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hey guys...quick question...would it be ok to use floramite 20 days into flowering??? if not..any suggestions on how i can kill these bastards without hurting my little nugz?????


Active member
I have used it and noticed NO ill effects. Mites suck! but I say go to war an hit-m hard with the shit shit, but weeken the strength and hit-m more often like 3 time a day for 3 days and spray everything.


Well-known member
ya, mites suck. ya gotta keep hitting them every 3 or so days like mk6 said.

floramiote kills the living, but the eggs can still hatch a few days later, breed, then start all over. gotta keep applying over an over.

i dip mine, i mix up a 3 or 5 gal and use something to hold the medium back from falling into the solution , flip the plant over an dunk the whole plant.. best way i found.

u cant slack on them, they will come back.

hey gman....u ever had a mite issue during flower????....if so...how'd u deal with it??? i cant dunk mines..lol..too big..3-4ft


Active member
Neem. dash of soap.. spray spray spray every leaf let sit for 10-15mins. then spray with water.. i use a shower spray nozzle ..do this twice in one week and keep lookout. the goal is to keep them away .once you got em just keep an eye out.. id rip all the leafs off that are to bad and toss em away from plant..


Active member
if your in 12/12 for first 15 20 ish days your fine .but if your deep in might just want to cut when you can and clean up ..make sure you dont put anything in 12/12 that has mites..try to make sure you dont have them, after that you should be good for atleast 50 60 day mark.. good luck

El Toker

The problem is that even if you kill them all, if the environment is good for spider mites then have no doubt, they will come back.

Spider mites like it warm 24 hours and a low humidity. If you can get the night-time temps below 18 Centigrade for a few hours that slows them down.

Equally if you use a humidifier to keep the humidity up at over 60% that slows them down a lot.

I also use Ozone instead of a carbon filter and that keeps a lot of pests and fungi at bay.

Good luck, I lost two crops working out the best way to deal with them.

btw - Never spray neem oil on flowering plants it kills the pistils.


New member
floramiote kills the living, but the eggs can still hatch a few days later, breed, then start all over. gotta keep applying over an over.


Floramite works for 28 days after application. It's also an ovicide. Eggs will die also. It's in the directions!
thanx everyone for ur replies.....im waiting for the floramite...it should be here this afternoon. hey SUPERJOINT, or anyone else with the answer, should i use the neem/soap between the applications of Floramite or would the floramite be suffice???


Been Fighting Those Little Shits For Over 40 Years

Been Fighting Those Little Shits For Over 40 Years

Fking Borgs:scripture:

I could fill this page up with the comments I have about those dirty rotten scandalous crop infesting momma eating little maggot bastards.
(Pardon My Language):ying:

PS: Azamax works well (when you set up a good cycle using the stuff) right up until harvest. I get um under control before its harvest time.
WHERE THE F*^& do they come from?????? i built this room from scratch...bleached the shit outta it before starting...caulked every possible crack i could find..

.im very new to this and now i feel a little naive that i thought i could prevent bugs from coming in...but considering all i did to keep them out(with the exception of pesticides) it doesnt seem possible. this seems like its going to be a long battle of pre-emptive strikes!!!


Sativa Tamer
hey gman....u ever had a mite issue during flower????....if so...how'd u deal with it??? i cant dunk mines..lol..too big..3-4ft

I have this issue, asked about using AzaMax during flowering in this forum and was instructed to go ahead (http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=137049). It seems to have worked out fine which is to say that the mite damage was minimized and the AzaMax didn't affect the quality of the finished product as far as I can tell.

I have no idea about Floromite though.



you can trap crop during flowering (or anytime during growth)


I KNOW that spider mites LOVE basil or clover WAY more than cannabis, so you plant some basil or clover right next to your lovelies, and load up the trap crop with spinosad or your preferred insecticide (you can even go serious chemical here, because you will NOT be ingesting the trap plants), the bugs move to the trap plant, eat the dosed plant matter, and die off in ridiculous numbers. you just toss out the trap plants when you are done with em.

and you didn't spray a THING on the girls.

this is the ONLY insect control method I will use now (if I ever got bugs anymore, which I don't)


Spider Mite Control

Spider Mite Control

This is something I've been using lately. Seems like pretty good stuff thought I would share. I havent had mites at all that I know of & I use it primarily as a deterrent.


I never spray my plants unless I absolutely have to. I mainly use it to spray arround the Fans & filters etc after thoroughly cleaning the room first.

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