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spider mites attack!!


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
co2 method can be dangerous can poison plants w excess co2 ( was just reading a thread @ inert gasses to kill mites)

also, im w Iron Lion, azamax is more preventative than anything. im not saying it WONT kill mites, just not all of them. same w neem, its an anti-feedant, so they wont eat ur plants. ive had no luck killing bugs by feeding azamax to roots, imo, dont bother w that.

kill ur mites first then drench in neem and azamax (hank hemps got the idea!!)

tetrazan (brown crumbly powder) is a good ovacide for mite eggs, i use it mixed right w floramite sometimes (only in veg !!!)


Just sprayed "mighty wash" in mid flower...some sort of electronic water, magnetized and shit ?!? Sounds like some overpriced hydro shit a desperate stoner would buy!! All peace


LOL...F the stupid pest strips. I sat one on the top of a 1 gallon pot and the mites on the plant above just kept right on eating.

CO2...F that


Mighty Wash works like a mother! LOVE IT


Just sprayed "mighty wash" in mid flower...some sort of electronic water, magnetized and shit ?!? Sounds like some overpriced hydro shit a desperate stoner would buy!! All peace

That's just quote-worthy right there, mang. Quote-worthy!


Just sprayed "mighty wash" in mid flower...some sort of electronic water, magnetized and shit ?!? Sounds like some overpriced hydro shit a desperate stoner would buy!! All peace



Floramite/avid rotated in Veg only -

if already in flower i try to slow down with neem oil, but stop spraying neem oil around week 6 -

Was given a gallon of mighty wash, seems to do its job, but after this round of flower, my Mite problem is gone due to a avid/floramite rotated spray.


I see this thread is still very current.

How do you folks feel about organic insecticides? I use a combination of primarily tea tree and lavender oils mixed with a smaller amount of rosemary, tangerine, some natural soap, and water

Also there's onion, garlic, cumin, cayenne pepper, amongst others, to work with.

Are these generally considered not sufficiently effective? I've tested them on ants that were disturbing things in the house and it was not as effective as ant spray (instant twitching and such) but instead there was a 10-20 second delay, still, the effects were present and a light spraying caused death.

Do they not work as well with mites?


Lavender has been shown to be effective with mites, and there are other organic methods that utilize plants as you mention. Since I'm an organic producer, I won't use the other products here on my property, causes issues.


Just sprayed "mighty wash" in mid flower...some sort of electronic water, magnetized and shit ?!? Sounds like some overpriced hydro shit a desperate stoner would buy!! All peace

there is nothing better for mites that you can by at the hydro store....NOTHING!


Mighty wash works wonders! Dont ask I dont know why it works it just does! Never hade the little pricks til this year! Mighty washed them every three days for a week and two weeks later(over kill) and threw in a hot shot no pest strip and no more borg!


you COULD try just wiping them off with a wet papertowel..gets each single leaf,everypart,stems.,and keep doing it every 2 days or so,you can also trim all major big fanleaves to make your job easier lol,trust me i know thing from experience,the lil shits gave me a good battle lol,in the end i used something from homedepot,you hang up.
Azatrol will kill them, but you need to add Monterrey garden insect spray and you need to use a fogger. No sprayer will do what a fogger does. Add Azatrol at 1 tablespoon per quart, and Monterrey at 1 tablespoon per quart, fog once a week and your mites will be dead. Then keep using this as a preventative. And this method is organic too. They both have an OMRI label. I bought Floramite, I bought Avid, and they sit on the shelf because this works just as good and is way less toxic.


New member
End-all 2 also worked great for me ..Veg stage only..I mix 3/4 strength as per label & spray every 3-4 days x2 then once a week x2. Never came back & I had lots & webs too..Spray whole plant especially the undersides of leaves. Friends had them in bud and used a vacum cleaner or cold water spray for good control till cuttin time. Good luck..


also, im w Iron Lion, azamax is more preventative than anything. im not saying it WONT kill mites, just not all of them. same w neem, its an anti-feedant, so they wont eat ur plants.

Sad thing is it doesn't work all that well as an anti feedant either. I've been fighting them for months and if I dont stay on it weekly they will rise up again. Pesky little cack suckers.

Just when I think I've got them beat back pretty good I find them on clones or a few leaves here and there.

Organic joe

i just got rid of the little bastards took some clones from an outside crop cause I didn't have any mothers and brought them in with the cuts...
Anyways I used fox farms don't bug me sprayed the stuff on both sides of the leaves waited a week and sprayed again haven't seen them since im going to spray them one more time here in a few days just to be sure I got all of them


New member
I use rubbing alcohol and water. It kills the mites, but you gotta keep spraying when the eggs hatch. They either kill the mites on contact, or dries them out.

I've heard NO PEST STRIPS don't work in Southern California because mites are already resistant to it, along with a bunch of other products.
I'll probably try that mighty wash when they come back.

It's best to use more than one product and rotate them.




this is old but my two ¢'s. i take a cup of 90% rubbing alcohol. dice 4 habeneros and soak these for a while, (i did 3 days?) shaking a couple times, add a cup of water, strain through coffee filter, and spray your plant liberally - tops and bottoms of leaves and stem.
i tried one treatment, they came back after a couple weeks, but after two treatments they are gone, (as of two months ago) and even had vigorous growth after every spray. it's like they actually loved it! the mites were stunting the growth.
you will want to wear gloves and the air gets real tough to breath in, so i do this in my bathroom holding my breath. i have not had a problem with spicy mj or a toilet seat that burns your ass, lol. worked awesome for me.


Active member
Here is what has worked well for me. This method will make whatever miticide you use work best. I cover the top of the medium and dunk the whole plant in Spinosad w/wetting agent [very important]. Dunking gives you total coverage, and rinses off many of the mites and eggs.

I do this again in no more than 36 hours, again in 36, and if I'm feeling energetic, again in 48. This short interval kills most of the hatchlings before they can lay eggs.

Usually what I use is Spinosad, followed by Azadiractin for the last app. I highly recommend Azasol, the new water soluble form of Azadiractin. It is much more systemic, has a lot longer shelf life, about the same cost, and I have seen no phytotoxicity like with Azatrol/Azamax/Neem. Last crop I sprayed with it in the first week of 12/12 as a preventive. No mites.

It's important to spray your walls, floor, doors, and entire outside, including bottoms, of containers. Good luck. -granger


In all my years of growing, I've never had spider mites, thrips, or root aphids. Are there areas or climates in North America where you just don't see such pests?

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