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Special Report: High Finance and Corporate Pot, California Style



Special Report: High Finance and Corporate Pot, California Style.

I liked this article.

I like the part where the Mexican dealer says "We are Screwed."


But as Wilcox points out, his business model -- a nonprofit -- will be less Google or Apple and more Trader Joe's, a California cut rate gourmet grocery chain. The store's best-known product is $2 per bottle Charles Shaw wine, known affectionately as Two Buck Chuck and considered a great glass of wine for the price.

"The new Two Buck Chuck will be $40 an ounce pot," Wilcox said in an interview, looking forward to a day of full legalization. Boutique growers could produce the high-end stuff in their "gardens," he explained, while he supplied the masses with a clean, controlled, great-value product.

If California legalizes marijuana, the rest of the nation may well follow. One way or the other, cut rate, highly potent California weed is unlikely ....


"What you are dealing with is frustrated sex for plants," says Wilcox, explaining how the goal is to grow female plants to the point they are yearning for fertilization, producing a sticky substance full of mind-bending chemical THC.

The process typically begins in a musky smelling basement dripping with tropical heat from high-powered grow lights, which have contributed greatly to fires in Oakland, city officials say. Clippings from the perfect mother plant, known as clones, are brushed in rooting compound. They are then set in a pot of rock wool in a tub that is regularly flooded with nutrient-enriched water.

Wilcox's plan includes a 7-acre site with a 100,000-square-foot growing space, a bakery, a testing lab, job training and growing equipment production at the site -- which would need to win one of the four Oakland permits to go into business. If it did, it would produce 58 pounds of cannabis a day at wholesale prices of $2,500 to $3,000 per pound

It is interesting to read this. There is the plan. 58 pounds a day planned. $145,000 to $175,000 a day in sales??

Grass Lands

it says here the restriction may be TAKEN AWAY...how does he figure this when there will be restrictions on the growing space and the amount we can carry out side our homes...not to mention being unable to toke in public...I see folks smoking cigs every day in public with no restrictions...

The U.S. state that first allowed sales of medicinal marijuana, in 1996, may take away all restrictions on adult use of the drug in a November vote, giving local governments the option to regulate sales and growing of marijuana.

how does he plan on selling zips at 40.00, when he states right here the wholesale price will be 2500-3k...this guys contradicts himself in every other sentence it seems...hmmmm

Two buck Chuck=40.00 ounces

If it did, it would produce 58 pounds of cannabis a day at wholesale prices of $2,500 to $3,000 per pound and send the city more than $2 million per year in taxes if a 3 percent growers' tax were initiated.

I have an issue with the SIN tax...we cant we call it a pleasure tax...I take pleasure when I smoke my sacred herb...I feel no sin what so ever...

The prospect of a sin tax on a culturally acceptable drug has been gaining advocates for years. A bill in the state legislature would legalize pot, charge $50 an ounce tax and, according to state accountants, bring in $1.4 billion per year.

yeah and along with the joint they are toking on a crack/meth pipe and .45 in the pocket... take your fight elsewhere, this a cannabis battle not a civil battle...

Recently the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People came out in support of marijuana legalization. "This is not a drugs rights issue, this is a civil rights issue. It is time for them to stop using my community to populate the prison system on such minor offenses such as having a joint," said Alice Huffman, the NAACP California president.

legalize harder drugs...what the hell are they thinking...I've seen what these drugs can do...

Legal marijuana may not solve many of the problems associated now with the drug, but some proponents have an answer -- legalize harder drugs as well. NAACP and a group of cops who favor legalization, called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, agree this is the first step. Legalizing heroin and cocaine is a much harder sell, but there is an answer to that too -- start with legalization for medical reasons -- just like marijuana did.

Articles of this manner are causing folks to not see the real prop19 for what it really is...I've spoke to many a young tokers who think if this passes they will be able to toke when and where they please...they have no idea to what prop19 will limit it them to.



Active member
but the best marijuana 'grow' is a private world completely divorced from nature that produces a drug with 10 or 15 times the punch as your hippie grandparents' weed.

Is everyone in the media brainwashed?

Grass Lands

but the best marijuana 'grow' is a private world completely divorced from nature that produces a drug with 10 or 15 times the punch as your hippie grandparents' weed.

Is everyone in the media brainwashed?

I seen that too and damn near fell out of my chair...lol
The costs are minimal, falling as low as 20 cents in electricity and plant supplies for established growers whose pot would retail for as much as $20 a gram, a Los Angeles area law enforcement source estimated. That would take the cost of producing a pound of weed to under $100.
