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SpydrX Plus DNA Genetics White Walker Kush, DJs Gold


whats the closest you were able to get the light without bleaching?

I had my light from 8-15" but next run I will lower the light to 6" I didn't get no bleaching but some serious light burn on the upper fan leaves but the nugs weren't effected

Looking good! How many watts does the light use and how much was your total yield?

The light uses 685watts go to there website lol, and my I have some still growing and some still drying and some curing but one plant is done out of 3 and it pulled 537g I'll post final weight as soon as its all done, I wish it was done so I can start my next cycle. But I feel the light is making the plant ripen slower and everything under the canopy was super light green so they are getting cut down as they're done. And I been smoking the stuff drying and curing cause its better so I will probably lose a couple oz in this whole process of cutting down pieces of the plant.

Right now for everyone that is interested in this light, I don't recommend it, I will give it probably a couple more runs and if I can't dial it in I will just veg with it. My reason for this is ripening is taking much longer then it should, the penetration kinda sucked (only got a good 8" penetration thru canopy), I definataly pulled weight(but I'm into quality and my outdo looks much frostier!!) But this is me others might want low temp lights and weight I don't care about temps I'm in Cali and I would rather smoke a bowl then 10, I smoke a lot I don't need to smoke that much!! DabsR'us

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I am not saying it isnt fire, not the same as HID lighting though. The guy clearly knows how to raise plants. If Roor says the LED doesn't give the same result as a HID I believe him.
I just finished up a run with my selected Archive seeds pie face pheono under the Spydr x plus and it definitely beat out my Gavita flex at 750w in a 4x4 gorilla, and no heat issues.

. Finished 5 days earlier! Ran light at 6" and closer whole time except for first wk.. That week it was at 10ish" no yellowing or "light burn". 6 plants under the Spydr and I got 28.45zips, aprox 4.5 per plant.

Flowers came out super dense and bigger.. Resin I felt increased slightly on the bud, I did notice that the frost came further DWN on the leaves.. Not sure if that'll make it better, but it was noticeable and good for more bubble hash I guess.

Overall, I thought the light performed awesomely and I ordered a 2nd one!..

I'd say if your growing spaced out trees/bushes then the gavita...if you grow like I do where I lollipop and train the tops to fill in gaps in trellis then I think the spydrx plus is better. I only grow flower on the top 16"-20"max

Lastly.. I wish I had easy access to testing cause in the end, Terp profiles are what will tell the real story cause the weight was there for me.

From what I've seen is that full spectrum does increase terp levels and this light has that full spec like the LEC which seems to be gaining popularity with MI growers.


I just finished up a run with my selected Archive seeds pie face pheono under the Spydr x plus and it definitely beat out my Gavita flex at 750w in a 4x4 gorilla, and no heat issues.

. Finished 5 days earlier! Ran light at 6" and closer whole time except for first wk.. That week it was at 10ish" no yellowing or "light burn". 6 plants under the Spydr and I got 28.45zips, aprox 4.5 per plant.

Flowers came out super dense and bigger.. Resin I felt increased slightly on the bud, I did notice that the frost came further DWN on the leaves.. Not sure if that'll make it better, but it was noticeable and good for more bubble hash I guess.

Overall, I thought the light performed awesomely and I ordered a 2nd one!..

I'd say if your growing spaced out trees/bushes then the gavita...if you grow like I do where I lollipop and train the tops to fill in gaps in trellis then I think the spydrx plus is better. I only grow flower on the top 16"-20"max

Lastly.. I wish I had easy access to testing cause in the end, Terp profiles are what will tell the real story cause the weight was there for me.

From what I've seen is that full spectrum does increase terp levels and this light has that full spec like the LEC which seems to be gaining popularity with MI growers.

I think it had to do a lot with genetics I had, next run I'm gonna grow my gsc cut, I know how she grows and weight and potency. So we will see....

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
My WWK is in its 5th week and she smells a lot like the DP Blueberry I used to grow years ago. Definitely blueberry with a kushy aroma behind it.


My WWK is in its 5th week and she smells a lot like the DP Blueberry I used to grow years ago. Definitely blueberry with a kushy aroma behind it.

You know I was thinking the other day when I smelt my outdo White Walker I thought it smelt very sweet. I guess I was right lol well sweeter then my DJ's Gold


So the next cycles I run I'm going to run a test inside my tent and outside inside my tent I'm going to run pure coco and canna base nutes and house and garden roots excelculator, drip clean, top booster and shooting powder and my outside plants will all be DJ's Gold the same size and training done to all 3 but I will have one in 100% Happy Frogs and one in 100% Ocean Forest and one in 50/50 Happy Frogs/Ocean Forest and one in 50/50 soil/compost I used it last year it worked OK I wanted to try it on these new genetics. I just want to find a good base soil I can use with good results outside but inside my tent the real test will be happening I've never done coco but I hear good things hope the thrive, will start another journal in a few weeks when I'm about to flip everything.

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OK all I got to say is the guy that said he had his light or anyone that says they put this light at 6" get a par meter please and check your light I can't get mine within 10" without light stress and I'll put it this way the first light I got I thought was bright but they sent me a new console and I swear it got brighter so you guys might want to check your light output cause mine is way to intense I have like 5 different types of strains under it right now and the only one that aren't getting light street is the shorter smaller one further from the light and even some are still get a little bit. Just saying check your light and make sure your getting your full output cause I defiantly am


Here a 1 week update from the Transplant to coco the smaller pots are soil still they have less branches and nodes but is still almost the same height, the coco is bushing up almost ready to take cuts off them



I haven't started a new thread cause I don't know if I will keep it up in post I'm getting busy with these plants and other projects but I really have no idea what to name the thread lol. But here a little update of the tent, I took clones a few days ago and transplanted the last two plants into coco from soil. Here's some pics of the growth.

#RootPorn #BiggerRootsBiggerFruits

Bushing Out


That's why we are in love with that coco!!


Lol those roots are in soil Fox Farms Happy Frogs but my coco roots are growing exceptionally well after a week of transplant I had roots coming out the bottom drain holes I was sucking up the extra water with a shop vac and saw roots on the bigger girls just after a week from a 1 gal to 5 gal pot

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