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SpicySativa's Medicine Cabinet

What's up everyone?

I figured I'd start up a thread to journal the happenings in my little medicine cabinet. First off, I'll give a few details about my setup...

~ 4' x 4' x 6.5' home built cabinet

~ 600 watt digi ballast (MH veg, HPS flower)

~ Air cooled hood

~ 6" Vortex fan to keep things cool and fresh

~ Carbon filter to eliminate stank

I've also got a little 2' x 4' clone/seedling/veg cabinet lit by a 6 bulb T5, vented by a 4" S&P inline fan (those fans kick ass...).

Currently, I've got some TGA Jillybean clones at day 6 of 12/12. They're in some "frankensoil" I mixed up from various used soil, random bag remnants, organic goodies, worm castings (homemade and bagged), etc, etc... Basically the leftovers from a few years of organic gardening experiments mixed up in more or less reasonable proportions. They seem to like it.

Stay tuned. It's about to get interesting :biggrin:


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awesome..."frankensoil"!!! i wouldn't be surprised if some "guru" markets a new soil brand for cannabis with that name. sounds way more badass than super soil! patent that shit asap!


Active member
What's up everyone?

I figured I'd start up a thread to journal the happenings in my little medicine cabinet. First off, I'll give a few details about my setup...

~ 4' x 4' x 6.5' home built cabinet

~ 600 watt digi ballast (MH veg, HPS flower)

~ Air cooled hood

~ 6" Vortex fan to keep things cool and fresh

~ Carbon filter to eliminate stank

I've also got a little 2' x 4' clone/seedling/veg cabinet lit by a 6 bulb T5, vented by a 4" S&P inline fan (those fans kick ass...).

Currently, I've got some TGA Jillybean clones at day 6 of 12/12. They're in some "frankensoil" I mixed up from various used soil, random bag remnants, organic goodies, worm castings (homemade and bagged), etc, etc... Basically the leftovers from a few years of organic gardening experiments mixed up in more or less reasonable proportions. They seem to like it.

Stay tuned. It's about to get interesting :biggrin:

Nice simple and clean setup.. have your ran the jillybean from TGA before? if so whats your thoughts on her?.. getting ready to do an all TGA run next grow in a sim. setup.. have like 5 different packs in total to start.. have ran their vortex, qrazy train and querkle b4 and loved them all.. anyways good luck.. look forward to updates!



What's funny about using the name Super Soil is that this is a brand name going back almost 60 years. Today it's owned by Scotts/Miracle Grow but for the first 43 years it was an independent, family-owned company.

Available at Home Depot - wee!
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Gone but NOT forgotten...
Plants look good....what are you using as food sources later in the cycle....any inputs of any sort plannned?
This current mix is only lightly amended, because I didn't have long to let it "cook". I'll be using some guano teas and top dresses to get me through flowering. I've also got a couple leftover bottles of Earth Juice that I might find use for.

I mixed up a soil from scratch for next round, and it'll have at least 4-5 weeks to break down before I use it. I'll post up my recipe when I have a minute.
Nice simple and clean setup.. have your ran the jillybean from TGA before? if so whats your thoughts on her?.. getting ready to do an all TGA run next grow in a sim. setup.. have like 5 different packs in total to start.. have ran their vortex, qrazy train and querkle b4 and loved them all.. anyways good luck.. look forward to updates!

I haven't run the Jillybean yet. So far from from TGA I've run:

- Space Queen from a dispensary clone- Love that stuff...

- Jack the Ripper (clones) - Also nice

- Pandoras Box from seed - Very potent and tasty, but 4 phenos out of 4 all hermed on me and the buds were pretty fluffy.

- Cheese Quake from seed - I really like this one despite some nanners on 2 out of 4 phenos late(ish) in bloom.

Still pondering what to grow next. Thinking I'd like something a little more stable... It's tricky running seeds in my little cabinet when some phenos stretch twice as much as others.
Here's the mix I built up the other day. Got 40 gallons of it mixed and wet down (won't be needed for about a month and a half or so).

Base Mix:
- Equal parts Alaska Peat, Perlite (wide range of particle sizes), and worm castings (home made supplemented with some from a local worm farm). I also added some Alaskan Humus at about 5% or so for a little extra diversity.

Nitrogen Sources:
- Crab Meal -- 0.5 TBSP/gal
- Alfalfa Meal -- 0.5 TBSP/gal
- Neem Seed Meal -- 0.5 TBSP/gal

Phosphorus Source:
- Fish Bone Meal --2 TBSP/gal

Potassium, micronutrients, etc:
- Kelp Meal -- 1.5 TBSP/gal

Rock Dusts, Minerals, etc:
- Powdered Dolomite Lime -- 2 TBSP/gal
- Azomite -- 2 TBSP/gal
- Soft Rock Phosphate -- 1 TBSP/gal

There you have it! I think it's going to work wonderfully.
Couple more pics of the flowering cabinet. I took the ducts off my air cooled hood and removed the glass. Works great to warm them up a little down in my chilly basement.

I store stuff in the veg cabinet while I'm not using it, so no pictures of that right now... I'll snap some when I clear it out for next round.


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Active member
Hey Spicy. Looking excellent, Just wondering how long you let thoes Jack the rippers go. I have some and was curious on time frame.
Vortex- It's been a couple years since I ran that JTR, but if I recall correctly they went about 9 weeks. That's also going to be a factor of which phenotype the clone vendor happened to select (or not select...).
Updated Pictures- Day 25 of 12/12

Updated Pictures- Day 25 of 12/12

What's up everyone?

I took a few pictures of the garden last night. We're at day 25 with the Jillybeans, and things are going smoothly. They have a STRONG orange/cherry smell going on. :) Along with their "Frankensoil", I've been giving mild feedings of all kinds of goodies. A little kelp, a little alfalfa, a little guano (top dressed), etc. I've also been giving them potassium silicate.

Had a little touch of PM, but haven't seen any since giving 2 treatments of Green Cure and cranking the dehumidifier up a little.



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Day 30 of 12/12

Day 30 of 12/12

What's up guys?

Here's an updated canopy shot. The Jilly's are smelling fantastic and lovin' life. Top dressed a little alfalfa, N guano, and P guano about a week ago, which they seem like. :)



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Nice looking plants! Getting what they want from the looks of it!