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spider mites killed easily and for free


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Interesting. Hopefully didn't come off as an ass, just curiousity as the whether you observed it, or read it (in which case I would ask for the lit) :)

:tiphat: Thanks
just last night, i realised my plants had an infestation of spider mites. The leaves had white specks on them so I looked at the underside of the leaves and sure enough there were approx 2 or 3 small black bugs the size of a full stop on each leaf, as well as a shitload of eggs. I run a perpetual micro cab and the oldest plants are about 4 weeks from harvest, so i didnt want to use any chemicals and im also a cheap bastard so i did some reading and came up with this. First, i got about 10 cigarette butts from the ashtray and put them in a big plastic bottle with about half a pint of hot water, then i closed it up, put it next to the heater for an hour. Ithen strained it out through an old t shirt and poured it into a spray bottle and put it in the fridge til it was cold. Spider mites hate cold temps and moisture, so this is good. I put all the plants in the shower and sprayed them all one at a time very thouroughly make sure u cover ur face and hands and dont wear ur best clothes because it stinks. After that i put them all in a kitchen cabinet, sparked a cig and put in the ashtray along with the plants and shut the door. I have just checked them and all the adult mites seem to be dead. I will repeat this every 3 days or so until they are dead. Its not safe to use this method on food crops but as u are going to smoke the plants it doesnt matter.

Is this a joke?

4 weeks from harvest and your spraying a disgusting mix of "cigarette butts from the ashtray" and your reasoning is because you don't wanna spray chemicals and because your cheep... this is wrong for so many reasons!

Dude, you can get some neem oil for like 10bux! its organic. I personally wouldn't spray it on flowering plants, but if your willing to spray cigarette butt water on your plants, I think neem would be a much better alternative lol

quality in = quality out. you mentioned that you put the plants in the bathtub before spraying "because it stinks", well I bet that's what your finished product will smell like.

Id toss everything, clean the shit out of your grow area, and start fresh. keep everything very clean and your temps under control and you will avoid getting bugs in the first place

Good luck!


i read about using tobacco and i figured the butts would contain nicotine. When the butts are in water, only the water soluble chemicals are dissolved in the water. I was then gonna water cure the buds after harvest, so all the chemicals would be removed. As i said, i just used what i had to hand. I went and got rolling tobacco the day after as it wouldnt smell as bad. I was really jus trying to salvage a bit of smoke from the last few plants before packing it in.


The problem with a tobacco spray is that any of the mites that live are addicted to nicotine, and you need to keep spraying them every day.
A safer method would be CO2, a plastic bag with the plant in it in pure CO2 for a hour or two should do it, I do not know if it kills eggs so maybe several treatments. a few days apart?
Don't use poison on flowering Cannabis, nicotine is a poison.
Unless you smoke tobacco I guess, then you need it.
Next time prevention is the key.


if it smells like fish
I drink flaming shots all the time biotches...I have made some b hut spray that killed everything it touched . lost any fear of fire when I worked the steelmills back in pa ...hell my arms had no hair from the blast furnace .. a bit of tobacco spray early on wont hurt anything but bugs. co2 aint practical for most and don't kill eggs that I know of.you would have to do many treatments .how fast bugs cycles go can be affected by temps too.maybe a dedicated quaranteen area...I have used no pest strips early on with clones and a box..dichlorvos sp?...ha ha...peace


I personally hate tobacco, the smell, the taste, anything to do with it. I would never spray any Cannabis plant to be flowered with any poison, tobacco included, unless you only take little tiny rooted clones spray them and then grow them big to be clean mothers, then make your new clones from the now clean big mothers the new clones will be pest free. No pest strips? Come on now, sure they work but that is a fricking nerve poison. Dichlorvos is an insecticide with contact, respiratory and stomach action. Like many OP insecticides it also inhibits the enzyme cholinesterase, which results in disruption to the nervous and muscular system. Dichlorvos is absorbed through all routes of exposure. Since it is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, its overdose symptoms are weakness, headache, tightness in chest, blurred vision, salivation, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.
Dichlorvos damages DNA of insects.

Prevention is the key to pest control. Not tobacco or no pest strips.



I think mouts and stihg would make a wonderful couple......

Poor Mouts got a tongue lashing, Im picturing some dude in leather briefs curled up in the corner while being whipped, lmao!
I have used alcohol, but it takes the wax off the leaves!
Prevention is the key, and that's one reason I finally built sealed rooms, and I shower before every visit to that flowering room!
heres a tip for getting rid of mites aphids ect.i have done this on multiple grows and it is free and always works.all these pests hate cold water. take plants into shower if you are able to [sorry to all you hydro lovers this prob wont work] wash entire plant with cold running water for ten min or so shake plant.repeat as needed every day after until you see know more critters.make sure to shake and gently run hands an fingers over all sides of leaves.i grab a branch at base wrap my hand around an gently pull up branch.this will crush or knock off those pesky mites.a female mite can reproduce a-sexually up to a million babies in 1 week so there will be a few trips to the shower.i know this is a lot of work and some of you prob wont believe this works but i have got rid of some serious mite problems for growers and it always blows them away cause its basicly free and if every grower used this advice the pesticide industry would lose half its buisness organic and non organic overnight.please ask me more about this if its not making since.


3rd-Eye Jedi
nicoteen was used as an insecticide for some time because of its toxicity in concetration


3rd-Eye Jedi
From wiki

Use as an insecticide[edit]
Tobacco was introduced to Europe in 1559, and by the late 17th century, it was used not only for smoking but also as an insecticide. After World War II, over 2,500 tons of nicotine insecticide (waste from the tobacco industry) were used worldwide, but by the 1980s the use of nicotine insecticide had declined below 200 tons. This was due to the availability of other insecticides that are cheaper and less harmful to mammals.[6]

Currently, nicotine, even in the form of tobacco dust, is prohibited as a pesticide for organic farming in the United States.[102][103]

In 2008, the EPA received a request, from the registrant, to cancel the registration of the last nicotine pesticide registered in the United States.[104] This request was granted, and since 1 January 2014, this pesticide has not been available for sale.[105]

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