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Spring flowering theory


New member
I was thinking about how to flower outdoor plants in spring,now I think maybe you've been talking about it here,but what the heck...let's see...

You grow a seed in april,let the plant to vegetate normally for a month,or montha and a half,and then you let her to have 10-12 hours of sunlight a day,after these 10 or twelve hours,you put the black plastic bag over a plant for a complete dark...
It's not that simple because you have to move the bag often on and off,but it can work for those who want to try fowering before for some reasons...


river rat01

well yeah, basically.
but if you put a black plastic bag over your plant you will cook it.

you would have to have some ventilation goin on.

taking a covering on and off twice a day would be very much a pain in the neck.

but if you are disiplined enough to do it, it would work.
the plant MUST have 12 hours of complete darkness to bring about flowering.

do a lot of reading on here and you will learn much.


Yea that wouldn't work. If you want a spring harvest you should plant your seeds or clones around February and you will be harvesting in April.


Freedom Fighter
Look at the pics in my Gallery-- The ones in the "Barns"....we got 2 crops last year-- We started indoor vegging in January, and moved them outside on the 1st of April-- We harvested those mid July...and went out with the next crop that we had vegging--Harvested those around mid October--
In both instances, we were growing Kush, and they started flowering within 2 weeks of going out--


You could use an autoflowerer, and their are several good, potent ones. Veg it up for 3o days on 24 hours, cut the lights back so that they start to bloom and to find the females and then plant them out. They wont try and reveg and you wont have to try and cover them up.Come back and harvest in 60 days.

Works every time. sb
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ICMag Donor
what i'm going to try, actually in the process of trying is to flower small clones indoors for a week, put them outside, hopefully harvest in late june.

will the longer days in june make them reveg? plant is 75% sativa.
you can do them all year if u bring them inside when the sun goes down dont put them outside to early in the morning when its cold. do you have a closet or somewhere thats black to put them for 12-13 hours ? I know a guy that does it feb thru oct-nov stuff turns out bomb everytime just a little work moving pots in out in out. harvest all year long.


I've had some bagseed going on 24 since january..lol , just for an experiment I cut the lights back to about 16/8 for a week or 2 until i could tell the sex. I cut the males out and I'm now left with 10 females. I put the lights back on 24/0 after the showed sex , so the flowering process has come to a hault..except on a few which are rootbound so I think they are inducing the flowering even more so. It's still chilly here in Nova Scotia and when looking at the almanaic the last frost is May first. Hopfully I can stick these suckers out before then but it is quite a risk. My GG beans should be here today , and my Rhinos should be here this week , i need to move all my bagseed out soon so i can get a head start on these , especally the rhinos..GG's I'm not as worried about since there an autoflowering early finish...What should I do.

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