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spider mites on a sunday


Apologise if posted in wrong place.

So its sunday and ive discovered mite in my mother and cuttings cuoboard, all grow shops are closed and and lookung for a natural method I can implement right now. Ive found 100% natural neem powder in sainsburys and wanted to know if anyone knew if I coukd simply add water to this, its for the face. I also found a method where you simmer some peppers in water. Any help welcome thanks


Active member
tobacco sprays kill everything, neem is slow killer...put a tv in there maybe they will take a break and watch the football game too lol


Well-known member
Just wondering, are you in U.K.? Anyway I bought Neem oil in a big box hardware type store called Lowes. Another name is called Home Depot. Both of them are all over the U.S. but I don't think U.K. I hate the Spider Mites because they will take over your crop in a couple days. They have a 4 day life cycle and I think they are born pregnant because they spread so fast.

Anyway try the Neem to get you by until the hydro shops open. I have heard people spray with pure water to keep them under control. With good Neem you will need to spray every 4 days for a while because the eggs don't die and you need to get them as they hatch out. I use a preventative spray of Lavender tea each week which also kills off the eggs and I haven't had mites for several years. There is a quite expensive commercial product which contains a few PPM of Rosemary which also kills the eggs. If your plants are still in veg mites are no big deal, but if they are flowering mites ruin your buds. Mites reproduce so fast it is a good idea to try something today.


Hey bombcat thanks for the rply, yh im in the uk and whats available is limited.(still looking for dry ice, I can go pick up) I luckily my veg and cuttings are in a different part of the house and I spent a long time after examining the flowering plants and bleaching everything on the way to the flower room. Been spraying them with water since yesterday and am ready to find the best natural way predator mites sound good but doubt I find those locally. Could go on a ladybird hunt with a net


Well-known member
If you are super into organic I would stay with the Neem from the Hydro shop, or they would have some suggestions which would be expensive probably. I don't know if they sell something called Safers Soap which I have heard works good. Something called SNS 217 contains Rosemary and a fancy (and pricey) surfactant. You can even make a home made spray of hot red peppers etc. and I have heard that a spray made of rubbing alcohol works. Anyway you are on the right track by cleaning everything and then bleaching. At this time of year lady birds would be a lot of trouble. More towards spring nurseries sell them by the bag. The trouble with them is they won't stay put in the garden. Soon they move around through your whole house. They work good outside and they eat a lot of mites but as soon as the mite numbers drop the lady birds move on looking for a meal. As I mentioned I use a preventative spray of Lavender tea mostly because it works very well and smells better then Neem. I think France (for perfume) has a lot of Lavender flowers available over the internet so you could also make that spray. Anyway Neem is your best bet I think. Good luck with the mites and it sounds like you are doing everything right.


gralic spray, cook some garlic up, let it cool and then give it a spary. they will f*ck off until you cna get some proper treatment

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