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Spicey Buds - Black Pepper, Curry, Incense


Well-known member
TASTE and AROMA are compleeeetely different things!!!!!

Spicey Taste has absolutely NOTHING to do with what i'm trying to describe.

Spicey AROMA is what i'm after.


loads of weed 'tastes spicey' on the tongue. it has NOTHING to do with the AROMA .

sorry to be blunt about it. i've seen way to many of these threads go to shit, because people seem to think Taste & Smell mean the same thing.... they do not, at all, except for the few Strains that actually taste like the smell.

keep em coming guys :)

Taste and smell have more in common than you obviously think. I watched a Discovery film recently where they show that you can't distinguish pork meat from chicken, fish or cow... all meat tastes the same if you clamp your nose... Only the basic taste comes from the tongue receptors, all the rest comes from the nose. That's from wikipedia:

Interactions of Olfaction with other senses

Olfaction and taste
Olfaction, taste and trigeminal receptors together contribute to flavor. The human tongue can distinguish only among five distinct qualities of taste, while the nose can distinguish among hundreds of substances, even in minute quantities. It is during exhalation that the olfaction contribution to flavor occurs in contrast to that of proper smell which occurs during the inhalation phase[20]


seeker of greater knowledge
Dude Mist of destruction...its kali-mist crossed to a Thai destroyer pheno......smells VERY spicey and strong incense smoke a joint then leave the room for a few minutes and return you'll be amazed how spicey the room smells..one of my all time faV's to smoke
Right on yoss33...smell and taste are VERY much entertwined.

Anything Haze or containing Haze will have a very high possibility/probability of incensed spiciness. The original Sweet Tooth by Breeder Steve had a rare black pepper pheno. Spice from Mr. Nice fits the description. Tropical Treat and Tropicana, also by Breeder Steve had easily found "spicy" phenos. Malawi Gold is very "spicy" in my experiences. A lot of SE Asian landraces have varying degrees of spicyness and/or incense, as do Mexican landraces.....also seems like the majority of Mexican and Columbian combinations have a place on the list. Sensi Seeds in the mid-to late 90's were pumping out tons of seed that produced females with general pepper/spice/incense smells and flavors, especially Silver Pearl and a Skunk cross that I can't recall the name of at the moment.

I think my brain is cramping trying to remember all of the strains I've experienced that are in this category of smells and flavors.....all I know is pepper/spice/incense is my favorite flavor by far.

I'm not sure about the modern incarnations of Kali Mist, but "pre '98" was EXTREMELY peppery/spicy...almost irritating nasally, eye-watering deliciousness. From what I hear, modern Kali Mist still has what it takes, although it might take a little more searching through the females to find one with the same potentcy of "ZING!" flavor as the "pre '98". Kali Most from MOD, Kali Mist from Serious and Western Wind from Sagarmatha is where "I" would look if my search was for spicy-ness...specifically black pepper.

I'll be back.

Ya'll be good.


IMO ---- That is bullshit if you cant distinguish different kinds of meat, etc etc etc.... that simply means you have dull senses.
In gradeschool we did the "potato or apple? wear a blindfold and clamp your nose and guess" ---- completely half and half, not everyone is as simple as modern science likes to tell us !!

I have only had 3 maybe 4 kinds of weed, where the smell IS the taste.

When you burn cannabis, so much chemical change happens. Everything changes.

I've had the best smelling weed "oh my god give me that jar again" taste like absolute death-shit .
I've also had terrible smelling dirty-hay and ammonia , that tasted like tropical delight goodness, among other things :)

I've also had good smells that taste good, but nothing like the smell.
I've also had shitty smelling weed, that tasted like shit, but not the same shitty.

see my point ? :)

Smell and Taste , are NOT the same. Only SOME strains have been bred to be completely uniform in those two qualities....
and they are not common in my bit of the woods.

Thank you Texa, Yoss, Vince, & Tiger

Looks like i need to find me some Oldschool Kali mist then eh? :)

the cross to Destroyer sounds fckin killer.


What really puzzles me, is what strain was grown at a north latitude, that has this description? it finished here , has been grown for at least a decade or two....


sweet chili mango. Pure pepper and mango. Is a rework of Somango with ???? , amazingly clear black pepper odor, pungent, and mango on top-----
Is from some small bank, but here are very popular....
Kali mist, too, yes.....
I love spicy things ;)


Orient Express from ACE seeds has a pheno that is spicy. Not peppery, more like indian or thai spices. I get the undertones of massaman curry (with that slight sweet/nutty peanut butter in the undertones)

I'm not sure if the smell is from the Hybid or if it leans towards its mom (Vietnamese Black) or its dad (Chinese Yunnan Indica)


The Willie Nelson cut I have is peppery, but only 30 days in so far... good sized buds already for a sat and she's gulping down the N....

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