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Squiggles has the blues


Ive been a bit down of late all your guys grows are looking fantastic and my garden is bare :cry:

so ive bitten the bullet and ordered a small selection of Dinafems gear after the crictical+ did so well i thought what the hell

My grow room isnt quite finished yet so im going to give my bato pots a dust off and do an outdoor hydro run should be interesting



Active member
squigz, its a passion, sometimes lifelong. Once your in, there is no out, the paradox of growing.

do your thing & goodluck!

Yeah Squiggs i hear ya bro, same here also. Been thinking of doing something myself, i have some C99 x cuts rooting atm, have got 3 chemchunk x Zoidfuel plants which i am about to take cuts from today, but still feeling a bit off after my room was hit, as brushtail stated above its the paradox of growing. Beefed up security here big time, it takes me 5 minutes to get into the room now LOL but had to be done. Put together another pipe with 6 pots and i hope i do get to finish this lot this time around. Good luck bro i do miss your pics mate, but wont be long now before i see some more.



same here bud, I've been working so much that its been about a month and a half since I started building my cab...my seeds just came in from the bay, theyre staring up at me taunting me. but I know its not wise to jump the gun and pop em before they have a home.

I guesstimate 1-2 weeks before my cab is 100% seedling-proof. Just gotta finish up the carbon scrubber, lightproof the intakes and do a cpl days of testing for temperatures...

outdoor hydro will be awesome. only thing I can think about is the sun heating up the reservoirs so hot it hurts the roots...but im a soil guy so that might just be ignorance speaking.

good days are right around the corner:plant grow::joint::greenstars:


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Yay great to see ya back squigs, ive finally got a grow of my own underway, starting small.

Cant wait to see how outdoor hydro goes, should be interesting.

And bundy glad to hear your getting back into the spirit aswel, both of you are inspirations for me to have a good grow, and oneday get a nice outdoor crop.