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Spherical Vertical Sea of green


New member
I want to construct a gro cabinet that uses a vertical screen shaped like a tube about 2 feet in diameter. I will hang one or 2 compact enviro grow fluorescent tubes in the centre. My question is after I have trained the plant to grow around the outside of the wire all around the globe once I activate flowering will the buds all shoot through horizontally towards the light and if so what distance would they need between the bulb and the wire,

Is this feasible, will the buds be able to stand up, any im put would be extent before i commit to construction

pleas look in my galery for a pict i couldent figure how to put a pict here


Voluptuous Trichomes
I like this concept

I like this concept

I have thought of something like this as well, I grow with a vertical barebulb for bloom; and have been for sometime....
Yes, the colas will lean to the light and grow horizontally through the screen....
That's a good question about the distance of the bulb to the wire. I'd have the wire 12" from the bulb...but I would use a 400W or 1kW bulb....so I'd think you could run closer maybe? Course, one has to know the strain they're dealing with (how much it stretches, etc.)...and multiple strains could be an issue, unless each plant had it's on screen.....which could be done. Always nice to have the ability to move plants IMO :)
I'm new at this, so I am hoping someone experienced shows up to educate us both

Thanks for the thread



there was an omega thread but its dead right now due to security issues for the threadstarter, it had to get shut down and because its so big it doesnt have a new home yet.

- ezra -

its a good design for light efficiency, but I think vertically suspended lights work better in a larger setup. The reason is that in this setup, you will not have much floor space to work with, so in that respect it does limit the space efficiency. You have essentially a large space in the center of the cab which is empty. Also, the optimum shape for your cab would be circular (or square), most cabs are rectangular, with the width being much greater than depth, so that is something else to consider. Your cab would have to be the right shape to take advantage of the design.

By all means go for it. The shoots will not grow toward the light anywhere near as much as you think. They will grow upward for the most part as per normal. For small cab setups, I really think that the dished scrog is one of the best ways to increase space efficiency. I am currently re-building my setup which will feature a curved "halfpipe of green" type configuration. If you interested, check the second link in my sig to give you an idea of what I am talking about. That was my first run with this type of setup, and it has great potential. Check out also Underground Man' s setup which is basically the same idea, only his is a 250 hps, not a 400. He also built a custom air cooled hood which is a very good design as well.

good luck, Ez
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New member
Life span

Life span

I just want to know the length of the stages n growing weed, when is it ok to add some nurturance I’ve got this natural fish stuff also how long before the seedlings axially start to look like pot plants they really quickly start to sprout and then just stay the same for ages


New member
also just one more question I sprout seedlings on a shelf but I’ve bean told that you can do it on the hot back part of your pc monitor it gets to around 35`c is that too hot will it cook my plants what cong of tolerance do spouting seeds have

cheers thanks for all the help


If you cover the vents on the back of your monitor, you'll cause it to overheat and probably wind up drying out or cooking your seeds, not to mention frying your monitor. The seeds don't really need extra heat.

I get a styrofoam peanut, use a drill bit to bore a hole in the top center of the peanut small enough so the seed doesn't fall through, but big enough for the root. Then I mark the peanut with the strain and put it in a tall cup 2/3 full of plain tap water. Then I add a small aquarium airstone (1'', 2 for a buck kind). Turn the airflow on enough for a gentle bubbling, but not so much like a rolling boil. Too much bubbling will cause your roots to grow in a twisty, spirally fashion parallel with the surface of the water rather than growing more or less straight down the way I want them to. So just a gentle bubbling is enough. Then I cover the cup with an old CD and run the air tubing through the center hole, keeping the moisture high and preventing evaporation. I have better success with this than any other method I've tried. None of the other methods even come close to the success rate of this one, imho. This same method works well for rooting bare cuttings quickly for mediumless growing, my preferred method.

Good luck.


Got Buds?

New member
T.T man ur way sounds complicated doc......o_O
i just stick a few beans in a glass of warter and off you go lol.......


Good idea:


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