cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive and respiratory systems.

Nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass (CHAFF)

Impairs brain function. Linked with emotional instability, paranoia, poor memory, irritability, decreased alertness, mood disorders and bad judgment.


Damages the nervous, respiratory, digestive, renal and immune systems.


Promotes cardiac arrhythmias, paralysis, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory failure. Barium is also implicated in neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.

Detoxifying daily habits

If we want to protect ourselves from this health-harming madness, a few select foods and supplements can help.


Pulls heavy metals from tissue and encapsulates toxins to prevent reabsorption in the digestive tract.


Absorbs heavy metals in the intestines and assists with removal.


Eliminates mercury, lead and aluminum from the body.

Kombu seaweed

Rich in heavy metal-absorbing alginate.

Oxygenated silver

Destroys bacteria, viruses and fungus.

Activated charcoal

Binds to heavy metals for safe removal from the body.

As a powerful detoxifier of heavy metals, parasites, pollutants, bacteria, fungi and viruses, bentonite clay is an excellent defense against chemtrails. For internal consumption, only ingest the food grade variety known as calcium bentonite clay. It can also be used in the bath for gentle detoxification through the skin.

Additionally, DMPS (sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane-l-sulfonate) is a sulfuric acid salt which is extremely effective in removing heavy metals from the body. In laboratory tests, when an intravenous shot of DMPS was given, 90 percent of heavy metals were excreted through the kidneys after 24 hours. Oral supplementation is also an option, although it’s considered less effective.

Ultimately, the discontinuation of spraying is the best protection against the health-ravaging consequences of chemtrails. Practical steps for stopping the assault can be found here.



Kiss My Ring

fall meeting of AGU

GC13I Strategies for Cooling Earth: Solar Geoengineering and Carbon Dioxide Removal

GC13I-0771Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council Marcia K McNutt, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, United States, Waleed Abdalati, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, Ken Caldeira, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC, United States, Scott C Doney, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst, Woods Hole, MA, United States, Paul G Falkowski, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States, Steven Fetter, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States, James Rodger Fleming, Colby College, Waterville, ME, United States, Steven Hamburg, Environmental Defense Fund Boston, Boston, MA, United States, Joyce E Penner, Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Raymond Pierrehumbert, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, Philip J Rasch, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, WA, United States, Lynn M Russell, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, John T Snow, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States, David Titley, Pennsylvania State University Main Campus, University Park, PA, United States and Jennifer Wilcox, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

many more...


Well-known member
uummmm.....chem trails aren't real man, it's just condensation.

Are those youtube videos your referencing as fact or?

go take an enviromental science course or 2 if your really interested in learning what actually happens in these kinds of situations, wasting your time looking up youtube videos is gonna get you now where......................your only as smart as the source of your information.........Youtube is putting you at a huge disadvantage in that regard.

It's cool that yer passionate, but sad that your looking into these topics in the wrong spot.........peer reviewed scientific papers man, youtube vids mean nothing............to anyone with half a brain or somewhat of an education.



Active member
ummmm Danny your last post contains no truth man, its just bullshit
Its cool that yer talk talk shit in a condescending manner..... but you've probably had too many flu shots, chomp gmo all day and .... to anyone with half a brain you sound like you swallow mainstream bullshit like a chump.


Active member
uummmm.....chem trails aren't real man, it's just condensation.

Are those youtube videos your referencing as fact or?

go take an enviromental science course or 2 if your really interested in learning what actually happens in these kinds of situations, wasting your time looking up youtube videos is gonna get you now where......................your only as smart as the source of your information.........Youtube is putting you at a huge disadvantage in that regard.

It's cool that yer passionate, but sad that your looking into these topics in the wrong spot.........peer reviewed scientific papers man, youtube vids mean nothing............to anyone with half a brain or somewhat of an education.


wow Danny YOU'RE a real smart fella... you certainly sound like you had 'somewhat of an education'.

if YOU'RE gonna be a condescending tit mate at least get YOUR grammar right


Well-known member
LOL...................Im just completing a bach in biotechnology actually. I don't need to use perfect grammer on here thank god lol.

LOL..............I know for a FACT this all BS dude, we cover a lot of these "topics" in class and we all get a good laugh.

What ever helps you sleep at night bro lol.


peer reviewed lol the government that are behind this aren't going to peer review anything.

we don't need big brother to spoon feed us our reality, we can see with our own eyes.


Active member
Danny you clearly dont know shit mate seeing how its all fucking admitted even in YOUR mainstream media - its a fucking fact, geoengineering, SRM, call it what you will, it's real, it's happening and only a fucking dummy can deny it
You only need at least one functioning eye and your half a brain to see it every day

oh and biotech lol says it all, keep it up Satan must be real proud


Active member
LOL...................Im just completing a bach in biotechnology actually. I don't need to use perfect grammer on here thank god lol.

LOL..............I know for a FACT this all BS dude, we cover a lot of these "topics" in class and we all get a good laugh.

What ever helps you sleep at night bro lol.

oh man, this is actually one of the funniest collections of words I have ever read for so many reasons.... you poor guy


Well-known member
and yer right......................me learning these topics from peeps with PHD's pales in comparison to you learning them from youtube videos.......or main stream media lol.

Have you ever heard the term media literacy?



Active member
you know shit about my sources and whilst I'd love to engage you in a battle of the wits, it'd be unfair of me to take on an unarmed man.