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Spidermites or? how to fight them?


Active member
ICMag Donor
ive not had any problems in previous grows with pest and diseases so my experiences regarding this is limited

my aquarium bubbler is working fine
all first submitted clones seems to either have or developing roots now
the later added cheese clones are also starting so this far so good

but im seeing some very small black or dark animals running around
they are very small i guess like 1 mm in lenth
i suspect them to be spider mites but ive not seen any webs yet and they are also i limited numbers so far

i of course wanna kill em all so i dont get problems with pests later

right now the clones are still in the bubbler where they will remain until all have roots enough to be transplanted into pots

so right not i can only spray whatever on the surface of the leaves but as soon as they are transplanted into pots i plan for several large treatments

any ideas on what they are?

how to treat against them and how often?

should i use a brown soup solution and how strong?

should i make some nicotine solution and treat them with it and how strong should it be and how often ect ?

any inputs appreciated as i dont have much experience on fighting bugs as ive been blessed with there absence until now






Active member


it doesnt look like spider mites, you should check the under side of your leaves.

Do u see white ,orange brown litle bugs?(very small)

To see if there are webs , spray with water to make them visible in ealry stages.

If you are having spider mites i would strongly recommend BAC plant vitality plus , it kills mites and eggs , you can also spray your medium with it to kill the eggs.

And it can be used 6 hours prior to harvest(not that i would risk such a thing)

But PVP has helped 2 fellow growers to get rid of their years long infestation of mites.

Natural predators only work i they are released at the very beginning or before an infestation.


Active member
ICMag Donor
tnx for the fast reply

as they are still inside a cloner made in an aquarium and roots are in water and cuts are sticking through some poly board i might have problems getting below the leaves other than just random inspection

do yoy have more info on those treatments you suggested?
a more common name, link for dealers etc?

i was thinking this to start to fight them already

dissolve a cigarette in water or maybe iso alcohol
ad a teaspoon or so of brown soap in about 1/2 l of water/alcohol and start spraying already

is that solution to strong or week?

i would start fighting them as soon as possible so they dont get in large numbers

so far they dont seem to cause any harm but the clones are later going into a grow room and could cause massive damage later on


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
There defiantly some kind of spider-mite,you've just got to look at the stippling on the top side of the leafs,neem oil works well but sunflower oil will work to just not as good and mix that into the nicotine juice,i use 1 gram of tobacco or a cigarette soaked in 100ml ish of boiling water and add it to the oil mix then add a few drops of washing up liquid to emulsify the oil.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
spraying the plant with a mild pH adjusted foliar feed & wetting agent/soap works very well ... no poisons at all, you just give 90% a good old fashioned drowning... just like in the outdoors where they normally grow.

You wont kill them all like this, but you will massively reduce the numbers and that will help.

Small seedlings and clones can go wobbly on you if sprayed with strong poisons.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Found this at espoma.com worked great

Insecticidal Soap

Approved for organic gardening.
Controls aphids, whiteflies, and mites on contact.
Made from plant oils ~ not animal fatty acids.
Works fast ~ within hours.
Available in 24 oz. RTU and 16 oz. concentrates.

I N hail


I bought some soil containers from a gardening store.
Bam ! 2 weeks later *Gasp!* WTF spidermites everywhere !

What works , Make a couple gallons of Neem oil / Dish soap mix.
Make them in a container or bucket large enough to dip your entire plant into.
I use a 30 inch long 6 inch deep storage tote.
Lay the plants sideways then press them under and turn them 90 Degrees and press them into the solution again.
So your drowning the plant from both sides to make sure you get the entire plant.

Then afterwards you can wait a week and foilar feed & Mix in another batch of neem/dishsoap. To get the eggs.

Good luck!

P.S. Make sure you have some support to hold your plants up afterwards, until they dry completely.
Also DO NOT !!!! DO NOT!!!!! DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put them Under any Intense Light!! For atleast 12 hours after soaking.
Let them recover before you amplify the NOW shiny leaves with Intense Light!
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hang a hotshot no pest strip in the grow room and walk off. problem solved.

not a glue strip, and not the environmentally altered,watered down cali. version. the ones with ddvp in them.



Active member
Well if u have mites , then i wouldn't rely on homemade brews.

Really use , BAC plant vitality plus , also NON toxic and you kill MITES PLUS EGGS.

U can treat the plant and the soil. And the spray is also good for the plant , no strong poison that makes them go wobbly.

If u make new cuttings or get cuttings from someone always submerse them in PVP.

I'm telling you 2 people now that always have had mites have a clean growing room now.

Just killing mites is like mopping a floor outside when it is raining.

Also keep treating the plants once a weak. Sometimes it seems they are defeated and then in late blooming BAm there they are.

I also have used this PVP on my cuttings that i received from someone. I don't see any spider mites anymore but i will repeat treatment in 4 days , will update in my outdoor topic.


really great product:yeahthats


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
G, you do have spider mites, but those bigger brown looking insects aren't the mites. If you look real good in pic #3 between the two brown bugs but closer to the bottom one, you'll see the 2- spotted spider mite. Seems like you have at least two issues going on. You don't have webs yet, but trust me, get a handle on it now or you will. I saw those light speckled spots on my plants and didn't do anything about it. That is a definite EARLY sign of spider mite infestation. When the webs start the infestation has set in. If you look on the underside of the leaf along the main vein, you will see the spider mite eggs. They're roundish and white in color.
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Hot Shots No Pest Strips do work for spider mites, hang one up in your grow area with the ventilation off when the lights go out, then remove it and cut it back on, and repeat until they're all dead (store it in a ziplock bag). It's not exactly totally safe for humans but my experience has been that it doesn't have bad effects on the plants, the buds still smoke nicely. You can find these in your area. After a few days of doing this, all of the spider mites and any other critters were gone. But my experience was in a small space.


european ganja growers
get some organic pest strips,, stick then to the side of your pots and hang a few between your plants,,,spary plants down in the shower (only if not budding) then get the hoover out (yip the hoover) and attach the brush bit,,run it over the plants (carful not to suck anthing in) and suck up a small layer of the top soil,,,
get a few lady birds for each plants. these wee things will have a filed day and start kicking ass for the word ATTACK:dueling:.....if cought early am sure ladybirds will be a good bet,,,

keep it geen


Active member
ICMag Donor
tnx for all the inputs

yes i checked underneath the leaves are there was small white eggs

last night i started fighting the fuckers
i put an ashtray with a lit cigarette in the cloner box and closed
did that 3 times in a row to give them some nicotine gas treatment

to day i made the juice and dipped all the clones into it

the leaves was already a little hurt from the nicotine gas so i watch now to see if plants are damaged too much

the juice i made:

1 liter of water
half warm and then added 3 cigarettes into it
half a large spoon of crystal brown soap
half a large spoon of sunflower oil
then mixed it
then added cold water and pured apr 3 ml of Tea tree oil in and some iso alcohol

then dipped the clones in there

camera went out of battery but ill update with pix later


Active member
Well that recipe sure sounds toxic :laughing:

Keep us updated to see if u can get rid of them and too see if you won't grow a third eye by smoking that stuff(ok that was a poor joke , i admit:D)

I 2nd the hot shot no pest strip. I'll bet anything it's more effective than any spray. Here's a recent thread on mites:


The pest strip is chemical based, but at least it doesn't touch the plants like those weird smelling sprays. I consider myself a novice, but this is the only problem I can say with full confidence I know how to deal with.


Active member
Never heard of it and it sounds interesting , wonder if they sell this in europe.

I am using BAC plant vitality plus now , and it is working. But something that doesnt touch the plants is always more interesting
Best remedy I have ever found for spider mites is ladybugs! You can order them on the web and they will wipe out your infestation completely and super quick. When there is no more insects for them to feed on they will canabilize each other and will not damage your crop. Natures way to take care of your problem without insecticides.