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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Just a nice guy

when the name of the thread is "SR71 strainguide and clones" Im going to assume that it would be impossible to spam by posting information on the thread title as requested by the thread posters.
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Active member
I would love to chime in on all this, but first I must ask Just a nice guy, how does that Grape Krush from DJ stand up against all your other cuts? I was thinking of ordering some beans and that was on the top 5 of my list.

As for Blue Sky, congrats on the new strains. Ignore what the haters say and know that you guys have started down the right path. Casey Jones, 707 headband, OG kush. That is what people have been talking about for months now. I am glad to see some new gear come out and hope that elite phenotypes from each strain have been selected. Keep up the good work and strive to become even better, and I wish good Karma to everybody on IC.... yes even you Rainman.

Just a nice guy

BUllDog, the Casey and a few others I can personally verify, the Grape Krush is a dream, jus do your selection carefully...... Im hoping the guy that gave me this did, ive seen his work and its AWESOME! as for the 707 and the OG, I hope so, if not they will drop them and try others, im sure that they are on the right path.

and on that note imma *try* to not post here anymore, thanks again for being dicks... why ruin a good thing?


The revolution will not be televised.....
For the record one more time! I am in no way affiliated with GoodKarma Growers! I am a customer and Justa doesnt even know who I am!! It smacks of the same type of trash I am talking bout for you to attack her when we are talking about BS. Why would anyone attack another who isnt even here?? Then be talking about my Karma? Now it is obvious who you work for and what your purpose here is. Pathetic and petty of you to now show your real colors Mr. Karma. Again, I dont know Rowdy and she doesnt know me. I am a customer there like many other Bay area clubs. I have always been treated with kindness and respect when there. Their menu is always accurate and incredible(theres an idea for your boss). Thats it! No bosses/owners/inside knowledge for me just a customer tired of your spamming bullshit about how great the place is.

And the thread is for customers who have visited the place and have comments. Its not the spam for free and lie to customers thread.


If within the next two months Bluesky gets blammed for any MORE hermi genetics then it will be the last time I visit and i will tell anyone and everyone I know about your unstable line up.

, trust that the dreamy effects we asked for in your selection didnt implie that we wanted nightmare hermi genetics


Active member
Rainman said:
I am a customer there like many other Bay area clubs. I have always been treated with kindness and respect when there. Their menu is always accurate and incredible(theres an idea for your boss). Thats it!

If you're happy with this outfit, why are you freaking out about Blue Sky? You've got a reliable clone source, stick with 'em. The rage you're directing toward Blue Sky doesn't seem entirely rational, unless perhaps you have some other agenda.
Yeah, it's one thing to logically criticize Blue Sky for the way they do business, but a few of these attacks are getting a little crazy.

We know Blue Sky is a million-dollar operation making profit from sick people.

We know they have a boring selection of cuts.

We know they overcharge for supposed elite cuts that aren't very elite.

We know they have ridiculous supply problems that require you to sit on the sidewalk at 6 a.m. in a really crappy neighborhood in downtown Oakland if you want their better clones.

We know all this, so it's probably time to move on...


Active member
True that Silver Oak. Twisted is just a broken record of hate, saying the same old crap over and over. Instead of hearing all the tired crap I would love to see a grow report on some of the Casey Jones. I believe I will be trying that plant in my next run.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Nice Guy - The negative rep works both ways but you are still a turd who cant admit you work for BS! 120 posts for them in less than a month. You are a joke and I would have left this alone if not for you and your childish negative rep. Again you can direct your bs towards the me or the issue.

The rest of you obviously dont get it and never will. If someone is actually going to Bluesky and getting their gear and growing it to tell us the truth its one thing. Its something else altogether, when the flunkies from the disp. get on here and tell you how great the gear is, how the catalog will be out soon and accurate,all the new strains they will have. Its just bullshit and you clowns are running in to defend their spamming so you can go and waste your time with them. I personally dont go for it and will keep on doin what I am till these turds fess up or leave!!!

NPK - I like Clearlake no doubt but it is 3 hours for me just like it is for anyone else leaving the Bay so if its ok with you, I would lke to get this thread giving actual real info on porducts and clones from customers and not employees. As for my rage being rational, thats your judgment and view but thanks for your concern. Also its not directed at Bluesky so much as the flunkys spamming for them. No agenda either just want some straight facts and unbiased info.

Silver Oak - Thank you for that most inlighting observation. I should move on? Here's a thought! Why dont I keep going to many of the clubs in the Bay, like I have been doing, and callin bullshit when I see it too? When I decide to simply go to one place and do all my shopping in a single spot I will give you guys a call to let you know where I found all the clones and meds I will ever need, under one roof.

As for all this talk about rage and anger? You clowns are confused. The only people I am angry at are the same ones you are trying to defend and the same ones leading you like sheep!! New handles, turbo posts in the thread, defending BlueSky like its their kid, trying to get all the negative writing out of here, they know the owners but dont really!! You guys are so easily brainwashed, I should start a religion. As for the Casey Jones - Watch for herms.......


Active member
now now, no need to get crazy up in here. No meeting in Oaktown or any other town. Also, if the Casey Jones has hermaphrodite problems I just might cry.

Just a nice guy

I grew Casey Jones many times and she doesnt herm. :smoke:

If you are having regular problems with that it might be one of many environmental problems, but the JTR and Bubblegum ARE prone to it.
I have grown EVERY Blue Sky strain, and maybe 300 others..... I would say that as far as all the weed Ive grown maybe 10% have herm tendencies. BUT, some growers do something that gets them a higher %...no matter what....
That dosnt make you a bad grower.. No worries, I always tell people that the strain they are good at growing and that they really like will find them...... just keep looking. and grow more than 1 at once...

It's what I really enjoy doing though, I have no problem experimenting and looking for better and better plants. And I love to share them with the world.

i think your attitude around and about cannabis is what makes your product what it is... Of course there are other factors, but with positive energy, less hate..... Things can get better..... Im glad some people have these forums to blow off steam, I hope it helps....
I apologize for being a dick..... But dont call me a liar... I do NOT work there... I am NOT spamming for them.... Just dont want all the hate to go without a response.... I am know by many to be a generous, kind man.... and many others to be a real asshole.... but I am honest, and I grow good weed. So thats that, really Im out.:Bolt: thanks for listening....


Dont confuse the truth with hate homey
We can all go to mcdonalds and get a latte now cant we
Dont mean we all do
At least mcdonalds doesnt tell you they are something they are NOT
Rainman has a right to his opinion-which is shared by many-, he has a right to warn the good people here to WATCH OUT for blue sky as a whole. Its not until some people show up that the REAL negativity starts

Blue sky genetics are a complete waste of time, space, and money in my opinion. Poor quality, non-rooted, average or under genetics from some people telling you they are the best in the world. NOT

I grow good weed and I'm honest too
Rainman, I wasn't talking about you specifically.

I have no problem with people coming into this thread and posting up the truth. That's what we should all do!

I was just trying to say that logical, factual posts are welcome, but super-angry rants don't do anyone much good.

When I say "move on," I mean we should hold off on our rants (me included!) until we have new information to report.


Active member
Just a nice guy - It is good to hear that Casey Jones does not have hermaphrodite tendencies. I had never had this problem with any other grows in my 8 plus years of growing except with the JTR. So my ratio is way below 10%, however I mainly get my clones from reputable services.

TwistedRemedy - did you grow a Casey Jones and get a Hermaphrodite or where you just warning me about possibility because it is coming from Blue Sky?




Dont confuse the truth with hate homey

Mcdonalds lattes are convienant but inconcisstent which is a great
comparrison to bluesky but the following is NOT the truth by anymeans:

Blue sky genetics are a complete waste of time, space, and money in my opinion. Poor quality, non-rooted, average or under genetics from some people telling you they are the best in the world.

I grow good weed and I'm honest too

Dude bluesky didnt make these genetics... they take suggestions all the time
then grow out the best pheno by their standards and everyones 'standards'
are a bit vague...

I completley understand where you are coming from, i really do, hermis are
unacceptable to everyones standards... I am NOT trying to argue, just
correct you when you are swearing that you are telling the truth... you all
know how to grow, most of you quite well too :joint:, this is for the people
who come to this thread for the first time for new info and are totally scared
away from these posts...

My experience (not opinion but fact) is the following: I have always been able
to check the roots of all my clones here and if you picked poorly rooted
plants then you should expect negative results to follow. My plants have
always resumed vegetative growth within two days of introducing my
BlueSky clones to 24/0, some poeple are bound to have sub par experiences
with clone purchases.

and when has Bluesky claimed to be the best in the world? I sure as hell
never heard that before!

My plants have always resumed vegetative growth within two days of
introducing my BlueSky clones to 24/0, some poeple are bound to have sub
par experiences with clone purchases.

Before getting angry with me please compare my post to the never ending
complaints and see how MINE is at least productive

If you are gonna complain PLEASE give specific examples, to tell me that the
Genetics WhiteWidow, DCxSC, CaseyJones, Purple Kush are a complete waste
of time is for sure NOT anywhere close to the truth as you claim... people
on this thread have beutiful pictures to prove this statement is a fabrication,
please support your claims to make them more useful and less of an
annoyance to the rest of us.

My bad for coming off as a dick its420, and i am sorry to use your post as an
example you are one of a few out there that need to get their story told but
what you are saying seems totally inaccurate
and to think that somone may overlook some of these strains cause you cant
express your negative experience into a produtive post is the opposite of
what we are going for here...


Just Call me Urkle!!
I would like to point out that after introducing Querkle into a few gardens in my circle of friends ALL of them got hit with PM in the worst way and now these same growers all have some kind of virus or something and they only have bought their cuts form Blue Sky .... Not to mention the JTRs that ended up in the Querkle trays and hermed..... Sacramento is going to be the place to get cuts this summer fuck Blue Sky they've ruined my gardens 2x's too many....


The revolution will not be televised.....
I will be the first to say that BS has some great cuts. The PK and DCxGoo is great. The Hindu people seem to love although not my cup of tea. My problem again is with the misinformation being pushed by the people who work there. If you dont beleive that we know what ICmag is and dont pay attention, shows the ignorance being fostered by you. We dont want to hear about upcoming seasons and catalogs when you cant keep what you have in stock! There is a big diff in you and Mcky D's for sure. They never sell out of burgers and you cant seem to keep any in stock. Now stop spamming and get back to cloning.


Active member
We have a nice selection of clones available in sac. We're the crossroads so we have some bay area cuts and we get clearlake cuts, with a ton of local strains to top it off. If the BS Casey does hermi i wont place much blame on them, the strain itself has that tendency, even mine from seed threw an impotent nanner in my spring outdoor crop......search the Heads seeds thread for lots of casey info...............That JTR on the other hand was bad pheno selection....par for the course for a club with in-house cloners....
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