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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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does anyone know how blue sky WW cuts feeds, does she like a lot of nute, or does it like it light, any info is apprciated, thanks in advance.


Active member
they way she feeds kinda depends on her mood she is a picky bitch. with me she didnt like her roots wet just moist. when I would just feed once every 3 days in soil she would be pissed off for 12-15 hours while the soil was saturated then get better. If you get the the wattering down right im sure she will fed more but with me it always varied from light to medium with just water every other depending on how she looked. I did not get her dialed in because i found something better to replace her with.
darthvapor said:
they way she feeds kinda depends on her mood she is a picky bitch. with me she didnt like her roots wet just moist. when I would just feed once every 3 days in soil she would be pissed off for 12-15 hours while the soil was saturated then get better. If you get the the wattering down right im sure she will fed more but with me it always varied from light to medium with just water every other depending on how she looked. I did not get her dialed in because i found something better to replace her with.
Darth gota ask what did you replace her with?


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well santacruz with me she flowered for 10 weeks. I decided to fill 1/2 the space with reefermans red congolese and the other half with love potion. same amount of time with what I hope to be better cannabis. I prefer the longer flowering sativas, worth the wait in my opinion.


whats the highest ppm the Pk can take? i know there light feeders but how light is light? i was going to start off with some Fnb 8ml a gal. standard Lucas formula with some Flora plus. there just newlly rooted clones. I am going to grow 44 of them in the hut in 4L pots dose them with some co2, i'm trying to reach 1oz per plant think i'll get it?


purple kush

purple kush

Clark, i used fox farm ocean forest in 3 gallon pots.
i had 16 plants in a 4 x 4 tray under a 600hps. I was hoping to average an ounce/plant but only 6 of the 16 actually turned out big and dam near gave me an ounce, the rest of the smaller plants gave me 1/2 oz. or even less..Drymouth, I didn't top em so that picture is the top bud of the nicest plant.

The mistake I made is to just grow all 16 out instead of picking out about 9 of them or and throw the weaker ones away. You should always clone way more than you need because there will always be stronger and weaker ones and you gotta pick em out.

I also tried some auto irrigation for the 1st time, I got a pump and ran drip feeders to each plant. The problem is that you don't get complete saturation of the dirt and you're left with dry spots, but I only used 1 dripper per plant. You gotta use 3 or 4 drippers for each plant and space them evenly around the stem.

Next time I topped the shit out of them and we'll see what the bushes grow out like.

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well guys, ive been noticing extreme leaf curling and wierd little holes and leaf formations on my hindu skunks. i hope this is just some weird disease and nothing more serious such as the strawberry mites mentioned earlier, which i was quite skeptical about. anyone else experiencing this?

mister c


Yep, I have the weird little holes too, but without the leaf curling.

Looks like a little bug has lunch every so often. It doesn't seem to affect their overal health though. Still vigorous as ever.


Alright guys, Im not saying its anyones fault, but if any one has any knowledge on this let me now please. I Pyrthren bombed my room 3 times with raid 14% Pyrethren. And Sprayed the room with physan 20 a super strong virus killer and some inse cticide. I waited 2 weeks and got some other cutting from Blue sky. I'm not saying that its anyones fault but Im seeing wierd curling of the leaves and yellowing. I also took cuttings from my newly aquired shipwreck mother(P-Kush*Trainwreck) and my Gdp mother I got from Humbolt. I dont see any bugs, unless there microscopic, I have looked under a 60x scope and havent seen anything yet. I took cuttings and have had them in my newly aquired areoponic cloner. Before any rooting has started some leaves are starting to look sick like my other cuttings. I am going to test my place for mold and other things but if it isn't that ______________??? They know who they are.. Im not going to jump the gun so if anyone can identify what this prob. is I would mostly appreciate it.. Guys I did use this new stuff from Bayer, well see if it works I used it on my mothers I got from Humboldt. Its a 3;1 solution, it is poured over the soil and when the roots absorb it it gets into the plant system and kil viruse and any bug that eats at it. Its wierd because when I look at my cuttings it looks like something is eating at it but there are no bugs...



mister c said:

Yep, I have the weird little holes too, but without the leaf curling.

Looks like a little bug has lunch every so often. It doesn't seem to affect their overal health though. Still vigorous as ever.

RIGHT. same as me, except for this leaf curling which i think might be PH related. I checked one of the leaves which had the holes and underneath i saw these tiny little white specs. i looked at them in my microscope and they weren't bugs...they were just weird white balls of something...but didn't look at all like they were alive...

caligreen said:
cool thread wish I was a patient so I could check out sr-71, maybe in the future. I can vouch for organicide, it works great and you can use it in flower to an extent. Thrips are easy to kill with organicide. I would hate to have the root aphids, aphids suck ass period. But man I want that pk!!!!! the Hindu skunk looked bomb as hell too guys. PEACE

I suggest using care with organicide, I ruined an entire crop with one application of organicide at less than the mfgr reco application rate the one time I used it on a crop in late veg. All leaves turned brown and died within 4 or 5 days and made my entire house smell like fish oil. Anyways not bashing it, just my experience.
purrpullkush said:
I suggest using care with organicide, I ruined an entire crop with one application of organicide at less than the mfgr reco application rate the one time I used it on a crop in late veg. All leaves turned brown and died within 4 or 5 days and made my entire house smell like fish oil. Anyways not bashing it, just my experience.
ive used it it works...but it strong like an atomic bomb lol test it first


Active member
Any updates on the quality of clones as of late? Still the winter 2008 selection? I was thinking of heading down that way soon, maybe Sunday. Any suggestions on when to arrive in order to be in the top five tickets? Any help would be useful.
went on tuesday same clones but he said that the only one that does not come in every time is the deep chunk cuttings, but everthing else comes all the time. i suggest on a weekend to get there early, maybe about 9:30a.a.m. to make sure you get something, hope this help.


Active member
Cool, thanks for the responce Rounders02. I will post when I come back if I go tomarrow. thanks again.


Active member
So, I got there at 8:50 today and I was # 5. Not good enough because I walked home with nothing. All that was left was the AK-47 and White Widow. The guys infront of me bought about 40 each. That sucks when one person buys up everything. I think I may try my luck tomarrow, not sure what time I will show up. Hopefully they will still have something worth buying. Peace and Love.
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