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Active member
Many are now simply too lazy to read a book or scientific PDF or lack the comprehension skills and vocabulary to do so effectively.

The trouble with youtube is its no cost for any muppet to do one and the level of science and facts expressed is often pitiful , and given a credibility they do not deserve.

Which is how chemtrails and other nonsense took root , the tube is contributing to the general dumbing down of society.

chemtrails took root in 1997 when the global spraying began on a near daily basis, pity you're too stupid to see that


ICMag Donor
Chemtrails started with one man and one article and never had any science or credibility to it , its a shame you lack the wits to do research and jumped on the bandwagon.


Kiss My Ring
Documents Reveal “Chemtrails” Originated at Department of Defense

Contrary to rumors of “conspiracy theory”, the Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy.

It’s reasonable to speculate that “Chemtrails”, and its implied meaning was eventually adopted by civilian observers to describe unusual military jet contrail emissions and later, commercial aircraft persistent contrails.

In etymological terms, the origin of a word is very important. Regardless the intended definition, history clearly shows the term “Chemtrails” originated at the US Department of Defense as the title for a Chemistry manual used at the Air Force Academy cadet training program in the early 1990′s.

The purpose of this post is to establish the term “chemtrails” was invented by the DoD for the Air Force Academy. However compelling, we resist claiming that the title and/or content is directly linked to the covert aerosol geoengineering and “chemtrails” operation that has been infecting planet earth since the early 1990′s. The course content, however suggests possible methods for manipulation of the earth’s atmospheric chemistry and conductivity, and could be construed as a course requirement for pilots who could be engaged in deploying chemicals into the atmosphere.

Chemtrails Defined

Oxford dictionary headerDefinition – A: The Oxford Dictionary provides an accurate description of “chemtrails” even if they are unaware that the DoD is the “inventor” and original publisher of the word, “chemtrails”.


Pronunciation: /ˈkɛmtreɪl/


a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation.

Origin: 1990s: blend of chemical and trail, on the pattern of contrail (Oxford Dictionary)


Kucinich Chemtrails are an exotic weapon. Definition – B: Defined as an “exotic weapon” in HR 2977, Space Preservation Act of 2001. (Gov. Doc – PDF)

In 2001, US Rep., Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 2977 “Space Preservation Act of 2001″. The text of the Bill defines Chemtrails as an ‘exotic weapon”

Origin: Department of Defense title to a chemistry manual as required study for future pilots enrolled at the US Air Force Academy.

A Microfilm copy of “Chemtrails” is available through the Inter Library Loan system (ILL). Exhibts and chain of custody is included below.

The complete 202 page Chemtrails manual is available for download – HERE or HERE (Large 28 MB file. Use right-click method to download)


keep swinging...


Kiss My Ring
Dr. William Lau - Advancing the Understanding of Earth Systems June 17, 2014
Part One of Two

Dr. William Lau

Name: William Lau
Title: Deputy Director for Atmospheres
Formal Job Classification: Earth Scientist
Organization: Code 610, Earth Science, Science Division

What is the most important issue facing the Earth climate system?

The big debate going on in the climate change community is how Earth is responding to both natural and anthropogenic changes. There is a general consensus that humans are doing something to change our climate, but we aren’t sure about the extent of changes that can be attributed to human activities in different parts of the climate system. Climate change can happen without anthropogenic forcing.
When we see major extreme weather events like the recent snow storms and extreme cold of this past winter over the central and eastern U.S., we cannot necessarily attribute them to climate change. We have to conduct very thorough data analyses and model simulations in order to answer this question. The answer is likely to be different depending on each phenomenon.



Kiss My Ring
NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000

Posted on June 23, 2014 by stevengoddard

Prior to the year 2000, NASA showed US temperatures cooling since the 1930′s, and 1934 much warmer than 1998.

NASA’s top climatologist said that the US had been cooling

Whither U.S. Climate?
By James Hansen, Reto Ruedy, Jay Glascoe and Makiko Sato — August 1999

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought.

in the U.S. there has been little temperature change in the past 50 years, the time of rapidly increasing greenhouse gases — in fact, there was a slight cooling throughout much of the country

NOAA and CRU also reported no warming in the US during the century prior to 1989.

February 04, 1989

Last week, scientists from the United States Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a study of temperature readings for the contiguous 48 states over the last century showed there had been no significant change in average temperature over that period. Dr. (Phil) Jones said in a telephone interview today that his own results for the 48 states agreed with those findings.

New York Times

Right after the year 2000, NASA and NOAA dramatically altered US climate history, making the past much colder and the present much warmer. The animation below shows how NASA cooled 1934 and warmed 1998, to make 1998 the hottest year in US history instead of 1934. This alteration turned a long term cooling trend since 1930 into a warming trend.

Fig.D.gif (525×438)

But NASA and NOAA have a little problem. The EPA still shows that heatwaves during the 1930s were by far the worst in US temperature record.

Heat waves in the 1930s remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record (see Figure 1).

High and Low Temperatures | Climate Change | US EPA

George Orwell explained how this worked.

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

― George Orwell, 1984



Kiss My Ring
Scientists at Aarhus University (AU) and the National Space Institute (DTU Space) show that particles from space create cloud cover

New input to the United Nations climate model: Ulrik Ingerslev Uggerhøj, Physics and Astronomy, AU, along with others including Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen and Martin Bødker Enghoff, DTU Space, have directly demonstrated in a new experiment that cosmic radiation can create small floating particles – so-called aerosols – in the atmosphere. By doing so, they substantiate the connection between the Sun’s magnetic activity and the Earth’s climate.

With the new results just published in the recognized journal Geophysical Research Letters, scientists have succeeded for the first time in directly observing that the electrically charged particles coming from space and hitting the atmosphere at high speed contribute to creating the aerosols that are the prerequisites for cloud formation.

The more cloud cover occurring around the world, the lower the global temperature – and vice versa when there are fewer clouds. The number of particles from space vary from year to year – partly controlled by solar activity. An understanding of the impact of cosmic particles – consisting of electrons, protons and other charged particles – on cloud formation and thereby the number of clouds, is therefore very important as regards climate models.

With the researchers’ new knowledge, it is now clear that here is a correlation between the Sun’s varying activity and the formation of aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere. Initially, the researchers have demonstrated that there is a correlation, and they will therefore now carry out systematic measurements and modeling to determine how important it is to the climate. The new studies will be made at DTU Space in Copenhagen, with support that includes a new grant of DKK 2 million (approximately EUR 270,000) from the Danish National Research Councils.

Experiment in a climate chamber

In a climate chamber at Aarhus University, scientists have created conditions similar to the atmosphere at the height where low clouds are formed. By irradiating this artificial atmosphere with fast electrons from ASTRID – Denmark’s largest particle accelerator – they have also created conditions that resemble natural ones on this point.
Simply by comparing situations in the climate chamber with and without electron radiation, the researchers can directly see that increased radiation leads to more aerosols.
In the atmosphere, these aerosols grow into actual cloud nuclei in the course of hours or days, and water vapor concentrates on these, thus forming the small droplets the clouds consist of.


Based on the correlation between the level of activity of the Sun and the global temperature of the Earth, the Danish climate researcher Henrik Svensmark proposed a controversial theory in the late 1990s: that there could be a correlation between the intensity of the cosmic radiation that hits the Earth – and which is affected by the activity of the Sun – and the number of clouds formed.

With the experiment in Aarhus, the research group has now taken one step closer to being able to demonstrate this relationship. There is much to indicate that climate models must hereby take cosmic radiation into consideration. In doing so, the new results provide hope for better climate models that can describe the Earth’s temperature and climate more accurately.

Comments from three of the scientists behind the experiment:

Senior Scientist Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen, DTU Space, says:

“Aarhus University has outstanding facilities that enable us for the first time to carry out a very direct test of the theory on cosmic particles causing droplet formation in the atmosphere.”

Scientist Martin Bødker Enghoff, DTU Space, adds:

“Before we can say how great the effect is, it’s clear that our results must be verified – just as more measurements and model computations need to be made. However, we can already reveal with no doubt whatsoever that there is an effect.”

“It’s a pleasure to see these results in climate research being achieved at our accelerator. Actually, it’s only possible to do corresponding research at CERN – the joint European research centre,” says Associate Professor Ulrik Uggerhøj, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University.

Facts about the experiment

A chamber contains air with precisely balanced amounts of sulphur dioxide, ozone and water vapor irradiated with electrons. Sunlight is a necessary ingredient for aerosol formation in the natural atmosphere, and it is imitated in the climate chamber by a lamp that emits ultraviolet light. Natural atmospheric processes such as the formation of sulphuric acid are thus imitated, and these are an important ingredient in the aerosols. When electrons from the accelerator irradiate the air mixture, an increase takes place in the production of aerosols, which act as nuclei for the production of cloud droplets. In previous SKY experiments conducted by DTU Space in Copenhagen, cosmic radiation was simulated by gamma radiation, and the scientists saw here that the gamma rays could also form aerosols. In the new experiment with the energy-rich electrons from the ASTRID accelerator, there is much more resemblance to the cosmic rays that occur in nature.

A major international research group at the European Particle Research Centre (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, has worked for several years on demonstrating the correlation that the Danish researchers have found, and the group has announced that its members are also on the way with their first extensive results. Compared with the CERN project, the Danish scientists have an extremely modest budget, but when it comes to producing particles resembling cosmic ones, the facilities at Aarhus University are equal to the most advanced facilities in the world.




Active member


here's a few pics of a totally new cloud called the foolmarnimbus. Perfectly normal of course, no disgusting chemical soup to be seen here, just water vapor






ICMag Donor
Perfectly normal of course, no disgusting chemical soup to be seen here, just water vapour

Absolutely correct.

Either alto cirrus or contrails blown out by the Jetstream , perfectly normal and explained by science.

fool(mar) and foolmarnimbus , is that the best you can do ?



... yeah well check out this scary looking fucker....

I mean just look at it, all fluffy and shit, you just know its up to no good... We didnt have clouds like that when I was a kid...

Who ya working for you fluffy cumulus sonofbitch, HAARP, the Illuminati, Al Qaeda, Al Gore??? I gots my eyes on you


Active member
It's not that far fetched. They admitted they have done it in the past. What would stop them now ? Public outrage lol. Let's all gather into a deafening drum circle and tell them how we feel.

US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans



spot the difference!


  • user244549_pic1276537_1403819698.jpg
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  • chemtrails-1024x682.jpg
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Active member
Absolutely correct.

Either alto cirrus or contrails blown out by the Jetstream , perfectly normal and explained by science.

fool(mar) and foolmarnimbus , is that the best you can do ?


dont be a fucking dummy - I watched that come out the back of a fucking plane


Kiss My Ring

BIG NEWS VIII: New solar theory predicts imminent global cooling

To recap — using an optimal Fourier Transform, David Evans discovered a form of notch filter operating between changes in sunlight and temperatures on Earth. This means there must be a delay — probably around 11 years. This not only fitted with the length of the solar dynamo cycle, but also with previous independent work suggesting a lag of ten years or a correlation with the solar activity of the previous cycle. The synopsis then is that solar irradiance (TSI) is a leading indicator of some other effect coming from the Sun after a delay of 11 years or so.

The discovery of this delay is a major clue about the direction of our future climate. The flickers in sunlight run a whole sunspot cycle ahead of some other force from the sun. Knowing that solar irradiance dropped suddenly from 2003 onwards tells us the rough timing of the fall in temperature that’s coming (just add a solar cycle length). What it doesn’t tell us is the amplitude — the size of the fall. That’s where the model may (or may not) tell us what we want to know. That test is coming, and very soon. This is an unusual time in the last 100 years where the forecasts from the CO2 driven models and the solar model diverge sharply. Oh the timing!

Ponder how ambitious this simple model is — the complex GCM’s only aim to predict decadal trends, and have failed to even do that. Here is a smaller simpler model proffering up a prediction which is so much more specific. The Solar Model has not shown skill yet in predictions on such short time-scales, though it hindcasts reasonably well on the turning points and longer scales. It cannot predict ENSO events, and obviously not aerosols, nor volcanoes. But if the notch-delay theory is right, the big drop coming is larger than the short term noise.

As we head to the UNFCCC meeting in Paris 2015 where global bureaucracy beckons, a sharp cooling change appears to be developing and set to hit in the next five years. Yet consortia of five-star politicans are not preparing for climate change, only for global warming. Around the world a billion dollars a day is invested in renewable energy, largely with the hope of changing the weather. Given that 20% of the world does not even have access to electricity, history books may marvel at how screwed priorities were, and how bureaucratized science cost so much more than the price of the grants.