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Sprouts in Coco - brownign leaves


New member
They are getting better!

Look at pics, there is the situation now and situation before. Plants are in the same order, but of course the now -picture is a compilation of close ups, because I wanted to make everything more visible.

Leaves are widening and there is a bit of new growt, the second pair of true leaves coming.

Measures taken:

1. Backing down from the lamps & breeze from led cooling fans blowing very dry air
2. Flushing
3. Air humidification


The thing that is still very unclear for me:

Do they need fertilizers yet or is there everything they need in cotyledons?


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Yes they do need ferts...very light dose at least 1/4 strength every watering in coco. IME plain pHed water is not a good idea in coco because of the reasons I gave in my last post. You can let your pots get a little light, but it's also very important that you don't let the coco dry out to the point that it starts to turn to a lighter color. You will get uneven salt buildup and end up causing even more problems...I've never used epsom salt so I can't tell you how much to use, but the canna nutes should have plenty of cal/mag in it so I wouldn't add it to the seedlings....Canna specific nutrients usually have higher levels of cal/mag because coco will absorb and store cal/mag leaving it unavailable to the plant

Good luck


Active member
I usually give straight tap water (7.5)or ph'd water (5.9) the first few days and then move on to 1/4 str nutes about when the second true leaves pop out.

good luck.

I am pretty sure you should not have a PH difference of more than .5 or you will stress the plants. I am new to COCO and having some issues myself. I read last night that 5.8 is pretty much the ideal area to be in on HYDRO and 6.5 for SOIL, but you do not want a PH range of 5.9 - 7.5 because it will stress the plants. You want to keep your PH about 5.5 - 6.0 with 5.8 ideal and I think SOIL has a larger range with 6.5 being ideal. I saw a chart last night but not sure where....I'll repost if if I can find it. I also think you should let your nutes that get PHed UP/DWN to set for a few hours before using them on the plants if you can.

FYI 68-72F is ideal water temperature range.

If I am wrong then sorry for any bad info. I think I'm pretty acurate on those items though.


I am pretty sure you should not have a PH difference of more than .5 or you will stress the plants. I am new to COCO and having some issues myself. I read last night that 5.8 is pretty much the ideal area to be in on HYDRO and 6.5 for SOIL, but you do not want a PH range of 5.9 - 7.5 because it will stress the plants. You want to keep your PH about 5.5 - 6.0 with 5.8 ideal and I thinks SOIL has a bigger range with 6.5 being ideal. I saw a chart last night but not sure where....I'll repost if if I can find it.

FYI 68-72F is ideal water temperature range.

If I am wrong then sorry for any bad info. I think I'm pretty acurate on those items though.

Yeah you're right 5.5-6 is a good range, but I wouldn't go over 6 and definitely not over 7 ever....that's just asking for problems. Proper pH is one of the most important parts of a coco/hydro grow. If it's out of range you're not going to have a good time :tiphat:



New member
Ok, checked them an hour ago. Not better or worse than my last pics. So I gave 1/6 strength canna coco a+b with heavy run off.

Good night and thanks for helping me.


New member
Ok, checked them an hour ago. Not better or worse than my last pics. So I gave 1/6 strength canna coco a+b with heavy run off.

Now, about 16 hours later (with 4 hours darkness), none is worse and some of them are looking better. Leaves are a bit larger and they have even grown a few millimetres of stem.

I'll keep you informed how things evolve and post some pics maybe tomorrow.

And Chomp, I just wanna make sure what you meant by this:

very light dose at least 1/4 strength every watering in coco.

No more than 1/4 or no less than 1/4?


Yeah I meant no less for now...as long as they are recovering at this point then just water them every time with 1/4 strength. If they are recovering then it means the coco is releasing nutrients and not storing them all still.



New member


I'd say they are going to survive! Three of them are much better than the other three.

I have been watering them with 1/5 strength canna coco a+b, and lifting them closer to lights step by step. Now I'm starting to lower the humidity back to ambient again to avoid hassle later in the grow.

Thanks everybody! Problem solved, this post is my closure for this thread.

:thank you:


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Good to hear that your babies are recovering....it may be a good idea to keep the RH high while they are still little though, but great job nursing them back to health!


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