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Spreading seeds outside up north

If OP wants self-pollinating within his plants a remote greenhouse isn't gonna work (for that).[/quote]
i dont see how its out of contexted.and i also belive autos can self seed if weather,animals,and humans do not stop them.matter of fact your right;).fuck autos.lol its all good brudda.peace


Tropical Outcast

fuck autos.
lol its all good brudda.peace

You got that right!
Hi tokatronic :)

May I ask what is your approximate latitude? Up to 55N, most of Esben's hybrids, some of which are forsale on the auction site here, will finish for you. Above that Latitude, you will probably need fully auto-flowering strains. To those who say it cannot be done in places that cold, here is a grow at 70N, within the arctic circle.



Tropical Outcast

To those who say it cannot be done in places that cold,
here is a grow at 70N, within the arctic circle.


Oh yeah?

Not so sure what your definition of "getting it done" is. lol

Did you read the below within the link posted by you?

+OP doesn't want to only grow but keep his plants going on their own year by year. Not gonna happen.


Ok, the buds turned out immature and puny.

Oh yeah?

Not so sure what your definition of "getting it done" is. lol

Did you read the below within the link posted by you?

It isn't a beautiful grow, but it is proof of concept.

And if he did a big enough spot, let it fully seed, and the seed naturally fall to the ground, then in theory he would be able to keep it going season after season. Why would you want to? I don't know. But it isn't impossible.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
This is a terrible idea. The plants will not thrive like this and secondly marijuana is an annual and will not survive freezing temperatures.

Granted, they may not like where they land. If they are placed in a carefully chosen spot they can do very well.

Marijuana grows very well up north - as long as they are quick flowering types.

People who do this are totally irresponsible and ruin others outdoor harvests by releasing unwanted pollen, resulting in the pollination of someone's outdoor crop that they have worked all summer to perfect.

They'd have to be right on top of your patch to have any sort of significant impact. I've successfully grown within a 100 yards of feral hemp many times with only a bit of corn field to shield from unwanted feral pollen.

states where growing is legal for MMJ patients and an explosion of growing is occurring, this is a major problem.

Lots of people are banging out their own beans in little patches, too. More power to them!

It is still a better idea to start a gorilla plot and keep it tended instead of scattering random seeds in the bush and hope for the best.


Truthfully, very few Johny-apple-seed grows ever come to fruition.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
I think if you started your seeds indoors under CFL's to 1-2 feet you could have a nice seeded harvest every year.

Do that a while and than try sowing them directly after you get your seed stash built up.

I am thinking of doing the same thing with some seeds. I just dont have the space to do starts anymore, so I have to direct seed outdoors, but I have a good sized seed stash from breeding indoors for what I want.

I grew out a seed crop in an unused upstairs porch this winter. No heat --NO supplemental light-- just pale December light streaming through the frosty windowpane.



I don't know what is up with all the hating on your idea but I think it's a great idea which I've toyed around with myself.

Just keep in mind that there is more than temperature to consider but also humidity and rain etc.

Frankly I think the fear about unwanted pollination from your wild planting is pure b.s. You'd have to be right on top of them to make any difference.

I think the way to go is find as much info about your climate and conditions then try to find some landrace seeds from a similar climate or more ideally some fast finishing plants that have been breed to grow well in *your* exact area or one much like it.

Of course it's an annual and that's fine, many annual plants self seed and Cannabis is no exception. I think it would be an excellent and worthy experiment to have a self sustaining wild population that can be kept going for many generations.

Lastly look into guerilla gardening, theres these groups on the internet that make seed bombs (flowers and veggies not cannabis) that are made from clay with embedded seeds and other stuff designed to be tossed discretely over a fence into a vacant lot or some such place and a lot of what they do will be directly useful to you. There are whole sites dedicated to this.


I've try'd this in the begining of spring once..we threw bunch of seed all around out in the country in drainage ditches..never saw any pot growing from em in the summer though... but i think looking for a strain that can do this and better yet in the cold would be a cool thing!


Tropical Outcast
I don't know what is up with all the hating on your idea but I think it's a great idea which I've toyed around with myself.

Hating??? :laughing:

Dude...this is a message board where people voice their sometimes agreeing, sometimes differing opinions and experiences!

Just because people make posts not necessarily reflecting what you or someone else is talking/asking about that doesn't mean they are hating.

Once YOU have grown and tried to do what OP is asking about you too will realize he is far off with having plants in his environment being self sustainable over more than one period.
That's just not going to happen.
I'd like to add to this debate.
I grow a climatized strain for my area, tho I normally start my seeds into peatpellets planting within a day or two and I'm n of 52lat near 53. my plants reseed, tho unless the ground is worked its very poor germination. 2 years ago(2009) I had males come when I couldnt be there and seeded my whole crop (grrrrr) then this year I summer fallowed that patch (left it unseeded and worked up) I had a good amount come up on their own and I believe they would have done the cycle on their own. this past year (2010) I worked up a different area, planted in early June (after a late may snow) and had plants ready for smoking by mid sept. The two females I bred this year had seeds more then ready by mid sept.
and they are not autos, but just have been climatized to work here.
He can buy a ruderalis and cross it with whatever to get the quick finsihing he wants


Oh yeah?

Not so sure what your definition of "getting it done" is. lol

Did you read the below within the link posted by you?

+OP doesn't want to only grow but keep his plants going on their own year by year. Not gonna happen.

I agree that the link at least proves it can be done to grow plants at lat. 70. There's also a "Swedish Guerilla Grow" at lat. 59 who found new plants when he went out the next year to plant again. So I'm confidant this is possible.


I grow autos outdoors in the arctic..

If you think you are just going to throw some seeds out at some random location and they will grow by themselves and thrive in a climate that doesnt see over 25C temperatures?
Some may pop, but im guessing you will need to throw a hell of a lot of seeds around in order to get a harvest.

Thats almost an insult on all the time and effort me and my comrades have spent staking out spots, carrying soil, crossing strains and generally busting our asses off in order to get a proper arctic outdoor.

The type of strain you are looking for is any type of strain that is automatic. But i would strongly advice you to provide nutes for your plants and also provide good soil at a southward facing location that gets plenty of sun but little or no wind. Potent weed strains are bred to be grown by farmers, they are not bred to cope in the wild. Cannabis is not a ditch weed, its a highly sensitive cultivated plant that needs alot of attention to yield a good harvest. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when i hear people say .. "oh but its just a weed", its not, its been adapted to human cultivation through thousands of years.

You fail, do more research!


Oh yeah?

Not so sure what your definition of "getting it done" is. lol

Did you read the below within the link posted by you?

+OP doesn't want to only grow but keep his plants going on their own year by year. Not gonna happen.

Be damn sure that growing outdoor in the arctic is by far the most challenging growing i have ever done, and ive set up a LOT of indoor grows.

Some strains finished up nicely, like blueryderXeasyryder from seeds that were made outdoors in Denmark. Most strains were immature despite prevegging indoors before setting them out.

I had to veg indoors for 3 weeks prior to setting my plants out in order for them to survive at all. This grow took alot of planning, and there would have been no way in hell these plants could have survived if i had just thrown seeds outdoors at a random location. I know because friends of mine has tried that.

As far as teh potency of this grow is concerned, i am smoking hash from my outdoor autos at this very moment and i have all day because i ran out of my indoor grown weed yesterday. The potency of this dry sieve hash is sufficient to prevent me from sweating in my palms, something that tells me that its not entirely impotent. Its sufficient to keep me from stressing with getting a hold of smoke and that is good. I am areally heavy smoker and i have been smoking grape krush and gk/sour bubble the last month, top grade strains that is. IF you want to question the quality of my indoors then think again..

So auto haters, you are just fucking dinosaurs, autos is a revolution to north european outdoor growers. Just stay the fuck away from me with your fucking snobbery. We really dont give a fuck what you think! We are going to be working with these strains in the years to come so you better get used to it.


Tropical Outcast

Just stay the fuck away from me with your fucking snobbery. We really dont give a fuck what you think! We are going to be working with these strains in the years to come so you better get used to it.

If you wanna be the "tough" guy here...I'd say this is the wrong place for you to post @.


If you wanna be the "tough" guy here...I'd say this is the wrong place for you to post @.

Wherever people are hating on autos is exactly the right place to say exactly what i think of this ridiculous snobbery.

I spent the last week arguing with haters in the auto forums of my domestic canna boards.. People telling me i should rather be tarping some non auto in the arctic then growing autos because "autos suck"... even suggesting setting up a homebox in the fucking woods. These are Norwegian people, southernmost point of the country is 57 north, most of them have no fucking experience with autos, they just run around and belch the auto dogmas like they know something. Ive had it up to my neck with all the dogmas we have to face when we try to fkn get a crop up here.

This site sells auto seeds and has a large group of buyers and users in northern lands, ive had it with people pissing on our efforts and the strains we use. How about we show some respect to these people after all this time? Auto growers are leaving these boards every day because of this shit.

Tell me what strain are you going to grow in a place where the avg temp is just over 10 degrees and barely over 25C at all? If anyone has a spesific reason to not like autos, then thats fine, articulate your grief..

But all this "LOLZ AUTOS SUXX"!! .. "HAHA YEH ditch weed growers, lets point and laugh at them." Ive had it with this shit, if my grows are not appreciated on icmag then ill retreat my sorry ass to the Scandinavian forums where people like me who try to break new ground actually get an inch of respect.

Its just so weak man, so so so pathetic and disrespectful to everyone who are trying to work with them.


Tropical Outcast
Wherever people are hating on autos is exactly the right place to say exactly what i think of this ridiculous snobbery.


Its just so weak man, so so so pathetic and disrespectful to everyone who are trying to work with them.

Aside from me not having hated on autos...it is not what you say it is how you say it.

In other words I don't like your tone. :wave:


Originally Posted by ganjasuiteseat

fuck autos.lol its all good brudda.peace

You got that right!

This is what i was reacting to, i dont appreciate this attitude anymore then you appreciate mine. But im going to be fronting like this wherever im facing this shit.