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Spot problem, what would you do?


Sad But True

So i have a little problem with my new spot...

I found it 2 weeks ago looked sweet, great growing spot with a small stream.

I cleared 2 small spots on the stream banks upstream from the entry point... i did a walk all the way to the bottom to make sure it was all good... and looked good to grow upstream rather than down stream.

So over the last couple of days i hauled about 600ltrs of soil 30x large buckets full and 70 seedlings to harden off, a hell of a lot of work!

I finished all that and celebrated with a little bit of bubble.
While sitting there listening to the beautiful sounds of the forest and birds a little feeling came over me (im sure you all know what i mean).
The plan was to make a few more clearings further up stream, i thought i better check it out.

So i started crawling my way through the super dense growth of the stream... only after about 20mtrs past my spot what do i see... a almost identical clearing to the ones that i have just made... OH FUCK!

So i keep moving up stream... then another, then another, and so on.

Someone else already has made 6 clearings :(

They are not this years, by the looks of the stage of the growth of things that have been cut they were made last year.
Most of them have a few sacks of horse manure still 1/2 full.

There are a few things about how these spots have been left that i am a little bit suspicious / wary about.

The holes that have been dug are small, about 100mm round and deep and some have and empty planter bag scrunched inside the hole.
Other holes resemble that a plant (may) have been pulled out taking the root ball with it, leaving a hole.
There are other random planter bags scattered randomly at the spots... no tidiness at all.

Only one of the clearings holes were filled with dirt and manure scattered on the top of the soil, there was 1 stalk sticking out of one of the holes and it was only about 5mm in diameter.

There is no sign what so ever of any dead or decayed pot leaves, other (good sized) stalks or anything.

At one spot there was 2 buckets pushed into the scrub and it had 1 empty and 1 full container of Christal rain.

What do you guys think happened here?

Do you think it has been done over by the cops?
If it had been, would the cops take things like sacks of manure, buckets etc?

What would you do if you are in my position?
Get your shit out and move on would be my suggestion. Either way you are screwed. If it's cops you run the risk of them coming back and finding your stuff, and if the other people come back to grow their plots they're going to see your girls and rip them most likely. It's not so much a risk of you getting busted as much as a double-whammy chance that you will get your stuff taken one way or another.. Sorry to hear about your misfortune...


Also, if you are in the states and it was the cops or forest rangers or some other legal entity, I'd imagine they would clean up the site. I'm pretty sure they'd be obligated to not just leave it littered.
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