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Andinismo Hierbatero
Those clouds that foomar posted in post 100 are naturally formed, in fact, in the tropical andes, the lore is that when those clouds are formed, it means an earthquake is about to happen. My aunt, who is 102 years old, and more lucid than some here, always used to say that when she would see those clouds forming.

In 1990, before the first game of the world cup in Italy, the sky was all covered in those clouds and there was a medium strength earthquake, the whole house shook :yoinks: ever since then I expect an earthquake each time I see them clouds, but never happened again :D


ICMag Donor
We see the same type of cloud formations in the UK on a regular basis in the summer , but we have no significant earthquake activity here.

It may just be that people associate a visible phenomena after the event , it would lead to mostly false alarms if used as a predictor , but be correct on occasion by chance.

Doubt there is a correlation between extensive wave/ripple clouds at altitude and earthquakes , but there is some evidence and a mechanism for local effects due to ionisation from rock compression , like the piezzo crystal in a cigarette lighter , and release of steam from fault zones.

This seems a reasonable hypothesis.

This could also explain the sensitivity shown by some animals prior to a quake , a scientist in China is experimenting with snakes as a predictor with promising results.

The coloured clouds/coronas rarely seen during quake events would support this theory , but most pictures online are probably just iridescent clouds which are a documented ice crystal prismatic effect and unrelated.

Unfortunately a serious subject has attracted some very strange ideas , this one is serious Japanese woo and well worth a read.


Almost poetic in its madness.


Sure those clouds can be natural but the problem were having is when you see that cloud being formed from the shit coming out of planes, thats the difference and its also become the new normal.

another problem im having with your theory, is that your persistent harmless contrails, are having a direct impact on peoples health.... ive met a few non believers, who ive converted, who now know something is very wrong but are too terrified to go any further.

HAARP has that rippling effect on the artificial chem clouds. If HAARP emitted a constant burst of energy it could set fire to the ionosfere.


i really feel these topics are pointless on cannabis forums... all these discussions end up with conflict of the ego's.

those who know whats going on, should save their energy for those with questioning minds...


Active member
Do I need to put tin foil over my wide brimmed hat so I can ride my lawn tractor when I mow now, just to be safe? The hat's getting a little too heavy now though with just wearing that tin foil beanie under it all the time. So maybe just wrapping the whole thing would be a better idea, and forget the beanie. I wonder if I could make an tin foil full body coverage suit? I imagine that might be good, but then I think it would get kinda hot in there. What to do? What to do? ;P


Active member
Hmmm, maybe get a scuba tank for mowing? Sarcasm obviously is hard to convey on the interwebs. ;P doesn't work. Does j/k?


Andinismo Hierbatero
i really feel these topics are pointless on cannabis forums... all these discussions end up with conflict of the ego's.

those who know whats going on, should save their energy for those with questioning minds...

questioning minds and eating up every piece of sensationalist information on the net do not seem to go hand in hand...


Pagan Extremist
Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC)

Call it by its real name "Chemtrails": Harvard prof calls for spraying to re-freeze the Arctic
This miraculous feat of geo-engineering comes to us courtesy of Harvard Professor of Applied Physics David Keith, who has authored papers proposing the massive spraying of reflective particles over the Arctic Circle in the journals Nature Climate Change and Environmental Research Letters.

They call it "spraying," the street name is "chemtrails." They have been doing it for years. It is the use of chemicals sprayed from planes to alter the environment, create military antennas in the sky, to build fake clouds and a toxic reflective sunscreen for the planet. You have probably seen it happen with a long-lasting white trail streaking high in the sky behind one or more planes, sometimes making a criss-cross checkerboard design. And when you call your local news station to ask what’s going on, usually they send out the jolly local weatherman to tell you not to believe your lying eyes.

There’s nothing new about the idea of weather modification. It’s been in vogue among certain advocates of "better living through chemistry" and high-ranking militarists since the mid-50s.

Geo-engineering: The radical ideas to combat global warming

NASA admits chemtrails - 10 July 2013


I cannot do this thread anymore, people who have chosen to wear blinders are clearly unable to see the whole picture...



ICMag Donor
another problem im having with your theory, is that your persistent harmless contrails, are having a direct impact on peoples health.... ive met a few non believers, who ive converted, who now know something is very wrong but are too terrified to go any further.

HAARP has that rippling effect on the artificial chem clouds. If HAARP emitted a constant burst of energy it could set fire to the ionosfere.

There is no evidence whatsoever to link contrails with any effects on health , all you have done is persuade a few naïve people based on looking at the sky and perusing conspiracy websites , you might as well recruit for the jehovas

Now you have a group of frightened converts to reinforce your faith based belief , you should be proud.

If chemical spraying had taken place for all these years the reservoirs would contain dangerous and rising levels of barium and aluminium by now , but they do not.

If its supposed to kill us off its doing a piss poor job as life expectancy has continued to rise at the same rate since 1990.

Haarp is an expensive research tool of limited power that raises the temp of the ionosphere by a fraction of a degree directly above the array , you seem to be confusing it with tesla,s imaginary death ray and the plot of a B movie.

It generates out about one ten millionth of the background energy hitting earth from the sun.

Its purpose seems scary to the scientifically uninformed , but pretty obvious if you know much about radio and the atmosphere , its the next conspiracy the sites promote once they hook you in with chemtrails , then its 911 and lizards all the way to a padded cell.

Surprised to see you link to a WHO site , are they not run by the NWO and the illuminati ?

Found this technical guide for trichy , but he seems to be banned for now.
Possibly for abusing sheep . . .


As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.” -Voltaire


questioning isn't automatically denying something because its negative. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that most people are ignoring, because the truth isn't pleasant!

we dont believe in this because we enjoy making our lives difficult.


ICMag Donor
Most of the people believe in conspiracies because it makes them feel special , or are making money from it.

If you apply common sense and a scientific critique they fall apart.


foomar why has respiratory death increased 5x in the last 10 years? persistent water vapor?

If chemical spraying had taken place for all these years the reservoirs would contain dangerous and rising levels of barium and aluminium by now

which it is and has been recorded, measured and even posted on this thread somewhere i believe.

If its supposed to kill us off its doing a piss poor job as life expectancy has continued to rise at the same rate since 1990.

life expectancy? funny how they tell us this and at the same time a multitude of diseases have sky rocketed. Dementia has increased massively, people with dementia have a large percentage of aluminium in the brain tissue and we are now seeing cases of juvenile alzheimers. Why? Massive respiratory problems (& heart) and a huge increase of dementia?
Where is it coming from?


the genuine people telling the truth, don't have a penny and live a very humble life, often in solitude.

ive had enough of this now.


ICMag Donor
foomar why has respiratory death increased 5x in the last 10 years? persistent water vapour?

Probably from breathing in carbon particulates from car exhausts in the developing world , along with poor diet and exposure to petrochemicals from plastics.

The catchment area for my water supply is under the flightpaths from two international airports , levels of aluminium and barium are unchanged.

Those who base their belief's on infowars and youtube videos are the real mugs , reinforcing each others errant conclusions , its almost a religion.


And you would not use relativly harmless aluminium and barium , which are present in the environment in apreciable levels already.
They are spraying aluminum far as I can tell. A friend I used to work for was into chemtrails quite a few years ago and always thought he was a bit out there in general. He would get obsessed with certain things and over the top at times.

Without getting into specific details I was responsible for quality control at a nutritional products company. I arranged for all of the lab testing and every lot of product was tested for total heavy metals and also specifically arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead. Arsenic always showed up and usually under 1 ppm and the others occasionally as a little blip well under 1 ppm. The results were very consistent and I pretty much knew what to expect. So he had me start testing for aluminum and each lot was very different with the results ranging from about 50 ppm to almost 200 ppm. It was bouncing all over the place. The product was well within allowable specifications for a food product though.

This was for a material that came out of a fresh water lake late in the season so the snow melt was basically done, river levels into the lake were consistent, etc. There was no real development in the area so it wasn't like someone was dumping stuff into the lake. Only conclusion I could come to was it was literally falling from the sky. I know aluminum is prevalent in the environment yet the results I saw from lab testing didn't make sense.


ICMag Donor
the genuine people telling the truth, don't have a penny and live a very humble life, often in solitude.

That describes well the classic unemployable freindless theorist living in his mothers basement , well spotted.

not too good for his IQ either

Nothing to do with IQ , common sense and basic education will suffice.

Spend less time on one handed web sites and CT forums and educate yourself.

Its a bit harder than posting on infowars , but worth the effort.

A few contrails do not scare me , the processed crap that goes into food certainly does.

You will get a higher dose of aluminium from useing foil to wrap food , drinking tea , cooking in aluminium frying pans and useing deoderants than from contrails , but the threat seems to have been overstated in the media.

The legal UK limit is 200 ppm in water supply , mine is 60 ppm.

Concerns about aluminium (Al) in the food supply have been raised in reports of encephalopathy in renal patients due to aluminium-contaminated dialysis water or aluminium-containing antacids; reports of high levels of Al in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and epidemiological studies purporting to show that minute differences in the Al content of drinking water could increase the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.
Of the three causes of concern, only the toxicity of Al to renal patients is established.

More precise analytical methodology, which minimizes contamination of specimens by extraneous Al, no longer finds elevated Al levels in the brains of Alzheimer's patients or even elevated Al levels in the plaques and tangles characteristic of brains of Alzheimer's patients. More rigorous epidemiology does not support a connection between the concentration of Al in drinking water and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

Genetic and other risk factors are being established for Alzheimer's disease, but no convincing linkage to Al has been made. No clinical syndrome has ever been noted for the very low intake of dietary Al. The oral intake of medically-administered Al with adverse effects and of Al in the diet differ by orders of magnitude. This difference is so great that no public health threat due to Al in the food supply can be detected.

Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812817174_0016