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Specific question related to 5 gallon buckets and sprayers/misters using no medium


Active member
this forum is acting retarded,

Wow what a bitch ass thing to say when you're looking for a hand on such a simple project....Dude you made three posts in 8min smoke a J and check back later and don't insult the members of this forum if you truly want help it smacks of trollishness.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
For now, let's give him the benefit of doubt and assume he's referring to difficulty in posting pics rather than attacking members.


Active member
Oops sorry,of course FB you are correct should had that second cup of coffee instead of the third vape.hit..but that Urkel is just so tasty...In answer to your question; I would just run top drip with emitters if you are running to waste. This will maximize the amount of water delived to the roots by efficiently saturating your media. Misting from below will not efficiently saturate your coco and will waste nutes in a DTW drip system. If you recirc sprayers would work fine bu coco might not be the best media choice as you will have clogged sprayers from the particulates. Hope this helps and sorry for the misunderstanding.


Active member
The drip to waste sounds infinitely simpler to carry out and maintain. 168 clones is a lot, will there be veg time? Even without in a 2 by 8 area it will be impossible I think.

get 2 2 X 4 ebb and flood tables, and set up 2 30 gallon reservoirs. You can use coco to simplify your life...or hydroton if you are feeling up to the challenge.

Just my opinion though. Sprayers and buckets and piping is just a pain, especially if you have no experience with it.

good luck either way.


New member
Follow this thread!

Follow this thread!

This thread is from another sight. The grower dr greenthumb grows Sog style but he uses aeroponic buckets to grow the mothers and they are incredible. The URL takes you too the component pics. The pics of the moms is a couple of pages ahead.


Change the xx to tt.
Googd luck and don't forget a chiller.


The dr greenthumb thread inspired my original idea. I am no longer doing the 168 clones, 21 5 gallon buckets in a 3ish ft wide 8ish ft long area with a 1000w on a mover.

Nothing here has helped me yet so I'm just abandoning this thread. Anybody have any idea where I could find people who know anything about sprayers and won't tell me how I should change my grow?


I've been arond the forums since overgrow, great site but i think you have to be one of the regulars on here to get any help. Shame really were all trying to acheive the same thing !!!!!!!