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Dr. Doolittle
Puffer with 2 clones you don't need all those lights yet..... you have any vent holes in your caB? can you take a picture and post it here?

Also stop using RO water on your plants right now, that should only be used on plants that are well rooted and you have micronutrient supplements to give them with every water..... I know you got moonshine mix in there.. when you over watering your plants it locks nitrogen out, the yellowing of the leaves and the curling under shows a problem... when it's hot for the plant they transpire more. How long have they been in this mixture and when did this problem start?

using RO water distilled or any other water that has nothing in it low ppm's it's not good for seedlings and newly rooted clones... they cause slow growth; your plants are over watered too

Vermi, yes epsom is perfect for treating a mag problem..... how big are your plants?


Dr. Doolittle
Welcome to IC crash! It looks like you have some problems, more than one/

One the seedlings in the background are being over watered, those size you must not water until run off comes, the amount to use is just where the small root is and slightly under it and nothing else....

Your plants are also very very stretched, this is from the light being too far away and it's stretching to get light.....

What mixture is your plants in? How much of the 30-10-10 were you using and how often? What brand is the fert?
What size pots are these in? Can you take a picture of the cab, the space between the plants and the light? Using fluros? CFL? MH?


New member
My sick plants

My sick plants

Hi again everyone and thanks in advance for the help.
Around the end of December I gave the seedings and the Purple Kush (that was cloned) some Miracid 30-10-10... (don't ask why becuz I have no excuse except to tell you that somebody said they liked that)
It was probably a fews days after that I noticed some yellowing start at the bottom of the plants...at which time I was thinking maybe they were not getting enough water and probably gave them water they did not need. Then I noticed the leafs going light green and here I am hoping you can get me back on track.
The walls in my grow room are just made mostly of a fabric mylar, a there are no vent holes but plenty of gaps etc where air can get out. I don't have a fan yet to help move the air around, That was next on my list of things to buy.
I grow in organic dirt and usually use water out of the tap that I jug up and let sit a couple days to rid it of all the chemicals the city puts in.
The light I am using is has 6 T5 Fluorescent Grow lights and all six in there right now are the blue ones (for growing)
What can I do to get these guys back to health? Below are pictures
and again I really appreciate the assist


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hey stitch, how things going with you? check out this, my mum in the m.g. is going at it again.lol.i flushed the other day and now my ppm is down to 234ppm so im ferting her.15-30-15 mg ofcourse. ive got a few pics so tell me what you think.














New member
Hi again everyone and thanks in advance for the help.
Around the end of December I gave the seedings and the Purple Kush (that was cloned) some Miracid 30-10-10... (don't ask why becuz I have no excuse except to tell you that somebody said they liked that)
It was probably a fews days after that I noticed some yellowing start at the bottom of the plants...at which time I was thinking maybe they were not getting enough water and probably gave them water they did not need. Then I noticed the leafs going light green and here I am hoping you can get me back on track.
The walls in my grow room are just made mostly of a fabric mylar, a there are no vent holes but plenty of gaps etc where air can get out. I don't have a fan yet to help move the air around, That was next on my list of things to buy.
I grow in organic dirt and usually use water out of the tap that I jug up and let sit a couple days to rid it of all the chemicals the city puts in.
The light I am using is has 6 T5 Fluorescent Grow lights and all six in there right now are the blue ones (for growing)
What can I do to get these guys back to health? Below are pictures
and again I really appreciate the assist


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Stitch, a few pics

Stitch, a few pics

Hi Stitch,
heres a couple pics... my problems with the yellowing leaves from weeks ago never went away... the buds kept growing a little and as you can see (sorry for shitty pics) turned a lot of purple.. some cold nights could of done that.. the strain is white peak..

a few plants only have 1/4 to 1/2 ounce on them, while others have maybe 2 ounces.

the seed was from a few plants I had 8 or 9 years ago, just the odd seed you get from time to time. Most of these plants were hermie, with just some balls appearing on the fifth or sixth node.

I will try to get some better pics, the purple is really pretty when the hps isnt on...

They are into the 8th week of flower, and everything below buds appears to be dead, but the trichs just are not turning amber.. a lot of them are cloudy, but just as many are clear still... the last time I grew them it was only 6 weeks flower...
If you remember, I had some issues here, just wondered why the trichs wont turn???????


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New member
Hi, I tested the soil and the PH is about 7.0
Also very low on Nitrogen and plants are waterlogged
Which is the beast organic product to remedy?


Dr. Doolittle
Hi Stitch,
heres a couple pics... my problems with the yellowing leaves from weeks ago never went away... the buds kept growing a little and as you can see (sorry for shitty pics) turned a lot of purple.. some cold nights could of done that.. the strain is white peak..

a few plants only have 1/4 to 1/2 ounce on them, while others have maybe 2 ounces.

the seed was from a few plants I had 8 or 9 years ago, just the odd seed you get from time to time. Most of these plants were hermie, with just some balls appearing on the fifth or sixth node.

I will try to get some better pics, the purple is really pretty when the hps isnt on...

They are into the 8th week of flower, and everything below buds appears to be dead, but the trichs just are not turning amber.. a lot of them are cloudy, but just as many are clear still... the last time I grew them it was only 6 weeks flower...
If you remember, I had some issues here, just wondered why the trichs wont turn???????

Depending on what color of the trichs has a lot to do with the strain being stable and the strain's genes......some don't get amber trichs.

If you grow seeds you end up getting different phenos. This is why when someone finds a good plant they use it for the mother so they don't have to play guessing games when they grow from seed.

Your plants sucked up all there nitrogen......
Not enough food will cause small bud growth too, stress in there enviroment will trigger hermies.

Also when a plant has been polinated or it polinated itself, bud growth reduces dramatically and puts it's energy towards producing viable seeds.

This is why people want a sensemia crop, otherwise your yield to light/room ratio is bad.


Dr. Doolittle
Hi again everyone and thanks in advance for the help.
Around the end of December I gave the seedings and the Purple Kush (that was cloned) some Miracid 30-10-10... (don't ask why becuz I have no excuse except to tell you that somebody said they liked that)
It was probably a fews days after that I noticed some yellowing start at the bottom of the plants...at which time I was thinking maybe they were not getting enough water and probably gave them water they did not need. Then I noticed the leafs going light green and here I am hoping you can get me back on track.
The walls in my grow room are just made mostly of a fabric mylar, a there are no vent holes but plenty of gaps etc where air can get out. I don't have a fan yet to help move the air around, That was next on my list of things to buy.
I grow in organic dirt and usually use water out of the tap that I jug up and let sit a couple days to rid it of all the chemicals the city puts in.
The light I am using is has 6 T5 Fluorescent Grow lights and all six in there right now are the blue ones (for growing)
What can I do to get these guys back to health? Below are pictures
and again I really appreciate the assist

First off, the stretching is permanent, 2nd it looks like the plants are hungry.... have you tested the soil pH? How often were you using the nute and what was the dosage?

When you give them too much water you end up suffocating your plants root system and they won't be able to absorb nutrients properly and it will show problems and the person ends up thinking the plants hungry and waters again adding to the problem.

Yellowing leaves like that is a nitrogen problem.... first let them dry out a bit, but never let them get really dry.

How long have they been in this mixture?From seed? Clone? How old are they now?


Dr. Doolittle
Hi, I tested the soil and the PH is about 7.0
Also very low on Nitrogen and plants are waterlogged
Which is the beast organic product to remedy?

What were you using to test the pH?
Yes, nitrogen is low due to water logged soil.
Do not do anything yet, let the soil dry and lift the pot to make sure there is not much water left..... when they are ready and water problem has been solved... you can use fish emulsion if you have access to hydro shop..... what brand of fert are you using now?

hey guys, have you looked at the complete guide to sick plants.......http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 and stitch has a kick ass book to its called marijuana garden saver.

THanks jyme that's hella nice of ya man!


New member
Hi all, first of all, thanks for this great forum!
I would like to know your opinion for my issue with the plants. I'm growing 5x White Rhino in 1m x 1m box with 400w HPS using BUBBLER system with Advanced Hydroponics of Holland - Dutch formula nutritiens. EC 1,35, pH 5,9.
One week ago, some leafs showed any symptoms of deficient/excess something or sickness. As you can read from my below form I'm 4th week on flower phase with 3/4 recommended concentration of nutrities adding an extra 1ml of PK1314 for 10litres of water.

I bet on two symptoms but I'm not sure if correct.....
1st possibility - deficiency of P (Phosphorus) in flowering phase
2nd leaf rot

Would be very grateful for your opinions

Many thanks

Best regards!

How long has this problem been going on? 1 week
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents) no, wooden box
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) Bubbler
What STRAIN are you growing? White Rhino
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)Clones
What is the age of your plants? 7 weeks (3weeks growing / 4 weeks flowering phase now)
How long have they been in there mixture hey are in now?(coco,soiless etc..) solution was changed 1 week ago
How tall are the plants? 34 inches
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? 4th week of flowering
What Technique are you using?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)

What is the Water temperature? 75 DEGREES
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? white and not slimy
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless) Advanced Hydroponics of Holland - Dutch formula - GROW/BLOOM/MICRO
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? now 3/4 of recommended concentration
How often are you feeding? (If using soiless) continuously
How often are you giving nutrients? (If using soiless) every filler
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
beginning of flower phase
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) 1st GROW, 2nd BLOOM, 3th MICRO, then little bit of PK1314 (1ml) for 10liters
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? EC 1,35
What is the pH of the "Tank"? pH 5,90
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? yes, calibred 2 days ago
When was your last watering? N/A
What is your water temps? 75 DEGREES
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) 2 weeks ago
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients? every 21 days
What size bulb are you using? 400W HPS
What is the distance to the canopy? 12 inches
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? 50-60%
What is the canopy temperature? 81F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) Night 69F, day 89F
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 180 cubic meter per hour
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? exhaust UFO running all the time
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? no, but I have extra fan blowing directly at plants (small one)
Is your water HARD or SOFT? hard
What water are you using? RO
Are you using water from a water softener? no
Has plant been recently pruned - no
Have any pest chemicals been used? no
Are plant's infected with pest's ? seems to not


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hey mynamesstitch!

quick question. i am almost positive i have a 'tomato' plant that is in 3rd wk of flower, hairs everywhere, nice cyrstals forming etc etc. i have noticed & thusly plucked or exacted 4 diff premature seed pods. i almost certain they are seed pods. is it possible in week 3 that those pods had some pollen powder in them? i almost certainly must have cut it open or spread some if so. what would u recommend doing hence forth?? the plant has over 20 cola sites, only 3 colas had the pods. i do see some brand new tiny ones growing as we speak, too small to cut or do anything. thanks.


Dr. Doolittle
Yes, by the time around week 3 is when you got a higher chance of it herming, they all hermie at different times, but if pods come up around week 3; chances are they are going to be pully mature eventually and break open.

Later flowering times most of the time they are sacks, but do not fully mature and may break open and polinate the small area with a few seeds.

Do you got any pictures? I would not be removing anything that possibly have seeds, you could end up breaking one open and they spread......

I would put a bag over the affected area and get a wire tie and make sure it's tight and then cut the small part and remove it from the room so you can safetly look at it without disturbing it. You got pictures of this?


Dr. Doolittle
Janiis welcome to ICMAG!

How much of each are you using.. how much grow bloom and micro including the PK....

What calibration are you using? .5 .6 or .7?
If you are using RO water, your water should not be hard... have you tested the water EC?

Is that affected area on the middle to upper part on the plant?

I do not see nute burn really, looking at the adjacent leaves and seeing that there is no problems with them...... Notice how the leaves are curling up..... this happens when too much nutes or it had some heat stress/radiant heat as in lumens...... how close are the plants to that 400?

This looks more like lack of or not absorbing properly, your water temps have to come down or you risk getting root rot. Not just that but warm water has lower o2 levels and they can't absorb there nutes right when temps are that high....

What color are your roots? can you take some more pictures of the problem where I can see the whole plant?

If the leaves are rotting then it's due to problems in the environment and I do not see a problem that would cause something like that.


hey stitch,
is this normal the first set of trueleafs are burning?

now the second set is turning light and the tip is burning.


New member
Janiis welcome to ICMAG!

How much of each are you using.. how much grow bloom and micro including the PK....

What calibration are you using? .5 .6 or .7?
If you are using RO water, your water should not be hard... have you tested the water EC?

Is that affected area on the middle to upper part on the plant?

I do not see nute burn really, looking at the adjacent leaves and seeing that there is no problems with them...... Notice how the leaves are curling up..... this happens when too much nutes or it had some heat stress/radiant heat as in lumens...... how close are the plants to that 400?

This looks more like lack of or not absorbing properly, your water temps have to come down or you risk getting root rot. Not just that but warm water has lower o2 levels and they can't absorb there nutes right when temps are that high....

What color are your roots? can you take some more pictures of the problem where I can see the whole plant?

If the leaves are rotting then it's due to problems in the environment and I do not see a problem that would cause something like that.

Hi Stitch, first of all, thanks a lot for your opinion.
For 10l, I'm currently using 8ml GROW, 20ml BLOOM, 8ml MICRO and 1ml PK1314 (ATAMI), a little bit of AH Bloom pH- (to pH 5,9) for each filling.

Sorry for bad info - I'm using tapwater (EC 0,41 without nuts), not RO. pH meter was calibred in pH 7. There is at least 15 inches free space between plant top and the 400W lamp.

Affected area is in the middle of plants (but not everywhere). The strange is, that the smallest plant (front on the right side on the first picture) isn't affected at all.

Roots have a light red colour (I think this is because of the water colour, what's your opinion?). I would like to note, there are 2 airpumps with power 2x180l/hour each.

I'll try to go to full recommended concentration of the nuts and keep you informed about the progress.
Thanks again
Will keep you informed


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hey, I have a thread on this but just noticed this one and you seem very knowledgable, was wondering if you could take a look at my pictures, ill paste what I put in my thread here;

so I have 2 plants that have just started popping up hairs (autoflowering), its about 3/4 weeks into the grow and these problems occur.

I'm growing in 100% Canna Coco in 2.5gallon pots (thought they were 3gallon), watering each with roughly a litre and my biggest mistake is that im not getting any run-off, how much would you suggest I water with? when it comes to water, I get it from the tap, have it in a 3l bottle, usually let it sit for 24 hours then add my nutes, canna A+B at 2.5ml each per litre, and 1.5ml each of canna mono nutes Cal/Mag into the 3 litres.

I pH my water to 6.0, due to the no run off, I'm not testing it once it passes through the coco.

400W HPS with 2 fans in a cupboard roughly 17 inches from the tops with minimal heat stress aswell.

the pics are in my album; http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=13724

If you need anymore information let me know, I dont know temps but I know they are fairly under control when I added another fan in there, humidity, no idea but probably not very high, I was on a budget and after spending £100+ for this grow, adding to my setup, I really dont have the luxury of splashing out more money on supplies.

hoping you can give me some insight into the problem mate.


Help Yellowing leafs

Help Yellowing leafs

Hello and thank you for your help.

I am submitting this for my son in California who has 4 legal MM plants. Two of his plants look good(he thinks) and two are yellowing and browing. Any input would be great.

How long has this problem been going on?

Several Weeks

What STRAIN are you growing?

C99 X NL

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)


What is the age of your plants?

Germinated 2 seeds 12/9 and 2 seeds 12/14. All sprouted and were planted in cubes within a few days.

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?

Since I planted the cubes about 7~10 after sprouting

How Tall are the plants?

19 to 21 inches

What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?


What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)

Soil in 5 gallon pots

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)

5 gallon, one plant per pot

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)

2 Plants are in Foxfarm soil
2 Plants are in ProMix for containers

What Nutrient's are you using?

Micro Grow and Bloom

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*

The first feeding was Jan. 7th and I mixed one teaspoon each of Micro Grow and Bloom to a gallon of distilled water and fed to each plant. I did a second feeding on Jan 17th and reduced to 1/2 teaspoon each.

How often are you feeding?

Every 10 days

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)

Micro grow then bloom

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?

Don't know what this is?

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?

I'm using test strips and I think it is around 7

What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?

Test Strips

How often are you watering?

As I think needed. At least in my opinion. I am using a moisture meter.

When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?

Jan 17th

What size bulb are you using?

600 Watt Metal Halide Conversion Lamp

What is the distance to the canopy?

24 inches. It was lower, but was raised because of the heat

What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)


What is the canopy temperature?


What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)

probably around 76%

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)

I don't know, but have fans and open windows during the day.

Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?

The plants are in a small bathroom. Exaust fan in ceiling and fans on floor.

Is the fan blowing directly at plants?


Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?

I don't understand

Is your water HARD or SOFT?


What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap?

I was using distilled until about a week ago, but switched to tap about a week ago. I let the water sit out for a couple of days before using.

Are you using water from a water softener?

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?

2 no and 2 yes I think I made a mistake by cutting some leafs off. Those are the ones that are turning yellow.

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?


Are plant's infected with pest's?

Not that I can see